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Thread: Is 2017 the worst version for Nordeus TOP11?

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  1. #3
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Oct 2016
    I couldn't agree more.
    Nordeus don't want us to get into game mechanics, that's obvious. They are trying to create the atmosphere of real football. That's why we have zero information about how the game works or even what the skills mean (what's the point to have them then?). That's why we have this semi-broken statistics. It's all-out secrecy: they don't even announce changes.
    Blindfolded, the word you've used, describes the whole situation perfectly, not just strange and unrelated game statistics.

    It's ok, btw, I'm not complaining about this Nordeus strategy of creating football manager simulator. But it's became much worse lately. I only hope the changes they implemented are raw and haven't been tested properly, so they will polish it to be better.
    Maybe next season. Or the season after the next. Anytime before my patience will run out and I quit the game, and the sooner the better =]
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 04-01-2017 at 07:34 PM.
    Bunzo, Cloverfield, achiie and 4 others like this.
    It wasn't our day.