My striker has played almost all my matches this season, but as only scored 12 goals in all competition. Are there anything i can do to start making him score more goals? Formation/ Orders?
My striker has played almost all my matches this season, but as only scored 12 goals in all competition. Are there anything i can do to start making him score more goals? Formation/ Orders?
Goals in 21 League matches?... if are 10 or so, and he is your best scorer, what you relly need is a good companion + MC's that can help and do interesting contributions in some sense.
1 goal every 2 matches is not too bad really, Ive seen worst lol
My top scorer is also top scorer in the league with 19 goals. He is an MC. My strikers weigh in with assists but are only on 7 and 5 goals all season in the league.
FC Loella. Server 121. Level 19
13 League Titles
2 Champions League
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
In my experience, the qualities of league teams in last few seasons have become close. So there are less high scorers. You should evaluate your scorer with comparison to league average, etc. Anyway 12 goals is not the worst. Some strikers can have good rating but really cannot score.
If your team plays really well, you may not need to worry about low scoring strikers. They may have other role to contribute. But if your team really need extra scoring ability, I am afraid it is hard to dramatically improve scoring ability of strikers, unless you assign him as free kicker or penalty taker. I will simply replace him and test another ST.
From my experience, there are three kinds of ST.
-The good ones, who like to score
-The bad, who starting playing with rates of 4-5-6. Those players are bad programs or doesn't fit in my team or they need time but I don't have the patient to wait for 1-2 seasons to perform, so I sell them asap.
-The ST, who are not bad but they don't score a lot. Those players prefer to give passes/assists to other players.
I hate when them my team rushes in a counter attack, my ST has the ball but instead of making a shot, passes to my defender who misses - wtf is doing my DC with a blue arrow, in a counter attack, in front of the oppo GK
Those ST it's better to play with another (scorer) ST as a pair. If you're playing with a formation like a 4-5-1V or a 4-1-4-1 you 'll not be effective (unless you have a hell of wingers ).
Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 06-24-2015 at 04:09 PM.
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Look at assists too? If he doesnt score goals does he get other players to score? Total goals+assists more or less same as total matches, then he's alright!
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