But, does training an SA have any effect on a player's performance? I mean that, is a trained FK specialist actually scoring and a Corner specialist assisting? So far my real Free-kick and Corner specialists didn't and don't have an SA. On the other hand the market is full of such specialists with no goals or assists in their career. The only ones that i usually consider real specialists are the ones that have an SA from the beginning ( nordgens and scout players).
I'm not a guru, just my opinion which of course can always be wrong.
Personally i'm going for the stars or sometimes for a second position.
I know several has tested the effect of SA, including myself, There doesn't seem to be a significant positive difference with SA. That is also why I always advice to go for star. T11 has also said in their guide to SA that a six star player still will perform better than a five star with SA. IMO this makes it ludacris to wast green and tokens to train SA.
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
There is the possibility of hidden things. I have said that quite a few times: there may be a percentage efficiency regulator. This may act either on the whole team or on a particular player.
My free-kick specialist and corner specialist did make a difference last season. That is, they had a relatively higher percentage success at their specialty role compared to other players that were poor to average when given the opportunity to take the role.
Not all specialist have a high percentage success at their role; some are average, but they are still better than non-specialist.
Last edited by Tactician; 07-26-2015 at 05:29 PM.
Only train an SA on a player that, in your opinion, is already half-decent in that ability.
If a player is not that good at CKs then imo don't train CK specialist on him. Giving SAs doesn't mean sprinkling fairy dust on the player.
As with all things, be it Q or Role or SA, don't try to polish a turd.
PS. My MC without CK is much better at CKs than my MC with CK.
My point of view is most teams should have a Corner Specialist and a Free-Kick specialist. These guys makes a lot of difference. Especially Corner specialist that helped out to win the League with really high number of assists.
Last season I had 2 Corner Specialists and only 1 of them really made the difference. But the funny thing is, I play both of the frequently almost in every match. But the one that is really not so good in corners level up with a star while the other good specialist stays the same. Both are on equal quality and the one who is not that good leveled up first and scored a lot of goals.
As for free kick specialists, I have had one in every season except for season 4. I do feel there is a lot of difference with higher percentage of the goal going in is better. On season 2 and season 3 I kept 1 player for 2 seasons for his free kick ability. Let's just say out of 10 tries, he will score at least 8 of them and assisted a lot more that season.
Other free kick specialists such as Shadow striker, aerial defender, dribbler, 1 on 1 stopper and penalty specialists are mostly useless in the game. I have had all of those and they make not much difference. 1-on-1 stopper works and aerial defender sometimes works. The word is sometimes.
As for training for SA, so far in my 6 season experience, I don't recommend it. Because they would split the experience that they learn during the game. You are better off buying those who already have the ability. Usually look for those who are a bit more costly, the price makes a difference in my point of view.
I am only 6 season in, just sharing what I learn about the game I am addicted to.... Don't flame me...
I am wondering for a long time about this. There is no evidence at all for anything. No underlying numbers that can tell us otherwise. It is all smoke and mirrors about all. Is SA only there to waste green packs? Does it do anything? Are stars better?
2 days ago I had some energy to spare with my main team (lvl15) and I put them up against my lvl 1 team. My lvl 15 team is full of SA like one on one stopper, FK, CK, one on one attacker, header, defensive wall etc. The quality is only 14 STARS!!! higher. I played the game and the score was 3-0! Yes 3-0 only. My main team got only 8 shots at goal with agressive stance. I mean come on. Do stars really matter anymore? 14 levels higher and 3-0? I will test this later again. If I get the same results again, then I am really start to think that we are playing a prank.
FC Knudde:
Seasons: 46
League won: 33
CL won: 10
Cup won: 4
FC Killroy:
Seasons: 32
League won: 20
CL won: 6
Superleague: 3
Cup won: 7
ok good then I won`t train my 6* players for SA but instead train them to become 7 stars...
Friendlies are nerfed/balanced. Best I can come up with is that the Q gap is limited somewhere around 5 or 10Q. There is little difference between playing a team 50Q lower and 1 10q down or one 10Q above you compared to one 50Q higher. The bigger results either way are normally due to abandoned teams or other imbalanced factors.
That would explain a lot Buffs. Thx for the explanation.
FC Knudde:
Seasons: 46
League won: 33
CL won: 10
Cup won: 4
FC Killroy:
Seasons: 32
League won: 20
CL won: 6
Superleague: 3
Cup won: 7