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Thread: Anyone figured out training regime yet?

  1. #1
    Champion El Pistolero's Avatar
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    Anyone figured out training regime yet?

    I'll be honest with you, I haven't paid enough attention to detail to know what I'm doing.

    It's one thing training players blindly to get maximum out of team bonuses but is it really worth it? You could be wasting condition training stats you don't need. I train 8 players at random from subs and reserves

    Does anyone have a training regime that trains the right players and high growth in all 4 bonuses at the same time?

    Anyone figured out training regime yet?-image.jpgAnyone figured out training regime yet?-image.jpg

  2. #2
    Famous Arion's Avatar
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    I always start with warmup. If they're low on condition, I go for warm up-pass go shoot-piggy (the last two are semi-pro). In fact it's useful to the starters; with sub I go a bit harder.
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  3. #3
    Champion El Pistolero's Avatar
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    That's probably a good idea. Warm up for first team then do the rest with reserves.

  4. #4
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Well I don't know exactly how it works because I didn't had enough time to test them all and I didnt' paid to many attention to understand everything but there are a lot of drills so a lot of combinations.

    Indeed Arion have a good point and from what they told me and I tested it, it's important to start with some easy drills in order to get the maximum points. Starting with some easy drills then going to the others.

    I assume we have to wait until a big part of members will reach the maximum level to unlock everything and then we can see the best combinations.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    I have three combinations which work well and cover most of the drills I have unlocked so far. My players were already balanced in the old version, so I can train them evenly in all three categories. I suppose it will be harder if you want to train specific players in specific area's only, or if you buy a new player which isn't balanced as you'd like.

  6. #6
    Champion El Pistolero's Avatar
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    So train light with first team then train harder with second team is a must then. Good tip guys thanks.

    Is there like a special combination that is better than a random selection?

    I was hoping to cover all 4 bonuses fully in one session, is that possible?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    It is possible to cover all bonuses fully (if you have included the right players). I find I get the best results if I build my sessions like I would build a real life training, including balancing intensity. Play around with it a bit and you'll quickly get the hang of it.

    I don't train my bench apart from my main team, I just look at condition. I even train my GK's with the rest of the team, although I'm still not sure if that's wise.

    As for starting each training with warm-up: you would be training the same set of skills in every training. I'm not sure if that's a good idea in the long term. I'd rather try to use each drill as much as any other.
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  8. #8
    Apprentice ponzu's Avatar
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    I have not figured how to max all bonuses, but I figured a 3-2-3-3 bonus with only about 7-7.5% burn and 8 players. There may be a bug because I get attack bonus (2-3 bars) just for chasing the lads onto the field. No attackers at all in the practice (if you don't count a single AR/AMR) and I get the bonuses I expect (possession and condition), get only 2 bars for defense despite having four D in the practice, and 3 bars for attack for nothing. I'm afraid they are going to fix, but for now I'm milking it. Of course, using the same combo over and over again overtrains certain skills. Oh well, I'm addicted to having full bonuses for every game (only last one since the new version came out), so that's my first priority.

    Funny, I was busy the first 3 days of the new version and thought when I came back you guys would have it all figured out and written down. I forgot it took 2-3 years to amass the tribal knowledge that is now considered common sense. For once I'm on the bleeding edge.

    But I'm still burning through green packs to keep up. Remember when they gave us 50 free to learn the new system? That brought me up to 120. Now I'm down to 62 with the latest injection. I'll see if I can go a day without burning a green. Probably unrealistic. Getting knocked out of cup will help.
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  9. #9
    Famous HoofDaddy's Avatar
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    lol why are you warming up your players at the end of training, pistol? always start with warmup or stretching or both
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  10. #10
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    I think that in the end, the best way to use this is not like a bonus addict, as many people sure try to do... probably the secret is try to focus training in youngers (or powwertrain if one have enough green) , try to save condition depending of your sistation, and try to focus in "overtrain" 1 bonus using and consuming the condition of the subs' in benefit of the initial 11 when is needed.

    So the guide of how to use bonus should be more, a guide of how to control youself and focus in how to go for 1 way and not 4 to don't waste too much condition for these bonuses.

    Last edited by khris; 02-19-2016 at 07:21 PM.
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