well another decent game ruined by somebody thinking ATARI2600 graphics interupted every minute by the team sheet is a way forward, level 37, thats it for me, the games **** now
well another decent game ruined by somebody thinking ATARI2600 graphics interupted every minute by the team sheet is a way forward, level 37, thats it for me, the games **** now
Really needed a new topic on this, well done.
After 30 seasons im quiting too , what a load of bull.
remember we are not a bunch of kids playing this game , flash dosnt impress . so long .
oh yeah how do i delete my profile i dont need to be reminded on facebook about a game i once loved to play on a daily basis .
Same here. Level 28. I just don't see myself looking at this. I have better ideas of using my desktop computer than being big iphone.
What a load of bull. Just learn to work with the new interface! You will start to like it soon enough.
If it would just stay connected. Ever since the new interface came up it would not stay connected longer than 5 minutes. Mostly it gets disconnected after 2 minutes, and sometimes, like during my games, it won't connect at all.
It works with google Chrome browser.
On-topic: I regret the changes they made. It was a good game, there was no need to change it. If we want graphics we can play the Fifa game. This game was good without graphics. And it's still good, but it would have been better to invest energy in something else than graphics. The transfer market could be better. They could have introduced new facilities for the stadiums. They could have added left and right arrows in the lineup. Proper individual training. More types of skills, and other player properties. Extra bonuses for extraordinary results.
And where did my flags collection go?!?
But they didn't do all that. They did something for graphics. Oh, well .. Maybe I'll learn to enjoy it.
Last edited by Miqlos; 02-12-2016 at 10:08 PM. Reason: update
Miqlos... My momma dont like you, and she likes Milton Keynes...
That's good to know Spike. Please give her my regards.
From time to time, some guys think they are so smart that they'll succeed where others failed over the last 30 years of video games, by applying exactly the same defeated formula: - removing what players enjoyed and multiplying by 10 exactly what players hated.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
The simply made the whole game a lot more slower... all the dragging in the training... everything is more "colourful"... more fancier. I want the old version back. Simplicity is the BEST. I just want to login for 5 minutes and then walk away. Ain't going to sit around for half hour doing literally the same stuff but more time consuming.
Last edited by meis; 02-13-2016 at 02:35 AM.