It looks like a good team. Some rates of players could been better (like Kristensen & Anwar), your other ST doesn't look reliable.
Maybe try to find someone more effective ST.
If oppo playing with wingers, be careful with your wing backs.
Try playing defense/counters/flanks with 4-5-1V even if you have a better q team.
If oppo has more shots or counters, maybe try not to put red arrows in your MCs.
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I can see some problems in there.
Firstly remove the arrows since they destroy the balance between attack and defence. Put your DL in his natural position,play McGregor instead of Barrani,play 4 in the back(put Brocker as DR) and buy a new GK(I see this issue as an important one in your context). Also try different formations,maybe a 4-2-2-2 hexagon suits your squad better,or 4-5-1 V.
Three central defenders is like playing russian roulette. If opponent has wingers, they will destroy you even if the have lower quality
Four defenders or some DMR/DML
And I don't bellive in arrows on all players, they get confused!![]()
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
Well I don't think the arrows are a problem, I use the play quite same like you.
Some issues, your players are tired from what I see, stop training them, if you don't have a lot of packs for a power training, stop training them... is pointless (IMO).
Also you have a defender out of position, why? Put him in his place and play DL-DC-DC there's no problem, it's even better then playing with him out of his position.
So quick list to do.
1. Stop training them, keep them 99%
2. Improve their moral to superb if you can.
3. Resolve your DL issue.
4. Come back and let me know what changed!
Before every single match my players have at least 90% energy and 100% morale. The picture is just done after game and training. I even try your tactics like you show on FB with Orlova Academy. I ask you on FB what kind of orders you using. I try do somethin my own, but I lost 3 games and I leave it.
You will never be able to play like X person from X tutorial, each manager have his own style and is quite impossible to explain you all his playing style.
Is good if you have moral and condition so good but you are level 21, how can you play with a player on an illegal formation... you are losing a lot on defensive line by playing like that.
Look at your players notes, the worst from all is the DL who is playing out of his position (DC). Fix that and play few games and let us know!
The problem now is that your players are already in a bad form so you can't change everything over the night... Good luck!