1st you show a formation in diamond but here in the last pics you play with 3 defenders?
My opinion , despite I always said that all formations can win the treble is that defenses of 3 tend to be more unestable.
You have a good AMC called Calvo and a good AMR, as AML you can use the AMC Geudens for example, for one player with yellow/orange alert there's not impact, if the players are ok the impact of a wrong position is positive.
Don't play with counters as seems if you see that don't work as you expect. Try some matches with a 4-2-3w-1 as I suggested and Rojas as ST with a option to use Bujak in 2nd half if the 1st don't appear.
I always say that on have to test and find a man for corners and free kicks, you can use the own matches to test these players, without need of friendlies, so select one man for corners and 1 for FK, if fail 1-2 times, change his for another, for example Chissano or a defender for corners* and the GK Vaillant for Freekicks as this have 2 MoM and these players are what you have to keep.
If you find the correct man for freekicks and one for corners perfectly you can obtaina goal per match or so...
If you want sell players sell these who give you less ratio of contribution per matches played. You have 2 good GK's but Saputra and Ndjock if you want you can obtain a better MC or DR/DL for your team, I will suggest too put red arrows to DR/DL to have more options + 2 blues to DCs.
Basically you have a team with lot of stars but not a enough contribution,,, poor contribution of MC's too... so I will suggest this, 4-2-3-1 even with some pleyer out position, and don't change it, just find man for fk/crners and do sub's in 2nd half if somebody dont appear. +as mentioned, you can change some player.
And till here my opinion xD
Good luck