Hello all,
I'm new here and am so far enjoying the game. Not being a rich person I am not going to spend a lot of money on in-app purchases on tokens etc. So I figured I'd read the forum, and learn from the more experienced members.
I've run into two problems though. The first one is not important for now, but the second is making things difficult: I don't understand most of the abbreviations and other T11 terms. T11 being a prime example. I figured out T most of the time means tokens. And T35 refers to a contract. So I figured T11 was referring to players using 11 tokens or so. Well... I was wrong. Took me a while to figure that one out though, leading to a bunch of confusion on my part.
So is there a place on the forum (or elsewhere) where a list of all the abbreviations and other T11 terms can be found?
Thanks in advance!