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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: New video for T11

  1.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #91
    Dreamer Voldara's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    Thank you @Santa !

    Now that is some well structured and elaborated feedback Thank you for taking the time out of your day to write it, as I said more than once, the feedback we get from the forum is of high importance.

    You bring some pretty valid points to the table. Everything you mentioned: being present at the match, preparing for it, choosing the most suitable formation and tactic, are core parts of Top Eleven. Parts, that I, as a fellow Manager, hold dear. And I can see how they might lose some of their 'spark' for you and other long-term managers if such changes are implemented. I'll be forwarding this!

    Once again, I want to say that nothing is settled. The feedback in this thread (actually, in the forum as a whole) is not unheard or overlooked, as the devs are being notified of it.
    LeManiaque and LarryC like this.

  2. #92
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
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    Jul 2015
    If that is the case why do you not show the proposed changes here on the forum ?
    As far as I am aware it was google+ Top 11 teams that were offer the chance to view the promo /survey video ?

  3.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #93
    Dreamer Voldara's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    @Bunzo Rest assured, I have asked the appropriate parties regarding this topic. In the meantime, your patience will be highly appreciated.
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  4. #94
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Voldara: I will also provide you with some detailed feedback.

    Note: I am an Electrical/Computer Engineer with an MBA, so I have training in these kinds of things, this is my analysis of the situation.

    I am not going to repeat what Santa said, because I completely agree with everything he said, so we don't need a rehash. Instead, I'm going to focus on how this proposed changed in the long term, benefits no one, and could result in the death of the game.

    I am going to divide the users into 4 categories which I'll define below: Ap hoppers, Casual Players, Serious Players, Hard Core Player, and Nordeus as the 5th entity.

    Ap hoppers:
    These are players who download aps frequently on their phone but rarely stick around very long. They usually play the game once or until they've done everything once (such as leveled up a couple times in a town builder), and move onto the next ap to try something new.
    These are the kinds of people that may like this change, they want to download the ap, and play their match RIGHT NOW.

    As for as Top Eleven is concerned, these user are irrelevant. I don't mean to sound rude or that players don't matter, but in the grand scheme of things, for a game like this they just don't add much. They will quit very quickly, possibly as soon as they lose a match or get pissed off at any of the many game mechanics which they won't take the time to understand. There is really nothing anyone can do about this. Their attention spans with regards to games is just too short to ever take a game like this seriously, which requires both time and mental energy. The ones who really enjoy the game however may eventually graduate to Casual Players. They also rarely if ever spend money on games, since many of these are teenagers, Nordeus won't be making anything off them either.

    Casual Players:
    These are the players that try to log in every day, and attend their matches, but often miss days and won't commit a lot of time, often times due to work or family commitments.
    I think this group would likely give mixed reviews to this proposed change. On one hand, they will like the idea that now they can control what time their home match is played, however, they will also see that now the season is half as long, which means twice as much time needs to be dedicated to the rest. I could certainly see many causal players saying "I just don't have time to deal with 4+ matches a day, I was barely able to handle 2!" They will also realize that they will never be able to manage their away matches, or even plan for them since they don't have time to be there all the time, so they won't bother. Many would then tend to treat this game as a "set it and forget it" game, and like the ap hoppers, those kinds of players are not going to spend money when they know they won't have the time to commit to it on a daily basis. Eventually this group will phase themselves out, albeit much slower than the Ap Hoppers.

    Serious Players:
    These are the players that log in every day, attend nearly all their matches, generally join Facebook groups, and try to plan out a strategy for their teams and their opponents.
    For these players, this proposal is a disaster. The reason they are serious players is because they enjoy taking a few minutes each day to plan for their next opponents, and try to find ways to make their team better. With this proposal, that opportunity is all but gone, and I feel like this group will quickly lose interest and argue that the game has sacrificed too much content for the sake of convenience. Some will quit right away, others will give it a chance, but my prediction would be that the majority would eventually find the game is too much like auto pilot to be enjoyable, and find something else to do. Losing the serious players would hurt Nordeus a lot because these players are not afraid to spend some money to try to build up their teams and/or watch videos to try to better their teams.

    Hard Core Players:
    These are the die hards who log in multiple times a day, barring an emergency will never miss a match, are in at least 1 Facebook group, and are always looking for an edge over their next opponent. Most of these users have likely been players for at least 2 years.
    These players would give universal negative reviews of this new proposal. The hard core players commit a lot of time, energy, and money into their teams, and do not want control being taken away. They pride themselves on coming up with winning strategies and building that next great squad, and for all the reasons Santa listed, that experience is going to be blown out of the door. My prediction is that most of these players will quit immediately, citing that this is NOT the same Top 11 that I started with, and this new game is not worth the time. This would be a disaster for Nordeus as well, since these are the players that likely spend the most money, and even get into arms races with each others rivals to try to beat each other. Those that do spend money will not like the idea of having to put money into the game ever 2 weeks, and would often feel that it's not worth it anymore because the game will be too expensive.

    Now for the 5th entity, Norderus, how would they fare in all this? My prediction would be very poorly.
    If we analyze the predictions above, we'll see that the user base will increase in Ap Hoppers, remain about constant in Casual Players, factoring in the new base with the old base that quit, while quickly losing most of the Serious/Die Hard players. Could the Serious and Die Hards be replaced? It's possible, but would it happen in time and in a large enough quantity to matter? I have my doubts.
    Working under the assumption that Ap Hoppers/Casual Players do not bring in significant revenue, one may feel a season half as long, would result in the Serious/Diehards spending twice as much a month. I find this assumption very flawed, since I would suspect that even if that held true, so many would quit playing altogether that they would at best break even. However, let's look at what that would do to the game at higher level. You'd end up with many abandoned teams, and would greatly decrease the quality of the game, which once again, gives players a reason to quit. Unfortunately for Nordeus, this is a vicious cycle, which would be nearly impossible to stop once it starts.

    On the topic of Nordeus, I'm going to address a couple rumors I heard, I will address them as if they are true, but to users reading it, understand they are just rumors.

    A: Nordeus is trying to make changes to suck up all the incredible amounts of resources that loan-trick abusers acquired.
    If this is true, punishing the rank and file users who didn't even break the rules or exploit the system is not the way to go. It's a classic example of "trying to keep the straight man straight." The only way to solve this problem is to take away all their resources and reset their teams, but it's likely way too late to do that, so Nordeus will just have to live with the decision they made when they continued to allow this until it got out of hand. The best thing Nordeus can do is to try to prevent a serious exploit (such as tanking) to get out of hand so something like this doesn't happen again.

    B: Nordeus is trying to make Top Eleven more like "Insert another management ap here"
    Let me tell you a little story about Yahoo! Mail. Yahoo! Mail had many unique features and felt very different than other E-Mail clients. A number of years ago they decided they needed to be more like the industry leader, GMail, and redesigned their software to look, feel, and act more like GMail. The result was that many long time Yahoo! users were extremely angry and changed to another client. Their complaints were almost universally constant: "If I wanted GMail, I would have just signed up for GMail!" So what is the lesson here? Top Eleven is Top Eleven. It has a very unique and special format and ideas. If the users wanted one of the others, they would just go play that. Don't forget who you are and lose your identity trying to be someone else, in the end no one will be happy.

    So there you have it, there is my analysis on the current proposal, and the future it would bring to Nordeus, and the game of Top Eleven.

    I hope you find that helpful.

  5. #95
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Hit the nail on the head there mate

  6.   This is the last staff post in this thread.   #96
    Pro Jeeves's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    In your threads, administrating things up!
    Thank you for the comprehensive feedback. It's a good read and quite informative. I can see that Voldara already filed the rest of the feedback so I'll just submit your post as well.

    Thank you all for continuing to share your thoughts.

  7. #97
    Newbie JustinXI's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    These new proposed changes sound horrible, please don't implement them and make the game worse! Judging from the responses on here I'm not the only one who seems to feel that way...don't make the user experience worse guys! Long-term players like myself might stop playing the game altogether if you implement these drastic new changes.

    Preparing your team and planning formations in advance is what makes this game fun. So please, if you care about your loyal players then don't do it. Just my opinion, thanks for hearing me out!
    Bunzo likes this.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Netherlands, The Hague
    Playing this game almost 3 years. Don't implement those changes is what I want to say!

    Odoslané z LG-H850 pomocou Tapatalku

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    With these changes I would leave the game sudden
    Bunzo likes this.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    It's been a while the 14-day season has been suggested. I think this would be terrible. To me, the heart and soul of this game is the almost magic 4-week season. It forces you to commit yourself for a certain period and to try to improve your team on a relatively long term. If we try to understand what is currently going on with T11 (with these ceseless changes in 2017) we must come to the conclusion that the game in probably on the decline big time and that they try to do whatever they can to rescue it. As most of the forum members are kind of hard-core players, we do not have this feeling. But it's probably true: we just have to have a look to the free token offers: here in France, there used to be (and this was just a year ago) more than 200 offers on trialpay only. Now, it's barely 50 or so. So that's why we are not surveyed before the changes are implemented (just think of the new auction system - eventhough I like it myself, I'm probably the only one here). We just have to face the truth: we are not the future of the game ! Nordeus' main targets are the casual players who are installing the game, play it for 4-6 months and forget it. If I were cynical, I would think that they indeed consider our opinion and DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what we suggested.
    Last edited by gizzmo; 05-03-2017 at 10:46 AM.
    Altiplano and Sanghaicola like this.
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