I am updating your answers in faq's but please answer new added questions.
I am updating your answers in faq's but please answer new added questions.
Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..
.14: 4-5-1v is best formation besides some drawback why?
Ans: 4-5-1v is best formation but sometimes it fails due to reverse outcome of low press.As there are 3 attackers you can't low press for much time
not exactly
I could say that 4-5-1V (def/counter) is the best formation to face a much higher quality team
some questions like this, is impossible to be answered from common players.18: Dribbler special ability can break man on man marking or play maker can break it?
Ans: I will go with play maker because he is the one who can trick opponent defense with his mind game.
Dribbler is said to beat man on man marking but he can only go alone.
I 'll answer to some more later.
I also added some things about sa here
you can copy/paste
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Nik 4-5-1v does not really works for me vs strong teams.I lost ch league semi finale 2 season ago due to it.
Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..
Let's continue the 2nd group
23: Do foot matters in taking free kicks or corners?
Most people say it doesn't matter, however if foot has an effect in FK and Ck then I think it won't be important
24: Aerial defender is good in scoring during corner kicks?
I don't think so.
25: There is need to train defensive skills to attackers and vice versa?
Not all of them of course
In the new version you can see some highlighted defensive attributes for strikers like positioning
26: Backward arrow on defender and forward arrow on striker makes sense?
Yes, red arrow on a ST is soppused to make him more offensive so he should take part in defence less times and concentrate more in attacking
However I don't know if this really works or not.
27: Counter attacks does not works with short passes and high press?
Forcing counter attacks while high press would make your defence more weak so your defence won't be able to take the ball again to start a CA
28: The best striker is one who knows one-on-one soccer?
It all depends on formation and luck
If one-on-one ST was put in 4-5-1 v style he wouldn't perform well because your attacking midfielders are more likely to get the ball and shoot
29: It is better to have some experienced players rather than all young players?
There is no impact of age on player's performance
The only thing is can you afford to buy a full squad of nordgens or not.
30: Does form of last match decide performance in next match?
I don't think so. It only affects the morale of a player and morale in this game is not very important unless you have final match in cup for example so you have to do everything
31: Morale has any impact on player's performance?
Not a very important effect and it can be ignored in ordinary matches.
32: What is best way of choosing captian of squad?
Captain has no effect on your team even if you didn't choose one.
Now my gk is the captain, ck and penalty taker just for fun.
33: It is better to use easy tackles?How much we can save ourself from fouls by doing so?
A tackle system doesn't have an important role on decreasing fouls as I noticed.
However, maybe tackling attribute for defenders should be the most important to take less fouls as your tackles would succeed
34: What must be our bidding limit in auction to save ourself from bidding wars?
It depends on how many tokens you can earn.
Many token buyers don't have a limit but others have a limit and it is usually 5.
35: How morale of player's increases and decreases?
It depends on player's rating during matches.
Also at the start of every day your player's morale changes randomly.
23. No, at least in this game. Then Barcelona should field Neymar in right freekicks instead of Messi.
24. Maybe, not sure, but if they have pretty good heading skills then they may be more successful; that's why most defenders score their goals from corners.
AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.
A good defence is the best offense.
25. Yes, but centrebacks don't need attacking skills and wingers don't need defensive skills. Also, with the new version, it has become much easier to improve skills in the required field.
26. IMO no.
27. It can work with short passes, but with high press no.
28. Not necessary. My ace striker is terrific from freekicks.
29. Not necessarily. Look at Spurs.
30. I feel it does influence, but I prefer to give new players 2-3 consecutive starts.
AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.
A good defence is the best offense.
Thanks now we can add all answers in faq later
Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..
31. Yes, according to the game.
32. I prefer to use the combination of the criteria — should play at least 2 seasons at the club, have many starts, and a bit aged (25+), and a goalkeeper, or a defender or DMx or Mx. But this season I have a relatively young squad, so a 21 year old defender who's been for quite a long time is captain.
33. Press low, but don't use easy tackles, as I'd said earlier, it essentially no tackles
34. Variable. If you plan to buy very few players and/or have a good amount of tokens (25+ is a decent score for the auctions in the early levels) then you may bid high, say 7-10T(but that's craziness anyway). I prefer to bid at the most 5T, but then one of our forum members (forgot their name, mani*insert numbers here* like that) bids at the most 2T on any player, and that's an extremely good strategy in the early levels.
35. Better performance and/or frequent starts translates to improve in morale. Bad performance and/or sparse number of starts means dip in morale.
AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.
A good defence is the best offense.
"I could say that 4-5-1V (def/counter) is the best formation to face a much higher quality team"
- as I said, a good formation is not a "magic recipe" which gives the victory.
Some times is important, others no.
Maybe just give extra chances. If playing against a strong opponent and have 20% for victory, with this formation could have 30-40%.
- a team must be "familiar" with this formation, meaning had to play that some times before, meaning if a team playing 4-4-2 ND and tomorrow has a tough game vs a higher q opponent, cannot buy today two AML & AMR, set his formation and expect to win.
- it depending from oppo players, for example a good DM could cut your counter attacks (which is the advantage).
- it depending from oppo orders. If he feel confident with his q players and set attack mentality, gives a good chance for us.
If he set defense (as I do when playing vs 4-5-1V), maybe you don't have the chances for strike back.
But you know, maybe I could retype the answer. :
Most players/ members of this forum (also me among them) claim that 4-5-1V is the best formation to win a stronger opponent.
You see, you started a gigantic thread (I also have some haha) and many of those answers it's tough to be answered as a fact.
For example, there are threads about 4-5-1V (or special abilities) , with 5-6 pages of posts-replies.
I would like to give you an idea but really needs a lot of work mate
Beside the answers, you could find and suggest some relative threads/conversations and past the links of them.
For example
(you can surf in the forum or to use the advanced search button).
Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 05-06-2016 at 02:45 PM.
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More intresting questions added from no 36 upto 45![]()
Bannedlike(forced)//for just posting guides and winning 1 league in 21 seasons without knowing reason..