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You don't get it. Managing (being active as we have been, putting all this effort and so on) does not make such a difference these days in terms of the final outcomes. In fact, it might make things even worst because the active manager might get frustrated with the behavior the game has these days. There is not much football sense in how things are and happen in this game. You can browse the forum and see how many users have quit after this season, and for what reasons. As long as you have decent players and a decent formation (and some other things which I will not say here), the game itself does most of the things. It is not like in a period a few months ago where being active mattered a lot. In some way, to describe the situation now, it can be said that the matches are more like matches on playback. Even in associations it is like this. The last associations' tournament I have played in, it was so clear. I noticed some things in the matches of the other members in my associations, and in the last associations' match for my team, in a way to say, I just sat back eating peanuts and see the other manager fighting (doing changes and so on) for nothing despite him having enough quality in his team as the outcomes on overall were already decided and there was no way he was going to win there unless there was a failure. Test matches using several accounts confirmed the suspicions. I even got a draw (120 min of play) against Mourinho FC using a weaker team and 0% training bonuses. Logical tactics and management (especially the adjustments done during matches) don't matter much these days. You think you are changing things during the matches but you got fooled. The goals would have come soon or later, even in the last minutes if required so that the pre-determined outcomes are be respected; like I have said, the matches are like on playback. Even quality seem to matter less than before unless you have it in your advantage in the extremes. You think I have decided to quit this game just like that, with still a lot of resources left in the account? I must have seen some really bad things in this game lately for me to have taken such a decision. What is even more wrong is that some people have been lying concerning this game. Why your team on auto mode has failed? This is because you lacked some things (the things I said I will not mention here), and also there can be only one winner from all those teams for each competition and so some teams have to fall behind. I have clearly said above that most users won't notice what is wrong because of the way they have been playing this game. If someone cannot see some things that are wrong, that does not mean that there is nothing wrong. So, no more arguments with me. If someone cannot see certain things for whatever reason or does not want to make the effort to find out, then his problem. If someone wants to get fooled, waste his money, effort and time, then again his problem. The game might still be fun in some way, especially for some people, but for me, the game 'lost it'.