0-2 away result in the Cup. Good first leg. Orazi my DL and Escobar the scorers Tebily assisted the DL.
0-2 away result in the Cup. Good first leg. Orazi my DL and Escobar the scorers Tebily assisted the DL.
Easy win in league. Two goals by striker Ronchi, one by DL Caurant and DR Wickansono each (red arrows). AMR Bourgeois claimed his 7th MoM of the season with a goal and an assist.
Cup match this morning was a different story. Lost 3-0 to a stronger team. It could mean the end of this year's cup campaign.
Lost lge game 3-1
F.C. United
League Won 11
League Runner up 4
Cup Won 3
Cup Finalist 3
Champions League Won 5
Champions League Finalist 9
Season 23 Level 23
United Til I Die
League Won 12
League Runner Up 4
Champions League Won 2
Champions League Finalist 7
Cups Won 1
Cup Finalist 2
Season 32 Level 27 (Retired)
F.C. United
League Won 11
League Runner up 4
Cup Won 3
Cup Finalist 3
Champions League Won 5
Champions League Finalist 9
Season 23 Level 23
United Til I Die
League Won 12
League Runner Up 4
Champions League Won 2
Champions League Finalist 7
Cups Won 1
Cup Finalist 2
Season 32 Level 27 (Retired)
Renamed to Bolton Wanderers Season 27.
League Winners: 3,5,8,16,21,24,26,30,31,40
Cup Winners: Seasons 10,25,28,35,40
CL Winners: Seasons 19,23.37,
Nivea winners; Season 30,41
The Hoof is the Proof.
2 more victories, now waiting for tomorrow to finish with CL groups...
League round 10
Today a easy win in the league. So Neuer played again very well. Shall he reached the first goalie in my team ?
14' Dokter
55' Ramsey assist Wilshere
61' Sanchez
64' Sanchez assist Wilshere
75' Sanchez
90' Wilshere
Dug myself a nice hole with a 1:3 home loss in the cup. My team is higher Q, but my opponent is some kind strategy wiz. In the last round he won 3:1 and 2:0, but in the round before that, 10:0 and 8:0. And he is always changing formations. He didn't even bother showing up to the match, letting me counter his defensive asymmetric formation. I threw everything at it and came up short. All the stats were in my favor except for the score.
Three hours later, won a consolation prize in league play, but with other teams playing well, only was able to climb into 4th.
Because I played the last two matches with man-to-man coverage, I low on condition for the upcoming training recharge (8% to 10%), and the green packs are dwindling. I may have to resort to farming. I am addicted to "10"s for training bonus, and to turning them to "15"s during the match.
Toward the end of the 3-1 win I finally looked at what the fourth (Condition) bonus is good for during the match. I usually choose between Attack and Possession boost, and have boosted Defense a few times. Never Condition. Turns out (you probably already know this) it allows the team to burn less condition. So in a match where you are enjoying a 2+ goal lead it may be the best choice, assuming the defensive intensity has already been lowered to low and zonal. Still, my instinct in this scenario has always been to boost Possession. One can always farm for green packs. One cannot farm for goals.
Last edited by ponzu; 02-18-2016 at 11:11 PM.
Team Orange Roughies | Last season league winners, Cup and CL finalists | Season 11 | Level 11
TREBLE wins: 1
League: 7
Cup: 2
Champions League: 2
Groundhog Day visiting level - 58 -
considering quitting, since nothing is improved for veterans ... nothingand pay to win has become to dominante
FireCats is testing level - 36 -