15 Titles
10 Runner-up
5 Champions league
2 Runner-up
4 Cups
2 Runner-up
1 Treble
so been moved to bug and tech area ? hope admin Moi can find it for update
15 Titles
10 Runner-up
5 Champions league
2 Runner-up
4 Cups
2 Runner-up
1 Treble
o`k ignore above postlol
15 Titles
10 Runner-up
5 Champions league
2 Runner-up
4 Cups
2 Runner-up
1 Treble
Hi Moi, thanks for the update. Could you please post a link for us fb/pc/laptop sufferers to complain to. I do not know who is the provider. Maybe I am simple but a link would be helpful. Thanks.
Glad to see I'm not the only one with this problem. It only seems to be an issue on the pc site, mobile site works fine (when it decides to have any available that is). Anyone heard of the problem being dealt with from the powers that be yet?
I have gathered the three threads together to keep track of this. Admin made a post above.
ohhh shock ANOTHER injury this time for 15 days, well you can shove it if you think i`m wasting red packs because the sodding video`s are not rewarding
15 Titles
10 Runner-up
5 Champions league
2 Runner-up
4 Cups
2 Runner-up
1 Treble
For F... sake, an injury epedemic is lurcing at Nordeus an the timing is perferct, excactly at the same time that the booster videoes are out of order ..... patience ... patience ... now calm your self .... phuuhhh...
Have a nice day you all![]()
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
and i`m still being ROBBED by the thieving XXXXX not rewarding token or red packs if i was caught thieving i`d be arrested and up in court. Video below takes up full screen and can`t shorten as the video won`t so i have to log out and log back in and when press the watch video for token same dam thing happens and can`t press done button so have to log out AGAIN, with video`s for pack same 5 video`s and no reward is getting on my wick especially when Nordeus are screwing us with injuries
15 Titles
10 Runner-up
5 Champions league
2 Runner-up
4 Cups
2 Runner-up
1 Treble