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Thread: Morale dropping, what's the secret behind?

  1. #1
    Famous Morgan O'Bree's Avatar
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    Morale dropping, what's the secret behind?

    Seeing at my last 15 matches, they were 14 W and one loss. All apart the loss with me watching the match. Now what i don't get is why even after winning the cup, turnovering, and winning in league too, some of my players still are dropping in morale. Is it a certain variable of so happening? Or i'm missing something here? :P
    Any feedback appreciated, ty :P

  2. #2
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Victory is helping you to keep good moral but is not always like that, you can win a game but not all players will play great and if they will take a bad note, even if you won, their moral will decrease.
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  3. #3
    Pro Ro Edu's Avatar
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    as i notice too ... to me 6 random players drop the moral from superb to very good or even good !

  4. #4
    Famous fmldotcom's Avatar
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    The secret is tokens to buy blue happy pills

  5. #5
    Apprentice cosmin100's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fmldotcom View Post
    The secret is tokens to buy blue happy pills
    Be careful not to buy Viagra, that will make them very happy but OUTSIDE the field
    Spyros likes this.
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  6. #6
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
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    Let`s spin this round my gk got clean sheet yet his moral goes down surely clean sheet would improve his morale ? same as my striker coming off bench setting goal up and scoring 2 his moral should improve but no it goes down ?

  7. #7
    Dreamer Gafaton's Avatar
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    na toca acampado.
    im just ignoring the morale... i win all games and they r with "0%" morale, i wont use tokens for it
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Why peoples worry about morale when everyone should have more than enough Morale pack

  9. #9
    Addicted Spyros's Avatar
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    Moral might go down:

    If you place a player in a no standard position in formation (geting a dc to a dl position will make him drop morale)
    If you lose a match(have you noticed that not everyone drops morale after a defeat???)
    If you intense train him(same rule as above - not for everyone)
    If you buy a depressed player (you might buy a great quality player but no matter what, he will drop morale like others underperform. Fortunately for all this doesnt occurs very often, but it still does)

    If you come with some other reasons please say so!
    Last edited by Spyros; 03-08-2013 at 03:03 AM.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    isnt it obvious that the game is designed to make morale randomly drop, then you use morale boosters to get it back up. After a while, you dont have enough morale boosters and need to buy tokens in order to buy morale booster-packs.

    i have a player who was mediocre the entire season, until last 7 games where he's been phenomenal. his morale went down to red in last 2 games

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