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Thread: Player market value

  1. #1
    Apprentice cosmin100's Avatar
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    Player market value


    I've seen many players on the transfer market, as an exmaple 2 MC, one fom France one from Canada, both 18yo, the French guy with 17 star and the canadian with 21 stars but the French guy is worth like 1.2M and the Canadian guy only 900K, even thou he is better...What are the reasons behind this? And this is not the only case, many players like this on the transfer market. What am I missing here?

  2. #2
    VIP dv8r's Avatar
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    Higher price indicates a faster training speed.

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  3. #3
    Apprentice cosmin100's Avatar
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    Thanks! Other than the price, how could we know the speed he will get better?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dv8r View Post
    Higher price indicates a faster training speed.
    this isn't true.
    i bought such an 18 yo. he was as good as another one but cost 1,6 million whereas the worse 18 yo cost less than 1 million. People had told me on the forum that the guy with the higher price would train at a faster speed. Well, turns out that the expensive 18 yo I bought is my team's worst trainer! He trains as much as my 28yo's

  5. #5
    Dreamer Gafaton's Avatar
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    na toca acampado.
    Quote Originally Posted by dv8r View Post
    Higher price indicates a faster training speed.
    it's not 100% true
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  6. #6
    Rookie singaboy's Avatar
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    Then why on earth would we like to buy EXPENSIVE Player? Wasting money since there is no proof. Better by FREE transfer player haha...but make sure you got enough Token

  7. #7
    Dreamer Joshiko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by singaboy View Post
    Then why on earth would we like to buy EXPENSIVE Player? Wasting money since there is no proof. Better by FREE transfer player haha...but make sure you got enough Token
    i don't understand how people can say higher cost means faster trainer with certainty.. i also don't believe that's always the case

    as for wasting money, the market value is not the most important factor, the actual value is. you waste you money if you pay more than you actually should. with the same people bidding on those two kind of players, of course you will waste more money on the expensive one. but it could be that people bidding on the cheap player are more than the expensive one since more manager can afford him. even though you pay more for the expensive player, you can also get more when you sell him. so, he can be your source of money also

    what really matters is how many tokens you spend on the player. same case with free transfer. if you spend more than 2-3 tokens on free agent players, it's your loss. the ideal token spent is only 1-2 and unfortunately it doesn't happen that often
    singaboy likes this.

  8. #8
    Dreamer gkassimis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cosmin100 View Post

    I've seen many players on the transfer market, as an exmaple 2 MC, one fom France one from Canada, both 18yo, the French guy with 17 star and the canadian with 21 stars but the French guy is worth like 1.2M and the Canadian guy only 900K, even thou he is better...What are the reasons behind this? And this is not the only case, many players like this on the transfer market. What am I missing here?
    has anyone thought that maybe in first case the seller put the highest possible price and in second case the seller put the minimum price cause he just wanted to get rid of the player?
    Kyparissia FC
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  9. #9
    Dreamer Joshiko's Avatar
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    but in both cases the player's market value would still be the same

  10. #10
    Apprentice cosmin100's Avatar
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    Value that the player will be sold at is irrelevant...What we are talking here or at least trying to understand, it's the value of the player, same age, smae position same skills but far difference in their respective values. I read that South american players tend to eprform bettrer in this game. Is this a legend or somewhat true?

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