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Thread: Are all players on the Transfer Market nordgens? Where do our players go?

  1. #21
    Apprentice sincity's Avatar
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    So obviuosly if the assumptions in the original post are correct, it doesn't matter when you sell a player - in the beginning or at the end of the season you will get the same amount of cash. On the other hand, bidding wars to buy a player are huge and you pay a lot of cash in the market, much more than before /not only because prices are higher than before by default/. The morale of the story is that we will be bankrupt soon
    Sunil Chetri likes this.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cloverfield View Post
    For sure you can find "fixed" players more easily.
    Many multipositions player

    But I do not quite get why you like this.

    This was not done by everybody so it could distinguish good managers from medium managers (good/medium on matter of training)

    Now everyone will be able to get such players, we will be all the same

    At least you can build your personal dream team more easily

    Also as these are the first days of the new auction system, we are not sure if this is gonna be forever.
    Maybe this "too good to be true" players are there to make the auction system more likeable
    Let me put it like this: according to your definition, I consider myself as a mediocre manager: I've never been able to spot the bloody nordgens or fast trainers: I bought players, some were but some were not. Never could figure out how to anticipate that. On top of that, I hate waking up early and I was absolutely driven mad everytime I lost an auction. I prefer by miles paying 69 tokens for a scout than losing 5 for nothing.
    Now, I just need to be patient and wait for the list to refresh anytime during the day. And if I'm patient enough, I'll find what I'm looking for.
    On top of that, I do not lose tokens for nothing anymore. Maybe this is why I like this update.
    But you may have a point: the "dream players" I bought so far (got this morning a 18 year-old AML/ML/DML with playmaker SA for 2 tokens !!) may vanish at some point (as the first fantastic recommended player I bought was never matched).
    Last edited by gizzmo; 04-27-2017 at 01:00 PM.
    Bunzo likes this.
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  3. #23
    Famous nash123's Avatar
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    But it seems, that the time for Fast Trainers are the same. I woke up ~60min after server reset and I'm not working today. So, my tablet was/is the whole day with me and there was no down-time of the app. The first ~3 hours, I had on 10 refreshs 7 fast trainer, but after that time, there were only a handful of fast trainer (~10, I would say). That means... if you really want the fast trainer, you still have to wake up early. The only guys who prefer of this... what a surprise.. the asians.

    The first 3 hours are incredible... yes, but if you search something specific, it's really hard to get it = you need a lot of time and most of it is just wasted.

    An AML/ML/DML with playmaker is very very nice... but I don't need them. If I need a left winger, I only would buy him, if he his:

    -) AML
    -) AML + SA (CK or SS)
    -) AML/ML
    -) AML/ML + SA (CK or SS)
    -) ST/AML/ML
    -) ST/AML/ML + SA (CK or SS)

    If there's a player that has ST/AML/ML and PK or PM or FK,... it would be really nice to see such a guy, but I never would buy him. He doesn't fit into my team. Maybe everyone of you call me stupid, but why should I buy a lot of token for a player, who doesn't fit? It cost me a lot of time to form my squad. I'm now in a situation, I have to replace max. 2 player/season and I know, what I need!!

    Nasharak FC - Club Museum
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  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by nash123 View Post
    But it seems, that the time for Fast Trainers are the same.
    That leaves me with the same question I ask for 3 years: HOW do you know they are fast trainers ? I bought 4 players in the new auction system (late in the GMT morning or early in the afternoon): all are FT. On the other hand, 2 weeks ago I bought this 18 year-old MC from FC Smoky who trains like my grand-mother.
    I may have been lucky but so far I got 4 in the new system which is as good as what I got in the last 2 years.
    I almost agree with you in your option to buy only what you need but with exceptions: good managers must make room in their teams to great players.
    Last edited by gizzmo; 04-27-2017 at 01:53 PM.
    Club: FC Lomagne

    Level: 33

    Current Season (44): League (ON STRIKE), CL (N/A), Cup (In - Quarter-Finals)

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  5. #25
    Famous nash123's Avatar
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    I don't now excatly, but if I remember correct, at this thread is a list, where you can spot them by value and vage.

    I'm at last season, where I'm not at the point, where every player costs the same. So, it's easy to spot them. Next season... I don't know, maybe I can't do it - we will see.

    But... for me... it's good to know, they are there at the same time as before...
    Bunzo likes this.

    Nasharak FC - Club Museum
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  6. #26
    Apprentice sincity's Avatar
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    Wonder no more. I got the answer. Our players ARE definately bought by Nordeus. I know this because I am top of my server and I just sold a 6 star player, which as you understand is not possible to be bought by a human manager, cause there are no managers one level above mine. Cheers.
    The only other possibility is that Nordeus merged servers and human manager from another server bought my player.
    Last edited by sincity; 04-27-2017 at 03:32 PM.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    My Friends activity has actually notified me that one of my friends has sold a player to another team today. I think this is the 1st time I've seen this since the update. So some of our players are going to other human managers at least. Unless of course the team that bought was a Nordeus bot team.

  8. #28
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Altiplano View Post
    My Friends activity has actually notified me that one of my friends has sold a player to another team today. I think this is the 1st time I've seen this since the update. So some of our players are going to other human managers at least. Unless of course the team that bought was a Nordeus bot team.
    Yes I have notifications like that as well try open them? & it does not say which team bought the player.
    No players that are sold are going to human managers

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Altiplano View Post
    My Friends activity has actually notified me that one of my friends has sold a player to another team today. I think this is the 1st time I've seen this since the update. So some of our players are going to other human managers at least.
    It could've been done via negotiation.

  10. #30
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedsBleedRed View Post
    It could've been done via negotiation.
    Looks like the negotiations option is back. I got a T11 update earlier and that seems to have solved it.
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