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Thread: F.A.Q's(EXCLUSIVE)

  1. #1
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    Jan 2016


    I am searching for best answers for the questions given below.Please read them and answer carefuly so that we can reach upto best answers.Best answers will be updated here soon!


    1: Why players face higher level opponent in cup?

    1: Khris>It is the system, the 1st cup (called Shark Cup) uses the 128 teams with better Quality of the server...

    2: Arion>Since they've been drawn in the higher end of the Cup, while we've been drawn in the lower end of the Cup or even middle. It's actually a bonus since usually those teams are abandoned, so more money.

    2: Which is most trusted formation of all time?

    1: Abhinav>4-4-2 with variants is trusted most due to flexible rotations from wide diamond to narrow diamonds.

    2: Medozalata>I think 4-4-2 with normal tactics is the best..

    3: Hard defending means more tackles?

    1: Abhinav>As hard defending means to focus on defense mostly,so your opponent will attack more and you will tackle more to stop him.

    2: Khris,Yes,we tested it times ago..

    4: Special abilties depends on player's quality also?

    1: Tactican>Most probably, yes, but there might be something else involved.

    2: Abhinav,arion,medozlata,khris said "maybe yes" too.

    5: Arrows on player change mentality of players?

    1: Khris>Very slightly, is just a little %.

    2: Medozalata>Yes, it will make him appear and take part in attacking if he has red arrow for example. However this doesn't mean that he wouldn't defend in some situations also.

    6: Offside traps works best with zonal marking?

    1: Abhinav>Yes,because players are within their zones and they will not be randomly positioned.

    2: Arion>Technically speaking, yes. Offside trap require one line of defence, so with man on man marking, they'll stay close to their opponents, who aren't in a straight line and it also makes it harder to communicate.

    7: Watching live match gives us win advantage?

    1: Arion>It does give an advantage in a competitive game. You can now also boost the bonuses, so the effect is even more.

    2: Abhinav,medozalata,tactican,khris said yes to it.

    8: Low pressing style result in good offside traps?

    1: Tactican>Both low pressing and high pressing can be used with offside trap. In fact, in terms of football logic, offside trap can be more suitable with high pressing.

    2: Arion>High pressing and offside trap are linked; having a high backline helps in reducing the field size, which is effectively the offside trap. Sitting deep destroys the purpose of the offside trap, since generally players don't make runs then unless a through ball's played.

    9: Special abilities does not depend on player skills?

    1: Khris>Slightly, in the sense that, if a SA work, have good skills will increase the ratio to overcome the situations.

    2: Abhinav>No,Special ability are acquired by personnel training so it does not fit in regular training skills.

    10: Does watching live match makes us sure winner?

    1: Khris>Never, but give a extra % of chances + the control of situations during the match. The +8% give a differance that for me is visible, Ive always defended this theory.

    2: Abhinav,tactican,medozalata,arion said no too.

    11: Is it better to play 2 compitions each season if you are non-token buyers?

    1: Medozalata>Yes and also you can maintain your 10% training bonuses without the need of rest packs most times.

    2: Khris,abhinav said yes.

    12: Man-on-man marking and high press intake more player's condition?

    13: How to save our player's from injuries?

    14: 4-5-1v is best formation besides some drawback why?

    15: It is better to counter opponent formation than countering opponent weakness?

    16: Goalkeeper can take free kicks,corner kicks,plenty kick?If yes then how much risky it can be?

    17: Counter attacks works best with low press.What can be reverse outcome of it?

    18: Dribbler special ability can break man on man marking or play maker can break it?

    19: Does easy tackles means soft tackles?

    20: Passing style is flexible like other orders?

    21: Why striker does not scores if we uses attacking-midfeilders?

    22: Special abilities have hidden skills points which are added to player's skills?

    23: Do foot matters in taking free kicks or corners?

    24: Aerial defender is good in scoring during corner kicks?

    25: There is need to train defensive skills to attackers and vice versa?

    26: Backward arrow on defender and forward arrow on striker makes sense?

    27: Counter attacks does not works with short passes and high press?

    28: The best striker is one who knows one-on-one soccer?

    29: It is better to have some experienced players rather than all young players?

    30: Does form of last match decide performance in next match?

    31: Morale has any impact on player's performance?

    32: What is best way of choosing captian of squad?

    33: It is better to use easy tackles?How much we can save ourself from fouls by doing so?

    34: What must be our bidding limit in auction to save ourself from bidding wars?

    35: How morale of player's increases and decreases?

    36: What is tie-breaker rule for champions league?

    37: Does playing in home ground gives us advantage?

    38: Beating mourihno fc is impossible why?What tactics mourihno fc uses?

    39: Defenders must be used according to number of opponent strikers or not?

    40: Short passes and low press gives us defensive possesion or not?

    41: How to detect opponent will use counter attacks or not during live matches?

    42: Focus passing on particular flank(left or right) is useful or not?

    43: Using defensive midfeilder is good for stopping opponent counter attacks?

    44: A player have dribbling 99% and speed 50% makes sense?Or we need to work on physical skills also?

    45: Well begun is half done! Bad start in league has impact on upcomming matches?

    Thanks and share your answers in reply.More questions will be added later.
    Last edited by Abhinavsharma; 05-06-2016 at 09:50 AM.
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    I will add my answers during today

    1: Why players face higher level opponent in cup?
    Is the system, the 1st cup (called Shark Cup) uses the 128 teams with better Quality of the server...

    2: Which is most trusted formation of all time?
    For me Ive used 3 formations since I started:
    4-3-3 - 4-3-1-2 and now 4-2MC's-3w-1
    I always defended the theory that one can win the treble with all the formations because all is in the players really, but is true that seems that, for example now ST's don't score like before, that's why I use just 1, and defenses of 4 men always gave me a sensation of more stability/contribution, so always i use 4 defenders.

    3: Hard defending means more tackles?
    Yes, we tested it time ago.

    4: Special abilties depends on player's quality also?
    No. Or workd well, or don't work, you can train a player with SA till 9* , and you will see that there's no transformation suddelny.

    5: Arrows on player change mentality of players?
    Very slightly, is just a little %. I use 8 red arrows and 2 blue in the DC's and Ive seen ST's defending.
    Arrows focus the mentality in a bigger % in defense or attack. This affect the internal base of the player and the live simulation that the game decided for a specific match.
    Remember that the game "simulates" so, select between options, in what one player appear more and others less in different labours, like is to defend etc...

    6: Offside traps works best with zonal marking?
    This I dont really know because I don't paid attention to this option... I always have the option active since I started 44 seasons ago...

    7: Watching live match gives us win advantage?
    Yes, you can affect the result and too you add a possession bonus effect, that works in a way, because mean a little bit more of chances.

    8: High pressing style result in good offside traps?

    9: Special abilities does not depend on player skills?
    Slightly, in the sense that, if a SA work, have good skills will increase the ratio to overcome the situations.

    10: Does watching live match makes us sure winner?
    Never, but give a extra % of chances + the control of situations during the match. The +8% give a differance that for me is visible, Ive always defended this theory.

    11: Is it better to play 2 compitions each season if you are non-token buyers?
    Of course.

    12: Man-on-man marking and high press intake more player's condition?
    Hmmm.... they changed these options and the consumption of condition in September if I remember well... and they aded a Bonus if, we selected man to mand and high press but due the complains the consumption was chanegd again as before and they keep the bonus if I am not wrong .... so the theory is that in some % yes... waste a little bit more, but now I am not sure lol

    13: How to save our player's from injuries?

    14: 4-5-1v is best formation besides some drawback why?
    ...never tryed this formation....

    15: It is better to counter opponent formation than countering opponent weakness?
    If is weak of Q. just put the same formation LOL... but no, Im not of counters, Ive always defended that every formation can win the league and that all is in the players.

    16: Goalkeeper can take free kicks,corner kicks,plenty kick?If yes then how much risky it can be?
    Yes and can do it as anyother player and perfectly well.

    17: Counter attacks works best with low press.What can be reverse outcome of it?
    Since I started I activated counters and in +3 years never deactivated these lol

    18: Dribbler special ability can break man on man marking or play maker can break it?
    Dribbler maybe have more options but all is in the internal skills... in the base of these.

    19: Does easy tackles means soft tackles?
    Means less tackles.

    20: Passing style is flexible like other orders?
    Is ok.... for me...

    21: Why striker does not scores if we uses attacking-midfeilders?
    Since the update of the live matches Ive experienced a change in the STs in the way that I am not capable to find a Key player there....

    22: Special abilities have hidden skills points which are added to player's skills?
    +1 star in some skills. But this is added to the internal extra-skills, that's why if these are low a SA don't work as people wait.... because the internal skills are too low..."anticipation" that maybe is one of the skills %'s of appearance during matches... if these are low the player don't appear, contribute or win the 1 vs 1 with enough strenght to make something important with the SA...

    23: Do foot matters in taking free kicks or corners?
    No. Just find 1 player for corners and 1 for freeK., and as every match have these situations if you find the man you can say -I did the duties.

    24: Aerial defender is good in scoring during corner kicks?
    I've heared that... not sure but... probably in some % yes. Someone proved a DC with this SA as ST.... but now I dont remember more xD

    25: There is need to train defensive skills to attackers and vice versa?

    26: Backward arrow on defender and forward arrow on striker makes sense?
    yes, increases the % of chances to see this player, attacking or defending, so Keep the porition. The arrow mean in what labour have to focus the player so a ST with red arrow will defend in a less % than what is planned initially to defend in one match, as every match the players act different, so some are focused in attack and some in defense... this changes every match and the arrow affect in a little % neutralizing the initial scenario.

    27: Counter attacks does not works with short passes and high press?
    ------I counter always.... I have usually high press... short or long passes... so...

    28: The best striker is one who knows one-on-one soccer?
    No. The best is the one that contributes more and appear more. the SA is a visual thing, the contribution is more important.

    29: It is better to have some experienced players rather than all young players?
    No. never saw differances in how perform really, just youngers train faster so if you find one youg good, you can keep easy his level during seasons so, better maybe young players 18-22 years.

    30: Does form of last match decide performance in next match?
    For me players are lineal in the way they play.... maybe Ive noticed that if you loose too much due tanking then teh % of winning decrease... but... is not sure...

    31: Morale has any impact on player's performance?
    Yea... in a little %.

    32: What is best way of choosing captian of squad?
    Captain dont have any effect in the team, dev's confirmed that is visual. So choose who you want, I choose the older or the better player.

    33: It is better to use easy tackles?How much we can save ourself from fouls by doing so?
    Depend of the aggressiveness of the players. Easy tackles will reduce the number of tackles but the important is the internal aggressivenness by default of players, Ive proved it in ma own experience, I had some very aggressive players by default, that as have lineal way to play you can see that affect in a bad manner to the team.... as when you find one of these players that, when come t the field you can see that all team play worst, have less possession etc... you can feel it.

    34: What must be our bidding limit in auction to save ourself from bidding wars?
    Depending of how millionarie you are.

    35: How morale of player's increases and decreases?
    Per rating if I am right... +7 or -6... I think is when increase/decrease, + performance and maybe extra factors.
    Last edited by khris; 05-04-2016 at 07:02 PM.

  3. #3
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    Sorry it was low pressing style.Qno 8.
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abhinavsharma View Post
    Sorry it was low pressing style.Qno 8.
    you changed it because I wrote a "..." ? lol

    I just stopped here will continue later xD

  5. #5
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    1. Why players face higher level opponent in cup?
    Ans: Ask Nordeus. I like the idea of facing an opponent in a level above. This provides additional challenges, but 3 or more levels above is not appropriate.

    2: Which is most trusted formation of all time?
    Ans: Ask most users of T11 (this means: do not take into account only what is said from users of this forum; the amount of forum users here is only a small fraction of the total amount of users).

    3: Hard defending means more tackles?
    Ans: Not sure. Some things that occur in this game goes against the logic of football.

    4: Special abilties depends on player's quality also?
    Ans: Most probably, yes, but there might be something else involved.

    5: Arrows on player change mentality of players?
    Ans: Most probably, yes, but some times arrows have shown to have the reversed effect on the players or no effect at all (flaw or bug?).

    6: Offside traps works best with zonal marking?
    Ans: Not sure.

    7: Watching live match gives us win advantage?
    Ans: Yes.

    8: Low pressing style result in good offside traps?
    Ans: Both low pressing and high pressing can be used with offside trap. In fact, in terms of football logic, offside trap can be more suitable with high pressing.

    9: Special abilities does not depend on player skills?
    Ans: It does depend on the players skills, but as said in one of the answers above, there seems to something else that affect it.

    10: Does watching live match makes us sure winner?
    Ans: No.

    11: Is it better to play 2 competitions each season if you are non-token buyers?
    Ans: This is subjective and depends on a lot of things.

    12: Man-on-man marking and high press intake more player's condition?
    Ans: This has been confirmed by Nordeus.

    13: How to save our player's from injuries?
    Ans: Nothing much can be done when some things have been decided against you (see the posts in this thread:

    14: 4-5-1v is best formation besides some drawback why?
    Ans: Is that a joke? 4-5-1(V) is one of the best counter-attacking formation and that's it. This formation is overrated here by some users of this forum. There is no best formation as such; the best formation(s) to be used depends on what the opponents will use. But, some formations can be classified as generally better than others.

    15: It is better to counter opponent formation than countering opponent weakness?
    Ans: Both are important, but in my opinion, the general guideline is to give the first the priority.

    16: Goalkeeper can take free kicks,corner kicks,plenty kick?If yes then how much risky it can be?
    Ans: It seems that Nordeus have missed a lot of things concerning GKs in this game. There is no risk as the events of successful counter-attacks or long shots after a GK has given the ball away after participating in a set-piece do not seem to exist in this game.

    17: Counter attacks works best with low press.What can be reverse outcome of it?
    Ans: Do some tests and come back with the results.

    18: Dribbler special ability can break man on man marking or play maker can break it?
    Ans: I have not tested this. Also both special abilities are very absent in this game; the dribbler special ability has never been reported to be shown during a game.

    19: Does easy tackles means soft tackles?
    Ans: I think I have seen cases where even when soft tackle has been given as instructions, there have been more fouls or yellow cards.

    20: Passing style is flexible like other orders?
    Ans: What do mean by flexible? Flexible would be mixed passing, isn't it?

    21: Why striker does not scores if we uses attacking midfielders?
    Ans: This depends on the orders and the formations used, but also this game has a lot of flaws.

    22: Special abilities have hidden skills points which are added to player's skills?
    Ans: The overall quality of the player seems to be affected until the player has completed the training, that is after the amount of skill points required for unlocking the special ability has been reached. If you meant that special abilities provide boosts in certain specific attributes, then the answer is probably yes.

    23: Do foot matters in taking free kicks or corners?
    Ans: Not 100% sure, but based on indications observed during matches, especially those in 2015, there may be some relation between effectiveness and footedness.

    24: Aerial defender is good in scoring during corner kicks?
    Ans: I have noticed some effects, but more observations are needed.

    25: There is need to train defensive skills to attackers and vice versa?
    Ans: This goes against the logic of football, but in this game some things have been known to go against the logic of football. But, an attacker with good defensive skills will likely be more efficient for high pressing. So, whether or not to train the defensive skills of attackers depends on the manager's style of play.

    26: Backward arrow on defender and forward arrow on striker makes sense?
    Ans: A lot of testing needs to be done on this. Sometimes arrows seem to work and sometimes they don't seem to work as they should. that is as instructed, and sometimes the effects are negative.

    27: Counter attacks does not works with short passes and high press?
    Ans: The combination of forcing counter-attacks, high pressing and short passing goes against the logic of football, but as I have said before, there are things in this game that are football 'nonsense' .

    28: The best striker is one who knows one-on-one soccer?
    Ans: No. There also seems to be hidden effects on individual players in this game. So, a player might well have good qualities and be a one-on-one scorer, but will still perform badly or not to the expected standards.

    29: It is better to have some experienced players rather than all young players?
    Ans: More observations are required for this to draw a valid conclusion.

    30: Does form of last match decide performance in next match?
    Ans: Yes and no. But, some players that seem to have been affected negatively by hidden effects in this game, will perform badly in general for the whole season.

    31: Morale has any impact on player's performance?
    Ans: There is some relation, but it does not seem to be like it should. That is, a player might have a bad morale, you boost his morale and he performs better, but there are also cases where a player's morale has been boosted and yet the he performed more badly than in the previous. It could be that there is something random involved in that. That is, the act of boosting or changing a player's morale is a random switch.

    32: What is best way of choosing captain of squad?
    Ans: The captain has been said to have no effect on the game. But, I have noticed some changes. It could be due to other things, that is not due to the change in the captain's list as such. There could be a random switch about this feature too.

    33: It is better to use easy tackles?How much we can save ourself from fouls by doing so?
    Ans: I think that this setting and whatever is involved with it does not function properly in this game. You might still get a lot of cards despite using easy tackles. Also, there have been screenshots posted on this forum where it showed that there were more tackles made when easy or normal tackling was used as compared to a harder tackling setting.

    34: What must be our bidding limit in auction to save ourself from bidding wars?
    Ans: This depends a lot on the budget of the user. If a user has say 15 T only, and has to buy at least a few players, 2-3 tokens per player is the advised limit. But, if a user has say 100 tokens, he can continue to bid in the higher knock-out rounds. Generally, it is Nordeus that benefits most from this feature; neither the seller nor the buyer. The same applies for other features such as negotiations,

    35: How morale of player's increases and decreases?
    Ans: Tests must be done to draw some valid conclusions about this. Based on the observations so far, it likely that the recent performance of the player, randomness and other things are involved in it.

    There are some things in this game or that happen in this game that don't make much sense, especially in terms of football.
    Last edited by Tactician; 05-06-2016 at 10:28 AM.
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  6. #6
    Famous Abhinavsharma's Avatar
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    High pressing style does not make logic with offside traps thats why.As our defender will not allow player to beat them so our defenders will always remain in front of them lol
    khris likes this.
    Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..

  7. #7
    Rookie Medo zalata's Avatar
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    I'm writing my answers so wait please

    1: Why players face higher level opponent in cup?
    Like tactician said, ask nordeus
    I think it's unfair to face higher level even if they start the season with the same quality because he could only buy 5* attacker for him and you will see him as messi or Rinaldo LOL
    2: Which is most trusted formation of all time?
    If you don't how to counter the opponent's formation, I think 4-4-2 with normal tactics is the best.
    3: Hard defending means more tackles?
    Logically yes, however I didn't test this.
    In my opinion, (hard)attacking and (hard) defending give your players a boost in attacking/defending and weaken defending/attacking skills of your players
    4: Special abilties depends on player's quality also?
    Most probably yes.
    Besides luck, crossing skill will increase the chances of success for a corner kick SA
    Nordeus confirmed that as it said
    If one has a SA then he would perform as one star better in SA's situation
    5: Arrows on player change mentality of players?
    Yes, it will make him appear and take part in attacking if he has red arrow for example.
    However this doesn't mean that he wouldn't defend in some situations also.
    6: Offside traps works best with zonal marking?
    I really don't understand how do offside traps really work in this game
    I think logically offside traps should work well with man marking.
    7: Watching live match gives us win advantage?
    Yes as you can manage your team and change your formation, players, tactics,...etc.
    You may change the outcome of matches but this doesn't happen a lot
    8: Low pressing style result in good offside traps?
    I don't understand how offside trap works so I don't know
    However I use it with high pressing
    9: Special abilities does not depend on player skills?
    Answered in question n.4
    10: Does watching live match makes us sure winner?
    11: Is it better to play 2 compitions each season if you are non-token buyer?
    Yes and also you can maintain your 10% training bonuses without the need of rest packs most times.
    12: Man-on-man marking and high press intake more player's condition?
    Yes, this is confirmed by nordeus
    13: How to save our player's from injuries?
    Don't put them in your formation LOL.
    14: 4-5-1v is best formation besides some drawback why?
    There is no best formation at all
    It's very good in the case you have very good aml/r and high quality defence as forcing counter attacks make opponent's players come into your zone.
    For one (like me) who isn't able to make counter formations for an opponent, 4-5-1v would be good.
    15: It is better to counter opponent formation than countering opponent weakness?
    Quality is very important in this game so if you could counter his weakness by having super quality players then do it.
    However countering his formation is very important but not many players know how to do this
    16: Goalkeeper can take free kicks,corner kicks,plenty kick?If yes then how much risky it can be?
    Yes and some players tested this and I'm going to test this too.
    There is no risk as the animation stops after free and corner kicks
    The only risk that you won't use your specialists if you have good ones and this can be horrible if your gk doesn't do well in free and corner kicks
    17: Counter attacks works best with low press.What can be reverse outcome of it?

    Do you mean drawbacks??
    In my opinion,
    You won't have any problems if your players have good defensive quality and passing, crossing, speed...etc, skills for counter attacks

    18: Dribbler special ability can break man on man marking or play maker can break it?
    Logically, both of them.
    19: Does easy tackles means soft tackles?
    Not sure about taclkes.
    I don't think easy,normal and hard tackling have an important effect, if so, why using easy tackles ??
    20: Passing style is flexible like other orders?
    Didn't understand the question
    If you meant the effect of passing style then yes.
    It has an important role in matches and you can watch your players in live animation using your style of passing most times.
    21: Why striker does not scores if we uses attacking-midfeilders?
    During live animation you can see that most times when your aml/r has the ball, he shoots or crosses it high.
    Then in this case, your strikers won't get the ball most times as high crossing rarely succeeds against same/stronger quality teams.
    22: Special abilities have hidden skills points which are added to player's skills?
    Yes a star in the skills of the SA as nordeus said before.(This means additional 20% for crossing skill for a corner kick specialist for example.
    Last edited by Medo zalata; 05-02-2016 at 02:04 PM.
    Abhinavsharma likes this.

  8. #8
    Famous Arion's Avatar
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    1. Since they've been drawn in the higher end of the Cup, while we've been drawn in the lower end of the Cup or even middle. It's actually a bonus since usually those teams are abandoned, so more money.
    2. Relative and controversial.
    3. Yes.
    4. Maybe. David has FK SA and decent attacking numbers, so yes. Talking about CK SA, I have 2 — ST/AML Torrano and DL/DC Klochkov. But Klochkov, despite taking more corners than Torrano, had fewer assists. Torrano leaded last season's assist chart for the club, and he too had decent attacking skills. Moral of the story: There are virtually very few Roberto Carloses in the game.
    5. Definitely, especially when red arrows used on fullbacks. Klochkov and Jorge play leftback and rightback respectively, and have been getting 5+ goals and a good number of assists.
    6. Technically speaking, yes. Offside trap require one line of defence, so with man on man marking, they'll stay close to their opponents, who aren't in a straight line and it also makes it harder to communicate.
    Abhinavsharma likes this.
    AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.

    A good defence is the best offense.

  9. #9
    Famous Arion's Avatar
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    7. It does give an advantage in a competitive game. You can now also boost the bonuses, so the effect is even more. On top of that, you can get at the most 3 blues and a green and a red as packs, while not watching the game will give you only two blues at the most.
    8. Technically no. High pressing and offside trap are linked; having a high backline helps in reducing the field size, which is effectively the offside trap. Sitting deep destroys the purpose of the offside trap, since generally players don't make runs then unless a through ball's played.
    9. It depends.
    10. Totally false.
    11. Of course not; we need money.
    12. Yes
    13. Pray to Nordeus; but if you're an atheist then improve your pitch and medical facilities, don't do very hard training sessions, and don't do high pressing and man-marking together; I also don't use high pressing much due to my playstyle and it drains way too much energy; with man-marking not much.
    14. Your view is controversial and variable.
    Abhinavsharma likes this.
    AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.

    A good defence is the best offense.

  10. #10
    Famous Arion's Avatar
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    Sep 2015
    15. Depends on your playstyle; I prefer the latter.
    16. Totally safe if considering a long shot from the opponent half.
    17. What do you mean?
    18. They're useless, both.
    19. No, it means no tackles
    20. It depends on your formation. Narrow formations like 4-1-2-1-2 ND are good with short passing due to the close proximity players. 3 line formations (like 4-3n-3, 4-4-2 3-5-2) can do well with mixed. And with wide formations like 4-3w-3 or wide diamond or formations with AML/R and DL/R, down flanks does good.
    21. False. My striker David had 34 goals and 11 assists in 38 games.
    22. Yes, while the SA is active. So a 5* FK specialist player will perform as good as a 6* non SA FK player.
    Abhinavsharma likes this.
    AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.

    A good defence is the best offense.

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