Originally Posted by
Philip L. Willis
This is the best answer I've heard in a while, I know there are a lot of differing opinions about the use of 'Force Counter Attack'. But your answer really fits what I have been experiencing with my team, I counter with different formations, tactics and mentalities, all the time, and it has the exact effect you have described.
Force counter may be more effective with a normal or defensive mentalities, but you can use 'force counter' within an attacking strategy too, I attack!
Once the opposition looses the ball whilst on offense, 'force counter' will long pass (even if you have set short pass on!) to the front most open striker let it be a ST, AMs, Ms or even Ds quickly, and shock attack them. It really has nothing to do with your defense being unorganized or not. Its most effective if their defense is unprepared (no off side, man on man) for this sudden attack. Your attacker will 80% lone it, one-on-one or just have support and pass/cross at the last minute. It is a low possession move, giving the ball away a lot, but the rewards are high, so you have to judge.
I play 'force counter' all the time, my assist are very very low, (3 goals to 1 assist) most goals are one-on-one, so best if your have strikers that can dribble, shoot and finish.
When giving out help to newbies about tactics and formations I will always say "I like to counter", that is it, I will not insist this is the best thing since sliced bread.
I have built my team with 'force counter' in mind, always pressing my own half, I have a strong defensive back line, no off sides and a fall back DMC most games. 100's of games all with 'force counter' on, I'm like addicted, whenever I test it off, I see the difference, fewer goals.
Force counter is most noticeable when used against weaker or stronger teams. Teams with an all out attacking mentality, a red out team.
P.S. Please do not misunderstand, there is no turbo button with top eleven, force counter if done incorrectly will lose you more game than win.