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Thread: Some Thoughts as the Game goes on.

  1. #21
    Famous HoofDaddy's Avatar
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    Game doesnt even start until lvl 5 when you are either feeling the crunch of poor money management or worse, poor token management. Hope you take the time to keep learnimg and growing.
    Renamed to Bolton Wanderers Season 27.
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    Nivea winners; Season 30,41
    The Hoof is the Proof.

  2. #22
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Aw, i didnt know this
    always thought more expensive would last longer
    All the players can last till they 'll retire
    but younger scout list players are more expensive.
    Those players, if they are 22 y.o., after two seasons in your team, they 'll gonna be 24 .y.o. 5* players. Then, they can do a +60% gaining in training (3bars, practice) or games. That way, at the end of the season, they 'll reach again the 6*.
    So they can last longer as higher quality players than the older ones.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by HoofDaddy View Post
    Game doesnt even start until lvl 5 when you are either feeling the crunch of poor money management or worse, poor token management. Hope you take the time to keep learnimg and growing.
    Not at level 5,bro...till level 10-15 still consider pretty easy...I believe only after level 20 then u will see those thing happens time to think what u can do with tokens...with power training or to maintain the club is oledi so hard..Unless u always got demote or tanking and they force u sold off your best players....kekeke

  4. #24
    Apprentice legendqueen's Avatar
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    Till now, i dont have any problem with token, if by any chance i do, i will spend some $, not a big deal.
    The offers from free token are also easy to get, with 1 android, 1 i-device and 1 laptop you can get like 5-7 tokens a day for free. Periodically, there are even bugs that you can earn tokens from 1 offer over and over again.
    I've been thinking unless u spend tokens on 20+ rounds bidding war or buying scout players, u wont have any problem relating to this.

    The only thing worries me about the future seasons is when the match results dont reflect the difference between 2 teams, i mean you will lose to weaker teams more oftenly and get eliminated by lower rating squads.

    This seems to happen along with my current season, there is an abandoned club with average quality keeps winning everygame in league and his goal difference is now +41 which is relatively high considering he has only 3 star STs. Feel like the game itself is creating obstacles for us from winning the tittles.

  5. #25
    Apprentice legendqueen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by talisman View Post
    Not necessarily - most of my games (especially in the Cup) are played with defensive/counter mentality as I'm usually playing against higher Level/better Q teams. I win more than I lose, and score more than one goal in the game about 80% of the time... One of the Palace Casuals League Championships listed below was achieved by playing almost the whole season using 4-5-1V formation, with defensive/counter tactics.

    Okay, tips memorized. I will apply defensive/counter attack if i see any team with better squad than mine. But playing offensive/defensive has one disadvantage when your player's condition will drop more quickly and tbh i dont have surplus green packs to recover them. And also i tried couple of time, when my team is leading with minimum ratio (like 1-0, 2-1), i play defensive and get scored (aww), since there i started to think may be the best defence is an offence, just saying.

  6. #26
    Apprentice legendqueen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Dang View Post
    It's very good thinking for newbie manager. However it's not so simple like you think that way by theory...

    It's all depend on various factors...

    1. The higher level, the more difficult to compete...Everything is easy till maybe level 10 but then things will getting tougher...

    2. All depend on what u want to achieve in this game...If u want just fun game then your thinking is correct..but If u want to be treble winner then if U dont have competitve quality team (with token players) then you have no chance...Only some certain Europe n the US can easily farming tokens so they dont need to spend a lot of cash but time...Not everyone have time to observe coz some are students some are working adults..all depend on what they really want with the game...

    3. The strategy of spending little token to get good player also like fishing...
    Just an example, 1 of my team (Tuan DM FC) which is now standing at level 25...At my server, for the last 6-7 seasons, even managers have to fight for 32-33-34 years old 5 star players even just lowest level of 5 stars (starting at 0-1) and if u think u just need to spend 1-2 tokens then just forget about order to win U need to have atleast 7-15 tokens to start your bidding...and if you think that with the team u can win double or treble last season still can compete easily at the next totally wrong...Why???Coz alot of teams that demote even have higher quality then you...they could be tanking teams or just simply the managers no time to play and leave for 1 -2 seasons b4 they get it back...their quality always stand on 5-6-7 stars player..and you think your 4-5 stars team quality can beat them...they dont even attend the match also can lead the table when you are struggling at bottom half,bro
    Again, by theory, it's logically like you think coz you are now just at level 3...still long way to go and the game will be tougher...

    Anyway, Good luck for your long Journey and welcome to T11 forum!
    Alright, so let me put your ideas into a nutshell.
    - you're saying in high (very high) levels like 10-20, biding will be harder, makes sense.
    - also the opponents will be more skillful, experienced T11 players and possibly with better squad, okay.
    - and it's hard to win triple trophies.

    So be it, first i must clarify that im not kind of player who seeks for trible tittles, i mean will you get any token for that?? All you get is a in-game's achievement and 28 days of a fancy showcase in your profile that you hope someone will take a look at it. My purpose now is CASH, i need cash, i dont need tittles (ironically). If i could exchange my previous 2 league titles for 5M cash now i would do. So i never demote my team for better cup draw.

    As i'm listening to you, i will save some tokens for level 10 (7 months from now), may be 500 tokens, will it be enough to bid? And if it takes 10-17 tokens or more for a player of 5 stars so why dont you buy a scout for 39 tokens, dont tell me the scout's price is higher than my level

    And finally if it's getting too hard like anyone here is implementing, why you guys are still playing? If i spend lots of time, and real money in this game and i dont get many wins, i will just stop playing.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by legendqueen View Post
    Alright, so let me put your ideas into a nutshell.
    - you're saying in high (very high) levels like 10-20, biding will be harder, makes sense.
    - also the opponents will be more skillful, experienced T11 players and possibly with better squad, okay.
    - and it's hard to win triple trophies.

    So be it, first i must clarify that im not kind of player who seeks for trible tittles, i mean will you get any token for that?? All you get is a in-game's achievement and 28 days of a fancy showcase in your profile that you hope someone will take a look at it. My purpose now is CASH, i need cash, i dont need tittles (ironically). If i could exchange my previous 2 league titles for 5M cash now i would do. So i never demote my team for better cup draw.

    As i'm listening to you, i will save some tokens for level 10 (7 months from now), may be 500 tokens, will it be enough to bid? And if it takes 10-17 tokens or more for a player of 5 stars so why dont you buy a scout for 39 tokens, dont tell me the scout's price is higher than my level

    And finally if it's getting too hard like anyone here is implementing, why you guys are still playing? If i spend lots of time, and real money in this game and i dont get many wins, i will just stop playing. is very much difference..The 6 star token player at my level is 69 token each..and also the problem is u might not getting promote if u are not finishing above 7th place in the league while u refuse 2 spend tokens even you have decent team from previous season..Now at level 3 you wont see it,bro..till level 15 it's very very easy to win double or u could win treble even but after that it's very difficult..Myself till level 20-21, I still often bag double champions easily for all my 5 teams..I'm managing 5 teams atm ..Level 26/25/19/16 and 13...something like this:

    But then look at the situation of My Tuan DM FC this season.I have more than enough cash since i won so much trophies at every single season...I had also spend time to bid when im free and I had a very competitive team last season as u could see but u see the average age of my players..28.3...hic..all i can get is above 28 years old..some even 31..very very competitive league..atm I'm not sure I can finish 7th this season or not (hopefully better than that) ..since in my league...the Demoted Teams they all have much better quality players then mine..3-4 teams they even not active at all...and they still can win easily..all rank above my team...

    And why people keep on playing? The answer is the Game is quite challenging and addicted...U will see it by yourself after 2 years from now on...
    Last edited by Brian Dang; 11-03-2015 at 12:07 AM.
    legendqueen likes this.

  8. #28
    Famous Arion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legendqueen View Post
    Till now, i dont have any problem with token, if by any chance i do, i will spend some $, not a big deal.
    The offers from free token are also easy to get, with 1 android, 1 i-device and 1 laptop you can get like 5-7 tokens a day for free. Periodically, there are even bugs that you can earn tokens from 1 offer over and over again.
    I've been thinking unless u spend tokens on 20+ rounds bidding war or buying scout players, u wont have any problem relating to this.

    The only thing worries me about the future seasons is when the match results dont reflect the difference between 2 teams, i mean you will lose to weaker teams more oftenly and get eliminated by lower rating squads.

    This seems to happen along with my current season, there is an abandoned club with average quality keeps winning everygame in league and his goal difference is now +41 which is relatively high considering he has only 3 star STs. Feel like the game itself is creating obstacles for us from winning the tittles.
    Surprised? I'm 9-1-3 in league. Out of cup in top 16 (2-2H 1-2A) and top 16 at CL(2-4H)
    legendqueen likes this.

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