@Milan Milanov
What I can understand from these stats is
In the first game, with that 20-80 b.p. I understand that team A had something "illegal" in his formation or maybe some players out of position.
In the second game, b.p. was more balanced but those 30 shots show me that also team C had something weird in formation and tactics.
So, if we don't have the whole picture of a game, we can't have any conclusion.
About Pricop game, I can say that's a real troll

Just want to add something from my personal experience. I 'm watching over 80% of my games. With that way, I prevent the team many times from troll results. Some times I "came" into the about 30' min after it started. With teams like oppo of Pricop. Ans the score was 0-0 or loosing 1-0 wtf

Switched some orders, made a sub and won the game.
In that case above, Pricop probably didn't watch the game and lost by stats