@Ender Karaman is right.
It needs huge amount of T/boosters to build such teams.
Even if someone is farming every day 70-100 boosters, cannot build it.
So, is that so common, people from Vietnam to buy so many T & packs ?
I 've seen a guy who 's a heavy T buyer (he has a 9-10* team every season) and checked his profile.
He is an Arab, leaving between Emirates and London and has a car of 200 K' $ - lol
So, why is it so common for Vietnamese managers (I 'm not saying all, but it's 90% of those cases from there) ?
Because there is very common some kind of hacking.
Using a program, it can make an auto-farming.
You set this program in your mobile or tablet, it's searching videos for T or packs, watching and gathering.
The next morning, when you wake up, you can find some hundreds or thousands in your account.
(I 've seen in youtube a video about this Vietnamese auto-farming and I have it).
So easily can build teams like this
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