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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: [Official] Important Announcement - Association Loans

  1. #31
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crisgr View Post
    To make it more clear, my idea/proposal is to have Association Stars, after all association operate with stars, but have them calculated in a way opposite they work on leagues, that decide if a player goes to next level or stays on the same.

    Example. Imagine 2 players on level 50 having teams of 269 quality at the end of a season. That means both have 5* teams.
    First one is promoted to level 51. His quality of 269 as next season starts is now 4*.
    Second stays on level 50, having his quality of 269 unchanged in view of stars, remaining at 5*.
    On associations things are the same way.
    So a let's say good manager who goes to next level, does harm his association, reducing its stars from 5 to 4.
    The 'bad' manager (a tanked maybe) who stayed on the same level, keeps his association as strong it was, at 5*.

    In other words an association with members that level up gets weaker, while if it consists of players who stay on the same level it keeps its strangth.
    The easy thing looks to stay on the same level. That's what tankers do. They do not lose stars on league and they transfer them as they are on associations.

    But what if Association Stars were counted differently?
    On our example, in case you level up, your team with lose 1 star, but on association he will keep the stars.
    So, the player who went from level 50 to level 51, he won't lose his stars on his association, like in league, where his team will be 4*, but he will keep it, so in associations he will have 5* team.
    The one who stayed on level 50, he will keep having 5* team on league, but for associations he shall lose 1 stars, thus his team on association will be considered as 4*.

    Just think of a manager on level 50 with young players of quality 269 that tanks (stays level) for 5 seasons and he sees hie players going to 289 quality during those 5 seasons. What quality will his team be on the league? 9 stars! Right! So 9 stars on associations, too! Wow!

    Now think the same manager under my proposal. Bo change to his team quality on leagues. Again a 9 star team.
    The difference is on associations! He should lose 1 star for every tanking season, resulting in only a 4* team on associations!!!!

    So, I am asking. Who is going to do tanking for association stars?

    Nordeus officials here, please take a look at this proposal. Thanks.

    Edit: As promoted will be considered a manager who finished 1-8 or went to the next level, because on high levels, due to lack of teams, it happens that managers who have finished 1-8, stay on same level.
    What you fail to grasp is that Associations only works on Quality%, not Levels, Stars and Quality rating (the absolute number). The solution to this problem must be something that is simple and easy for people to understand - and the game mechanics to implement. How far do you take the proposed 'Association Level'? You have two ideas - A team that promotes will keep their 'Association Star'', and 'A team that tanks will lose a star'. Whatever is used, after a few seasons the disparity will be so large that it will just get confusing.

    There are other things apart from tanking that is going on. The kicking out of teams and replacement by new Level 1 teams on new accounts, abuse of the loan system (sorted to some extent and now to be removed), using rests on said loan players (sorted to some extent and redundant when loaning is removed), mutant players (restricted, but still a problem). Whatever else is done, there will always be someone who will find a loophole to exploit.

    Associations as it stands is IMO beyond rescue, and needs to be withdrawn and completely revamped, for the good of the Top Eleven game.
    Last edited by talisman; 10-30-2017 at 09:58 PM.
    lespa and Bunzo like this.
    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

  2. #32
    Rookie crisgr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by talisman View Post
    What you fail to grasp is that Associations only works on Quality%, not Stars and Quality rating...
    I know that.
    My idea works with quality.
    The point is how to count % quality. In fact two qualities. Team Quality and Association Quality.
    A 100% TQ/AQ goes to next level. Its TQ is now 80%, but in AQ should stay unchanged, 100%.
    A 100% TQ/AQ team stays on same level. Its TQ is the same, 100%, but AQ should go 20% down, at 80%.

    Every team has a % quality. It's teams quality. But if my proposal had been developed, every team would have additionally an association quality, not always the same as team quality.
    Initially association quality will be the same.
    Association quality will progress the same way original team quality does.
    The difference is the change of each quality after a season ends and a new one begins.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Good start to fix associations.
    This goes a long way in addressing the issue with draw manipulation with 1*/2*/3*/4* teams.
    You still need to add suggestions like....close TM during association days, prevent teams from moving around during a season, etc
    brunoctc1983 and Palash Mitra like this.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by gamer5289 View Post
    Good start to fix associations.
    This goes a long way in addressing the issue with draw manipulation with 1*/2*/3*/4* teams.
    You still need to add suggestions like....close TM during association days, prevent teams from moving around during a season, etc

    [Official] Important Announcement - Association Loans-le-jeune-homme-ete-menotte-mais-sans-violence.jpg

    Yes and create a jail for bad managers too , please don't be so stupid and stop suggesting such idiot things

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Now i have a serious questions adressing to Sausy or Moi or Voldara : when it will be released exactly ?
    Altiplano likes this.

  6.   Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread.   #36
    Administrator SausyFC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaizer Franz View Post
    Now i have a serious questions adressing to Sausy or Moi or Voldara : when it will be released exactly ?
    Hey Kaizer, we'll be announcing the release date this week
    Kaizer Franz likes this.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Thanks ! I bet it will be for next season .

  8. #38
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaizer Franz View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	le-jeune-homme-a-ete-menotte-mais-sans-violence.jpg 
Views:	77 
Size:	65.9 KB 
ID:	89618

    Yes and create a jail for bad managers too , please don't be so stupid and stop suggesting such idiot things

    I don't understand why you are so aggressive hater. What sh*t happen in your live to make you so unpleasant person.

  9. #39
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    Oct 2016
    I personally don't believe removing loans is the answer. Its a feature many of us like and enjoy. IMO, you will likely see many associations with all members tanking now they can't use loans.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by po_zdrach View Post
    I don't understand why you are so aggressive hater. What sh*t happen in your live to make you so unpleasant person.

    It has nothing to do with my " personnal " life and story , but if you want to go on the private side , which'is typically respond style of people who haven't any serious arguments , do your mother is good ? Lol

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