However sympathetic the people of Nordeus are to the plight of the unfortunate Palestinians, Israel is supported by most of the 'west'. The 'west' generally has more financial muscle as well as political influence.
However sympathetic the people of Nordeus are to the plight of the unfortunate Palestinians, Israel is supported by most of the 'west'. The 'west' generally has more financial muscle as well as political influence.
I'm considering myself as a very politically interested person. But I really don't think that the exclusion of for example Palestine in the game or other meanwhile founded and maybe even officially recognized countries is a political move or kind of a statement coming from Nordeus.
Well, calling the native Americans "indians" is racist as well. But I don't want to go too much off-topic here. Let's just say, this whole thing is a difficult matter (which does tbh a lot of times agitate me) but this is not the best address to state your opinion and I don't think this is the best place to go to discuss these issues.
I think this guy is not a palestinian. He just wants to support this country for some reason. Maybe he wants to change his nationality in the game so everyone can see him that he supports the palestine even though he is not a palestinian.
As i know it's very difficult to log into this game if you are from palestine.
I have a friend from israel who live near the palestinian territory.
we become friends when i have a temporary job in muscat (oman). He also play top eleven.
But while in his hometown he always uses vpn app to play this game. because he said you can not login to this game without using vpn app or without change your ip address.
So my suggest is try to contact regarding your question.
I'm not racist by saying this. I'm a kopites and i only support my team and liverpool. not others!
Well I might be wrong but Palestine should be, I will try to speak these days with them and see what's the cause they are not.
First of all this game is about football and there's not a good idea to start and speak about politics, let's not ruin the beauty of football with trash politic cause we won't win anything.
Second the solution might actually be much simple, I would like to see in game all the flags of the nationalities that are accepted and recognized by FIFA and yes Palestine is there so should be in the game. - Position 91
I think people think differently, so the guy wants to support this country for some reason.
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Same problem with me
Gibraltar is also missing. I was messing around the other day with nations, because I wanted my youth players to be from a rare nation. Came up with Gibraltar, but its not in the game.Please add it Nordeus!