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Thread: This guy spent tokens just to beat me!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    This guy spent tokens just to beat me!

    There's a guy in my league with a super duper uber team:

    Yet he is the third team before bottom because he keeps playing games like this:

    He has 70 goals scored against him with only 4 wins in the competition. One of these wins was against me.

    I'm second in the league right now. He played against my main competitor who is first in the league using that losing formation twice and lost 9-0 and then 11-0.

    Against me at home he put on a proper formation and won. After that he went back to his losing formation.

    Tomorrow he plays against me again away and I see now that he has a proper formation setup. Most likely I will lose. What is this guy's problem with me... I don't understand! Why me among all the teams in the league!

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    marcusthomas likes this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Look at this for God's sake!

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  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    You might find he is playing the cups and Associations but tanking the League. That formation you see might be for a game he has before playing against you.

    KFC Loella
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    This guy spent tokens just to beat me!

    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    You might find he is playing the cups and Associations but tanking the League. That formation you see might be for a game he has before playing against you.

    KFC Loella
    Level 48
    That makes sense if it would happen with others. But it is happening only when it's my turn to play him.

    He actually just changed formation to counter mine even though the match is tomorrow at 9:30 PM!

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    Last edited by Yaser Als; 10-07-2017 at 09:09 PM.

  5. #5
    Antonio Gustavo Hernandez

    This guy spent tokens just to beat me!

    I use just two words to describe these kind of managers: "Pathetic Tankers".

    I was going to experiment them more and share on that thread, yet I still encounter them, but they don't deserve it lol. Plus I was stronger than all of them until now, and this season only one could have a draw against me. I think these are the tankers who distort the league or other competitions. Forget the league lol.

    One more complaint about this;

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    Last edited by Antonio Gustavo Hernandez; 10-10-2017 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Adding a link and few more words.

  6. #6
    Famous HairDryer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaser Als View Post
    That makes sense if it would happen with others. But it is happening only when it's my turn to play him.

    He actually just changed formation to counter mine even though the match is tomorrow at 9:30 PM!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    He dont like Heroes maybe! He is tanking very smart dont u think? no spending money to create a super team.
    Like it or not Nordeus dont punish tanker! So why not tanking! go on do it create a superteam without spending. I am gonna encourage newbie and managers to tank yeah! Until Nordeus find it a problem

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
    Last edited by HairDryer; 10-08-2017 at 01:06 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by HairDryer View Post
    He dont like Heroes maybe! He is tanking very smart dont u think? no spending money to create a super team.
    Hey like it or dont like it Nordeus dont punish tanker! So why not tanking! go on do it create a superteam without spending. I am gonna encourage newbie and managers to tank yeah! Until Nordeus find it a problem

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk
    He already has a super team! How much super does he want to get?!

    Besides, the question remains... why tank everyone except me

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    I understand your frustration mate.
    Facing a similar situation in the league with my 2nd team.
    This guy put on his good team against me and cost me the match.
    Currently, the league is tied on points and Im yet to play this idit a 2nd time, whereas my competitor got big victories against him.

    I did write to Nordeus about this, but all i got was that they dont consider it cheating (even though it is unethical).
    Apparently, there is something in works to counter this, but no further details were provided.

  9. #9
    Addicted adifairus's Avatar
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    maybe its your bad schedule luck to face him on weekend only where he play for association match.

    yeah i agree tanking is not against any rule, but it just unethical.

    my advice to you, just play hard defending when facing them in weekend. huhuh

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    It is all about resource management. If you are low in money then you better tank and save money while maintaining a strong team for next season or all the way for association oriented game play only since Nordeous doesn't see it as a problem most probably because the current revenues are within their desired ranges.

    If you don't have money issues and Top eleven is something you enjoy why not go for all trophies and fortify the squad as necessary every season. Then you don't lose time but you spend money. Time is money.

    Questioning ethical side of the foxy tactics is always debatable but last word is spoken by Nordeous as it is not considered as cheating. There is no time to lose on the debate but to move on.

    And I believe you just happen to have a bad fixture where the oppo is preparing for assoc. . I believe if he read the entry he would be laughing..

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