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Thread: Playmaker and other Special Abilities (with Screenshots)

  1. #11
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medo zalata View Post
    Maybe this is the reason why pm SA cost 50 skill point and corner SA cost only 40 as pm can go well with corners as well as normal passes ??? But how effective can a pm be in comparison with ck SA ???
    I think that this might be more due to the number of individual attributes related the the special skill; that is those that are boosted. There more attributes there is to be boosted, the more skills points will be are required.

    For C.K (40), the expected related attributes are mainly crossing (minor: creativity).

    For F.K (40), the expected related attributes are mainly shooting.

    For P.M (50), the expected related attributes are mainly passing and creativity (minor: crossing).

    For D.W (50), the expected related attributes are mainly positioning and bravery (minor: strength).

    For H.S (50), the expected related attributes are mainly heading and positioning (minor: strength and bravery).

    For 1-on-1 scorer (50), the expected related attributes are mainly finishing and dribbling.

    So you can see that those that have 2-3 main attributes require 50 s.p as compared to those that have 1-2 which require 40 s.p. There might be also minor attributes involved which explains why the difference in the required number of skill points is only 10.
    Last edited by Tactician; 05-22-2016 at 12:53 PM.
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  2. #12
    Famous nash123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    The play-maker player performances looks good, especially when compared to what was seen here in the past where instead of getting assists, players with the play-maker special ability were getting yellow cards (which is nonsense). But, how many assists did he get from open play, that not from corner, free-kicks and so on? Also, post the attributes profile for the play-maker.
    His stats at the beginnig of my small experiment are in posting #5, right side.

    He only got one yellow card over all games.
    All other Goals he assisted are from the game, because he wasn't set on FK (or Penalty. ). He was only set on CK.

    His attributes now:
    Playmaker and other Special Abilities (with Screenshots)-attripm.jpg

  3. #13
    VIP Gert Funck's Avatar
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    My turn

    Playmaker and other Special Abilities (with Screenshots)-screenshot_2016-05-22-18-11-25.jpg

    Two times, I caught the last. He only got one assist though
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  4. #14
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gert Funck View Post
    My turn

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_2016-05-22-18-11-25.jpg 
Views:	267 
Size:	93.3 KB 
ID:	67222

    Two times, I caught the last. He only got one assist though

    Is that the new nordgen MC your bought? Why is his squad number 66, and why is there a player with 99? What are you up to?
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  5. #15
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    A couple of things:

    -For players at higher levels, if you set a player that does -- not -- have FK as a special ability to take free-kicks, can the player curve the ball like a FK specialist?

    I am asking because of this, Nordeus has in an old release given info that can be interpreted as the number of skill-points it takes to train a SA is given to the player when using the SA. Like a FK specialist is given 50 more skillpoints to like shooting when taking a FK. That would make this player extremely good in that situation. At my level, there is also a tremendous difference between how a FK specialist fires the ball on FKs and how like my star attacker that does not have this ability but have 200% in shooting fires the ball. The FK specialist can almost always curve the ball a lot, while the striker without the SA only shoots straight. What I am trying to figure out is if the reason for this is because the FK specialist just gets a lot better on FKs or if its because the FK SA gives the player a "special" shot on FKs.

    -Nash and Gert, wow, those players seemed to get the Play-Maker sign very often. I have played with 2-3 PMs and 1-3 Shadow-Strikers regularly with one of my accounts, and I've only seen each sign once in over 120 games. I really wonder why that is. I have never had a big star (7+ stars) with either ability, could that be a reason? I am at a low level, 3, can that be a reason?

    Have anyone any thoughts on this?

    -Have anyone been able to figure out if it matters which foot a FK/CK have? I was convinced that it did, because my left footed AMC for a long while seemed to curve the ball towards the same way and didn't curve the ball when it was natural for him to use his weak right foot. But then lol that changed.
    Last edited by Al Svanberg; 08-24-2016 at 11:14 AM.

  6. #16
    Famous nash123's Avatar
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    I don't think, FK-SA makes the curve... because, if I play against an opponent with FK-SA, they usually curve the ball too. My wife used around two seasons her playmaker for freekicks, and he was also able to curve it.
    I only think, FK-SA leeds more often to goals, that's all.

    Yeah... 1 1/2 season ago, I got a good player with CK. Last season, I used him on both sides, but at the half of the season, he only had 4 assists, so I set back my PM to cornerkicks... and he made incredible 23 assists in just half a season. He also kicks them, at current season, he had four assists and four times more it was shown the PM-icon, without an direct assist. I really love this guy.
    Btw... my experience says: passing, crossing and creativity are the important attributes for PM. I also think, best position is MC or DMC.

    If the foot matters is just mysterious... Nik has a thread, and he says/thinks, foot doesn't matter. For myself, I'm not sure. My AML/AMC/AMR is left footed and plays at AMR much better than any other position. If he scores, it's direct from the box after crossing, or like Arjen Robben... goes from the wing to the middle and shoots.
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  7. #17
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    Nash- It could be then that the curve comes with ability. Like my players have shooting ability of like 25-40 over the last seasons at lvl 1-3. With the FK SA, they get a lot better, can it be 50 pts better? Anyway, at the level you are, the ability is already high so they can curve it anyway. But they face better goalies so it's not always a goal. I've yet to see a single shooter curve it once without the SA.

  8. #18
    Famous nash123's Avatar
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    I think, SA needs keyattributes. F.E., if you have the penalty-king, you need shooting and/or finishing. The reason, I think so, is, I had a lot penaltyshootouts (many friendlies) at the last few days. I saw so many of them don't scoring... and after checking them, they are defenders with shooting/finishing around 1-20% or (D)Mx with finishing around 1-20%.
    My penalty-kickers are the best on shooting/finishing. In my whole career my player only missed three penalties (1 missed, 2 saved).

    The interesting part: my CK is better at crossing than my PM, but my PM is much better at creativity... so, maybe you need crossing and creativity for a good CK.

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  9. #19
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Nash- It could be then that the curve comes with ability.

    I bought a player (nordgen) ST who already had 1-1 sa but with the bad performances of the STs, I also gave him winger position and set him as my F-K player (both sides) .
    Ronaldo is a left footer.
    In many games, I 'm playing with the new version (for fun and to use the extra bonus) and watching the game (and supporting) with my other account (TIGRAN), from pc with the old version (so to have a better picture of the game).

    In the old version, you can read many times a comment for F-K takers, saying "although it's not his favored side ..."
    My player had some times this comment, even if he shots from left or from the right side.
    It's random.

    Also Ronaldo shots some times with curve, so there is no relation with sa.
    He is fantastic shooter from F-K and many of his goals coming from there

    Well Al, as we 're fb friends, you can watch some games of my team (live) and see him.
    Tomorrow I have 2 rather tough games but Friday I 'm playing with 2 easy teams so domination score is on program
    It's possible to score from F-K so I hope he 'll score with curve too.
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  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post

    I bought a player (nordgen) ST who already had 1-1 sa but with the bad performances of the STs, I also gave him winger position and set him as my F-K player (both sides) .
    Ronaldo is a left footer.
    In many games, I 'm playing with the new version (for fun and to use the extra bonus) and watching the game (and supporting) with my other account (TIGRAN), from pc with the old version (so to have a better picture of the game).

    In the old version, you can read many times a comment for F-K takers, saying "although it's not his favored side ..."
    My player had some times this comment, even if he shots from left or from the right side.
    It's random.

    Also Ronaldo shots some times with curve, so there is no relation with sa.
    He is fantastic shooter from F-K and many of his goals coming from there

    Well Al, as we 're fb friends, you can watch some games of my team (live) and see him.
    Tomorrow I have 2 rather tough games but Friday I 'm playing with 2 easy teams so domination score is on program
    It's possible to score from F-K so I hope he 'll score with curve too.
    What I meant is that maybe you need the ability of like 100 (not %) in shooting or whatever to curve the ball? At lvl 3 that would be just under 400%, so no player at my lvl without the ability can curve the ball, and I've never seen any player at lvl <4 curve the ball without the FK ability.

    And if you see it at higher levels, it tells us something about the game that I have wondered about. Can players at higher levels make certain kind of plays that players at lower levels cannot do? Curving the ball on FKs seem to be one example of this. And when I watch a friend I have that is on lvl 56, the game looks a bit different. His players makes some passes my players at lvl 3 can't do etc. Offensive players are more aggressive with the ball, game play is a little faster (but not much) and so forth.

    And it also seem to confirm that SA adds ability to current abilities, like shooting for the FK.

    Another thing, at least at my level, the underlying ability means very little. I have a DL/DC that is a FK specialist with like 80% shooting, he is on another planet on FKs than my striker with over 200% in shooting but who doesn't have the FK SA.

    Last edited by Al Svanberg; 08-24-2016 at 05:11 PM.

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