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Thread: dont like this new cup set up

  1. #51
    Pro Ro Edu's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    dele we have different points of view

    but as i have to watch my opponents in coup i support the lower teams so i make sure the top players wont pass so easy to next stage :

    i supported the left inpicture team :
    dont like this new cup set up-pro-coup-.jpg

    i feel sorry for lv 10 that was taking out but in old coup even if i was supporting lower teams i never had any chance vs strongest teams !!

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I won't be buying tokens until they change the cup format. I just got eliminated in the by a level 10 all scout as a level 8 team. There is no "balance" at all when all of a sudden a team that initially didn't had scouts based on my math a few days ago now has scouts in every position. I'm not talking about 5 stars that turn in 7 stars. It was 5 stars into 8 stars.

    The cup format needs to be retooled.
    July Fourth likes this.

  3. #53
    Dreamer ice87s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ro Edu View Post
    that happen to me too so i hate the old kind of coup since i never overpass the preliminar stage ... now i even have the chance to win it !!
    eventually, those higher lvl players will win the cup as their player on transfer market is simply better than our scouts.....
    Last edited by ice87s; 03-20-2013 at 05:07 AM.

  4. #54
    Pro Ro Edu's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ice87s View Post
    eventually, those higher lvl players will win the cup as their player on transfer market is simply better than our scouts.....
    Let me explain a bit more :
    1. Old style random teams and i always got kicked by top 9* teams , new style are all same quality and i saw the avarange is +/- 2 lvls !

    2. Chance to win it : old style = 0% , new style = i can say it`s 20% or less but at least i have the chance !

    3. The higher lvls you have in your coup are teams with bad managers because your quality is for your lvl not for 2 levels higher ... if they success to buy few 4~5* stars in auction it will be like few players from scouts for you ... but he needs a hole team not only 1 ~ 3 players !

    4. As you saw in the earlier post i made here an lvl 8 with lower team won a lvl 10 with much better team so that means we all have the chance to win the coup if we know to set up a team !

    5. Banded lvl coup like july suggested : lvl 1 to lvl 5 , lvl 6 to lvl 10 ..... How the hell lvl 1 win a lvl 5 ? How the hell a lvl 6 win a lvl 10 ? if you get in that banded lvl coup as the lower lvl even if you buy all the tokens you can it`s very hard to get a team same as 4 lvl highers ! and if you reduce the lvl gap to 2lvls ... lv 7 to beat a lvl8 with scouts = impossible , even if lv 7 buy scouts too !
    so it will always have the same problem with lvl`s ! but same quality teams is the best that can make in coup !

    6. From all competition the strongest is the coup and could not be better then it is !

  5. #55
    Dreamer Maxtax's Avatar
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    Athens, Greece
    ...see No 6 above thats the conclusion, in football suppose to be Ch. League, but still its not, is like throwing dice for reasons i got tired to explain any more and thats happenning with strangers not even my friends, also i have an idea to make all of the ppl happy , at the end of the season an icon of a cup trophie can be gifted to all managers, thats the fairer of all.
    Last edited by Maxtax; 03-20-2013 at 02:42 PM.
    ndog likes this.
    TEAM'S ACHIEVEMENTS(Est.10.5.2011) Season 47/Level ?/League 40
    24 Leagues, 13 Champion Leagues, 6 Cups, 1 Treble.

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    new cuo set up

  7. #57
    Famous Raykco's Avatar
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    London, England
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePsycho View Post
    I won't be buying tokens until they change the cup format. I just got eliminated in the by a level 10 all scout as a level 8 team. There is no "balance" at all when all of a sudden a team that initially didn't had scouts based on my math a few days ago now has scouts in every position. I'm not talking about 5 stars that turn in 7 stars. It was 5 stars into 8 stars.

    The cup format needs to be retooled.
    Surely this would also have occured in the old cup format as well. What is the difference?

    Olympic Stadium...East London

    Season 47...........Manager Level 33

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    if u wan win the cup,ask nordeus 1st if nordeus like u this season give u win the cup,no base u qty
    last season cup final i lv4 ave qty 40.x,my opponent lv3 ave qty28.3,finally i lost in penalty1-3
    my keeper =penalty stopper, 1ball also cant stop2 player(penalty kick)cant score
    my opponent keeper and player no skill also can save my penalty kick x2, what the **** skill
    this season my friend lv5 ave qty 46.6 lose lv3 33.5 in 1st round ,0-0 0-1 haha this season nordeus no like my friend

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