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Thread: How to get legendary 8******** stars players for free ! (use google to translate it )

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    How to get legendary 8******** stars players for free ! (use google to translate it )

    The reason for saying the secret is to push top 11 programmers to fix the gaps which allow some "smart ass " managers to "cheat" and cause disappointment to other managers which is unfair .

    Follow these steps :

    A- Purchase around (eleven or twenty two - as you wish ) 5 * players below 20 years old from ALLpositions.

    B- Train them every day 4-6 times per day.
    Training should start with easy drills then medium drills and finally hard drills .. don't start with very hard drills.

    C- TANKING: stay in the same level for three / four seasons (months).
    How ? Use a ****ed up formation to lose ALL your league games. make sure you see a red flag above all players

    Suggestions for training and ****ed up formation Attachment 87241Attachment 87242Attachment 87243are shown in the attached files. ( A- B)

    Explanation : when you stay in the same level, your players will go stronger but THEY WON'T LOSE - 20 % ...
    If you buy 95 % players and train your team hard and let them gain 15 %- 20 % each season their power will become as shown below
    1st season 110% or 115% - 18 years old
    2nd season 125 or 130 % - 19 years old
    3rd season 140 or 145 % - 20 years old
    4rth season 155 or 160 % - 21 years old

    Then you climb the levels again with these 8 stars players for 6-8 seasons ...
    This strategy doesn't require buying rests. All you need is to watch some free videos and make 1 substitution during all your games.

    Such teams can be very helpful in the association when they loan players to weak teams

    All you need is patience
    Good Luck

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    That's not a secret, is basically tanking and it's effects, and when time ago some managers recived 100 videos per day really was just needed 1 or 2 seasons tanking to have a team like this or with 9* ^^

    you are selling us the moto, as we say in Spain lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    yea i know it's not a secret to many old members here but believe me there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of top 11 members who STILL don't know about this ... this can be seen from questions and complains that are posted on facebook and sometimes here

  4. #4
    Famous KenoticFC's Avatar
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    Dec 2016
    It may help you win the league easily but I guarantee that you will be thrown in a higher level cup and champions and it won't do any good. This is I guess the hidden rule to punish tankers. Tank only if you want new rivals, are out of tokens or have a bad team that needs a lot of players otherwise just level up since there is no big difference. After all this time my conclusion is you just need a 5 star team at the beginning of the season to be competitive with the help of some minor acquisitions. Having many 7 star players will do you more harm than good in the draw.
    Kenny, roguelover and xander like this.

  5. #5
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    And tanking is nigh on impossible higher up when everyone levels up, even 14th place.

    KFC Loella
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    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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    Top Eleven Forum Moderator

  6. #6
    Pro ibangali's Avatar
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    I can fight against a real player but can't fight against game engine (troll).
    Trolling ruin the game fun and all efforts.
    We play for fun not frustration.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    I just saw the attached pictures and I noticed that most of your players were 6 stars only after 2 or 3 years of training and tanking which means that you were not training hard as i suggested above

    If you buy 95 % players and train your team HARD and let them gain 15 %- 20 % each season their power will become as shown below
    1st season 110% or 115% - 18 years old
    2nd season 125 or 130 % - 19 years old
    3rd season 140 or 145 % - 20 years old
    4rth season 155 or 160 % - 21 years old

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    I agree with you that tanking is impossible at higher level because of automatic promotion to higher levels.

    Tanking might be very helpful for managers who want to win 100 or 200 tokens in association if they become in the top 10 world teams.

    Managers who start tanking since level one or even 5 or 10 for 4 seasons then start climbing the level will accumulate thousands of tokens within their career and can sell one or two positions in their association for hundred of tokens if they were in top 100 or sell the whole association for 1000 tokens and that would be a good deal for any manager who want fame ....

  9. #9
    Rookie Palash Mitra's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Who sells their Association or spots for tokens? More so, how? -_-

    Sent from my ONEPLUS A3003 using Tapatalk

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    I don't know if it's possible to make a safe deal through credit card - you pay him first and if he doesn't give you the captainship you can cancel the payment but in this case maybe the buyer would cancel the payment after he get the captainship.... so the best way to make an agreement about selling an association or a spot in a platinum is by meeting face to face ( both from same country - you give him the money or charge his account with tokens and he gives you the captainship of the association and if somebody mess up you guys fight .

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