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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Can the admins pls explain this

    So I was going through top eleven rules and terms of service a couple of days back and I stumbled across a thread "(important) purchases and offers safety" posted by one of the administrators of this forum moi and this paragraph caught my attention:

    "Abusing the system: Please note that if you are trying obtain A LOT of boosters or tokens every day, during few consecutive days, this could trigger some internal anti-cheating/fraud flags we have that control abuse on our offer system, apart from other internal warnings. When that happens, our system automatically reduces the amount of offers this user can complete for a period of time"

    This leaves me with the following questions:
    (1) Does it mean that farming a lot of boosters to improve ur team is against the rules?
    If yes how many boosters is safe for us to farm before our account gets "flagged"?
    (2) could this be the reason why many of us start from earning 30 boosters per day to less than 15 after some weeks (pls don't tell me anything about no of offers available for d region because other people from that same geographical region are still receiving the normal amount while yours have been reduced and u use thesame platform as well )
    And also no one should talk about vpn or proxies because the qouted paragraph was clearly not talking about those.

    I would really appreciate If the mods and admins can shed more light on this.
    Last edited by Spartan117; 10-11-2017 at 05:10 PM.
    gamer5289 likes this.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan117 View Post
    So I was going through top eleven rules and terms of service a couple of days back and I stumbled across a thread "(important) purchases and offers safety" posted by one of the administrators of this forum moi and this paragraph caught my attention:

    "Abusing the system: Please note that if you are trying obtain A LOT of boosters or tokens every day, during few consecutive days, this could trigger some internal anti-cheating/fraud flags we have that control abuse on our offer system, apart from other internal warnings. When that happens, our system automatically reduces the amount of offers this user can complete for a period of time"

    This leaves me with the following questions:
    (1) Does it mean that farming a lot of boosters to improve ur team is against the rules?
    If yes how many boosters is safe for us to farm before our account gets "flagged"?
    (2) could this be the reason why many of us start from earning 30 boosters per day to less than 15 after some weeks (pls don't tell me anything about no of offers available for d region because other people from that same geographical region are still receiving the normal amount while yours have been reduced and u use thesame platform as well )
    And also no one should talk about vpn or proxies because the qouted paragraph was clearly not talking about those.

    I would really appreciate If the mods and admins can shed more light on this.
    If I'm right this abuse, that is mentioned is related to the use of VPN, not to the offers that the managers have available through legit ways.

    The 30 that existed (and that I never had because I've been almost all year with a single video lol) are the "legit" offers, that I guess should be obtained without VPN, as the system detect the abuse when exist.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    If I'm right this abuse, that is mentioned is related to the use of VPN, not to the offers that the managers have available through legit ways.

    The 30 that existed (and that I never had because I've been almost all year with a single video lol) are the "legit" offers, that I guess should be obtained without VPN, as the system detect the abuse when exist.

    If u go through his thread you would discover that he wasn't talking about vpn he had already mentioned vpn and is what he said about vpn:

    "The use of any tool or device that spoofs your original IPs (like VPNs to access other countries' offers) or in any other way exploit the offer system in this game (like scripts that allow you to complete some offers in bulk, like watching a bunch of videos of an external country at the same time), to fraudulently get boosters and tokens in bulk instead of completing the offers properly, is against our terms of use and can result in your account being permanently banned"

    This is different from "abusing" the offer system by watching many videos:

    "Abusing the system: Please note that if you are trying obtain A LOT of boosters or tokens every day, during few consecutive days, this could trigger some internal anti-cheating/fraud flags we have that control abuse on our offer system, apart from other internal warnings. When that happens, our system automatically reduces the amount of offers this user can complete for a period of time"
    Last edited by Spartan117; 10-11-2017 at 05:51 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Ok. I'm not using any cheats, never have done, never will do. I have no idea what VPN means. The only boosters I get or ever have got have come through the game. Ok I will watch as many videos as I'm allowed every single day because I play for free, not 1 cent spent.
    So, am I abusing something, somewhere?
    Has my account been flagged?
    If not, then why is my ability to farm/bank rest packs being limited?
    If a video is available to watch why am I not allowed to be rewarded with a rest pack to use at a later date?
    If a limit has been set on the amount of rest packs I'm allowed to have in the bank why can I always get treatments (of which I have more than rest packs.)?
    25 hours ago I asked the same questions to in game support.........
    And nothing back.......
    It seems I'm not the only on experiencing this (and this is on both my accounts), so WTF?
    grubi125 likes this.

  5. #5
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan117 View Post
    If u go through his thread you would discover that he wasn't talking about vpn he had already mentioned vpn and is what he said about vpn:

    "The use of any tool or device that spoofs your original IPs (like VPNs to access other countries' offers) or in any other way exploit the offer system in this game (like scripts that allow you to complete some offers in bulk, like watching a bunch of videos of an external country at the same time), to fraudulently get boosters and tokens in bulk instead of completing the offers properly, is against our terms of use and can result in your account being permanently banned"

    This is different from "abusing" the offer system by watching many videos:

    "Abusing the system: Please note that if you are trying obtain A LOT of boosters or tokens every day, during few consecutive days, this could trigger some internal anti-cheating/fraud flags we have that control abuse on our offer system, apart from other internal warnings. When that happens, our system automatically reduces the amount of offers this user can complete for a period of time"
    Aha, and here again I say, the abuse only can be related with the use of VPN. The 30 daily boosters are the available offers, are the legit ones.

    Use VPN to obtain offers that are from another country, or to exceed these 30, (or the available offers of your country, despite that these can be 30 10 or 4), are the illegal side.

    You only can abuse in case of using illegal tools, so is related.

  6. #6
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    VPN means virtual private networks which allows you to spoof your IP so that it gives the impression you are in another country (usually of your choice) Tunnelbear is a popular VPN. You could in theory go through several different countries from the comfort of your living room and farm packs for each country. Common sense will tell you that this is not allowed and this activity will flag up on T11 monitoring systems. There is no problem with farming across multiple devices as long as you’re in one country, so iPhone, PC, Android etc is ok if the offers are there. This is quite clear in the rules of T11. It is true that some can farm more daily videos than others, that I cannot explain. I can usually manage 30 per day. 4 years ago I could manage 100+ daily. Hope that helps.

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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    U guys are not getting the point this rule has nothing to do with vpn! Pls try and carefully read and understand this quoted statement because the whole thread is based on this statement:

    "Abusing the system: Please note that if you are trying obtain A LOT of boosters or tokens every day, during few consecutive days, this could trigger some internal anti-cheating/fraud flags we have that control abuse on our offer system, apart from other internal warnings. When that happens, our system automatically reduces the amount of offers this user can complete for a period of time"

    notice that he said "a lot of boosters" which is what we do when we farm everyday. Pls enough with the vpn talk.
    If the administrator that made the statement can come to clarify it would be nice
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    No one should try to associate this rule with vpn pls this is the thread were I got the quote from:
    It's posted right here in this section of the forum by admin moi

  9. #9
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Try to understand that we are at the same point. Maybe, (as far as I remember) we can "interpret" abuse, inside the old situation, when some countries had 100 daily videos, and we had managers obtaining +50 per day, despite be "legit offers" but "be a abuse", and some managers took advantage using vpn too, to have access to these 100 daily boosters that were not available in their countries.
    This years ago, that is when rules were made, so was illegal the "abuse" considering that if you had 100 daily offers was not fair watch maybe 50 videos. Of course the countries that had no videos and used vpn to have access to these offers were doing something against the rules.

    Then, actually, to prevent the abuse that we had, the videos were reduced (despite that the amount of videos depend of the zone), so with the "limit", the "actual limit" that is around 30 videos daily, this is legit.
    So, I keep my version again (waiting for some more specific clarification that to define the situation would be great^^) and I say again, that "legit" is what you can obtain actually in your country using fair methods.
    So the only way to cheat or abuse actually -as far as I know- is using vpn (here why is related and associated despite that you won't xD) to have access to countries with higher amount of videos/offers than the one where you live.

    Despite all I will try to bring here a more exact answer to enlighten all us and make us reach the divine knowledge.

  10. #10
    Rookie Anarcho's Avatar
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    It's so unfair if some can get 30 and the others get 5 (or nothing) depending on your regional, I know it's the sponsors request but Nordeus should find a way to make things more equal or just let mangers find their own way. any unfair rules should not be acceptable.

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