3 years and all that farming, no wonder you need to brag to justify all the time you spent ignoring videos.
3 years and all that farming, no wonder you need to brag to justify all the time you spent ignoring videos.
Renamed to Bolton Wanderers Season 27.
League Winners: 3,5,8,16,21,24,26,30,31,40
Cup Winners: Seasons 10,25,28,35,40
CL Winners: Seasons 19,23.37,
Nivea winners; Season 30,41
The Hoof is the Proof.
On this screen (or the mobile App equivalent), if you have any with '?' or '1' in the highlighted column, renew their contracts.
Your opponent is playing 4-1-2-1-2 Wide Diamond, my usual counter-formation is 3N-1(DMC)-4-1(AMC)-1, starting Normal/Middle/Short/Counter, changing as circumstances go (Attack/No counter if losing, Defensive if winning). If you keep running into traffic in their defence, change to Mixed focus and/or passing to give your players more latitude.
Last edited by talisman; 01-16-2016 at 08:13 PM.
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...
Thank you. I took a lot from that which may help me in other games.
One problem, I can't use flat 4 midfield as Escobar my best player is AMR/ST.
Ah I see, 1 year on mobile equals "?" on desktop. Ok, all renewed, hopefully they repay their wages in performances. Thank you.![]()
Last edited by Gert Funck; 01-16-2016 at 08:24 PM.
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -
I'm getting tired of this...
Can I remind Kynan and HoofDaddy of the Forum Rules:
2. Courtesy and Respect
Forum Content must be civil and where possible it should be courteous. The Top Eleven Forums are a place for positive and constructive interactions between people that play Top Eleven or that have an interest in Top Eleven. Forum activity such as bumping, petitioning, lobbying, cross posting, threatening to quit, signing or +1’ing a thread is not constructive and is not permitted. Top Eleven has a zero tolerance policy for content that violates the rules in this section.
Do not act in an abusive, disrespectful, harassing or otherwise hostile manner and do not haze or attack others. Do not discuss politics or religion as they do not relate to Top Eleven and have a tendency to cause flame wars.
Do not discuss or debate the moderation of the Forums or the Rules of Conduct. Do not incite, promote or endorse legal actions or boycotts against Top Eleven or any other entity. Do not share personally identifiable information.
If you want to continue your snipefest please take it off the Forum.
I now return you to the regularly scheduled programme.
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...
Won c/l away game 9-0 with reserves
F.C. United
League Won 11
League Runner up 4
Cup Won 3
Cup Finalist 3
Champions League Won 5
Champions League Finalist 9
Season 23 Level 23
United Til I Die
League Won 12
League Runner Up 4
Champions League Won 2
Champions League Finalist 7
Cups Won 1
Cup Finalist 2
Season 32 Level 27 (Retired)
If you really need to play Escobar (I would in your situation), either play him as the ST or instead of the MR in the AMR position, but with a Blue (defensive) arrow so he keeps an eye on the opposition ML. If anything, it will keep the opposing manager wondering what you're up to.
I used to keep the last year contract players hanging on renewing their contracts until the 3rd day of the following season (bearing in mind that I couldn't play them in the first two Cup matches) and it didn't affect their performance. It seems that Nordeus have put in a change that now affects their performance - last year's resurgence for Casuals was the first time for quite a while I've renewed the contracts at the start of the season (as an experiment) instead of letting them hang on. This season did the same and both Casuals and Terriers are playing the same as Casuals did last season.
Last edited by talisman; 01-16-2016 at 08:37 PM.
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...