Well Nordeus - Looks like you have shot yourself in the foot with the new cup format.

You promised that these new cup formats would mean you would play against different manaigers of the same level, well you are wrong, You have pitted all the managers of around the same QUALITY squads together which will result in a big disadvantage for one group of people that play this game and your most important players too... The Token Buyers.

Token Buyers will of used many tokens to vastly improve to 5-10 quality better than any other team in their level, meaning that when this new cup draw comes out they are playing against managers that are 1-2 levels higher than them and while a manager thats 2 levels higher than a token buyer they can buy a 5* player from the transfer market for a few tokens each for a player with more quality than the token buyer pays 50T for their scout players each and that means the token buyers are now at a disadvantage in the cup competitions because of this reason.

This means it is useless to buy hundreds of tokens and power train your best players too because your opponents can simply buy a player of a same quality for a few tokens each. Which means that a person buying tokens again is at major disadvantage when competing in the cup against players 1-2 players higher.

I understand you were trying to make the cups more competitive and interesting for most players and it seemed like it was a good idea in priciple but once this new format came out the intelligent players that have bought tokens are going to realise that buying hundreds of tokens isn't worth it anymore because they cannot compete in the cups because the game has chucked them in a cup with thems of a higher level that can buy better players for many less tokens than your token buyers of the cup, The Cup Format should of been done in Level bands rather than based on total quality of each manager because now buying lots of scouts and power training has just become rather pointless, there is no need for token buyers to actually buy that many tokens now because they cannot compete fairly in the cups.

For example a L12 manager that buys tokens and a L14 manager that does not buy tokens in the same cup, the L14 manager can buy much better players for far less than the L12 manager that buys his tokens and has to buy scout players that are simply not good enough to match the L14 5* players because these players would be 7* to the L12 manager and only bought for a fraction of the cost of a L12 manager buying scout players.

The new cup format SUCKS... Token buyers are at a disadvantage!!!