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  • 1 Post By nikolgiorgos

Thread: Most of My League Opponents Have Already Quit... I Only Focus on CUP and CL...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Most of My League Opponents Have Already Quit... I Only Focus on CUP and CL...

    I am level 5. Here are the characteristics of the managers in my League.

    Rank -------------- PT -------------- Overall Quality Value
    01 ------------------ 43 ------------------43.5 This is me, I am still playing.
    02 ------------------ 40 ------------------39.5
    03 ------------------36 ------------------39.9
    04 ------------------29 ------------------ 29.2
    05 ------------------26 ------------------ 31.7
    06 ------------------25 ------------------ 32.9
    07 ------------------24 ------------------ 28.4
    08 ------------------17 ------------------ 29.2
    09 ------------------17 ------------------ 32.3
    10 ------------------17 ------------------ 27.2
    11 ------------------17 ------------------ 28.5
    12 ------------------08 ------------------ 31.2
    13 ------------------06 ------------------ 29.3
    14 ------------------00 ------------------ 29.5

    I guess at least 10 of them have already quit. What do you think?
    Last edited by annozk; 07-13-2016 at 06:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    i think is a good chance for you to claim the title.(league champion) yeah!!頎巾笁

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Of course I will be the champion. No challenge at all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Toulouse, France
    In high levels, its worst !
    In league you play every season in league against same teams!!
    In cup and champions league you play against teams with 6 levels more!!! Impossible to play cup and champions league!
    Me and others players say problem to nordeus but they do like if no problem and they do nothing.... Big problem on servers in high levels! They must change system and do champions league with players same level even if not same server!
    In cup , 3 levels differents ok but not always be the worst! Be medium and high too in rotation!

  5. #5
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by annozk View Post
    Of course I will be the champion. No challenge at all.
    well, there 's a catch here.
    You 're playing in a league with many low q (or abandoned) teams.
    So, if you loose from no2 or get a couple of draws and the second become 1st, it will be very tough to get back in 1st position because he won't loose in some next game.
    So, be careful
    Awe Imoleayo Peter likes this.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Toulouse, France
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    well, there 's a catch here.
    You 're playing in a league with many low q (or abandoned) teams.
    So, if you loose from no2 or get a couple of draws and the second become 1st, it will be very tough to get back in 1st position because he won't loose in some next game.
    So, be careful
    An exemple of shat i say.... Nordeus do like if there is no problem ! You are moderator!
    There is big problem with this system of servers! Servers must change !!! Or playing against teams others servers! Alot o players said no fun !!!!!
    Me too in my message before you
    But nordeus do nothing !!!!! It must change!!!!!

  7. #7
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    you 're right tomy
    If you remember, we talked about it in an older thread , here #28

    frankly I can't see that your issue is on priorities of TE.
    If I could make a guess, that would be about
    - fixing the asc. games
    - fixing the TE 2016 version to be "playble" from pc without problems
    - Starting the new competition "Europa League"
    and maybe the Cup competition.

    Sorry but I 'm only a mod, can't do anything than suggestions

    So I recommend be patient and do some tanking to make your team stronger and competitive.
    螝伪位蠋蟼 萎蟻胃伪蟿蔚 蟽蟿慰 螘位位畏谓喂魏蠈 蠁蠈蟻慰蠀渭