Threaded View

Pangihutan Manik At last... But not seeing the... 11-08-2017,
07:51 AM

nash123 Okay... I'm the first to... 11-08-2017,
08:02 AM

tomy31 It s joke!!! Update not... 11-08-2017,
08:04 AM

tilkmin I agree with tomy31. The... 11-08-2017,
08:10 AM

SausyFC Hi everyone,
Just looked... 11-08-2017,
08:13 AM

P.Petrov Perfect, i have important... 11-08-2017,
08:14 AM

Spartan117 The developers better fix... 11-08-2017,
08:15 AM

craigieboy75 My amc amr and aml has lost... 11-08-2017,
08:22 AM

Sean Quinn Horrible! Lots of green packs... 11-08-2017,
08:24 AM

azwanonly 3 positions become 2
All of... 11-08-2017,
08:27 AM

gamer5289 Simply brilliant update... 11-08-2017,
08:31 AM

a.gavrilin Please, add to new features:... 11-08-2017,
08:33 AM

Caleido83 Same here, lost the main... 11-08-2017,
08:36 AM

david_nash atleast it not only me i lost... 11-08-2017,
08:37 AM

SausyFC Hi everyone,
We've... 11-08-2017,
08:41 AM

azwanonly How to put arrows?
No arrows... 11-08-2017,
08:41 AM

Pangihutan Manik Why you change the formation... 11-08-2017,
08:49 AM

josueisaacelias Nordeus need beta testers ASAP 11-08-2017,
08:55 AM

azwanonly I want arrows back.Change... 11-08-2017,
09:07 AM

Sparta Page My players who lost a role... 11-08-2017,
09:07 AM

Spartan117 Even assistant manager... 11-08-2017,
09:08 AM

fcbaleron WTF why players lose their... 11-08-2017,
09:08 AM

Iridensys Bad bad bad and bad... 11-08-2017,
09:10 AM

tilkmin Dear Top Eleven Team,
It‘s... 11-08-2017,
09:10 AM

Alessio Fitch ALL this fuss about this new... 11-08-2017,
09:18 AM

cayembe You should fix the New... 11-08-2017,
09:18 AM

KenoticFC I returned to the forum just... 11-08-2017,
09:20 AM

Barcabaha So basicly this Joke”update”... 11-08-2017,
09:22 AM

Robert79 @ Saucy
Bought a ST last... 11-08-2017,
09:24 AM

Mark(Bradford city) You are idiots I have wasted... 11-08-2017,
09:25 AM

tomy31 And for players who are... 11-08-2017,
09:26 AM

Alessio Fitch WORST DOWNGRADE EVER FROM... 11-08-2017,
09:31 AM

VladimirPutin007 Dear S7UP1D R3T4RD NORDA$$
... 11-08-2017,
09:43 AM

Alessio Fitch Fucking had enough of this... 11-08-2017,
09:44 AM

KenoticFC Ok @ SausyFC
I made this... 11-08-2017,
09:46 AM

gamer5289 Another glitch in the new... 11-08-2017,
09:46 AM

Cloverfield I hope this is fixed soon or... 11-08-2017,
09:49 AM

Spartan117 Thank God I already won my cl... 11-08-2017,
09:50 AM

rogerniceguy Happy nordeus screw up day... 11-08-2017,
09:51 AM

Rebelsunited What about the player's... 11-08-2017,
09:51 AM

Juan Eloy This is a monumental fudge.... 11-08-2017,
09:52 AM

Spartan117 Yeah you're right let's chill... 11-08-2017,
09:56 AM

rogerniceguy Server down? Fix taking... 11-08-2017,
09:56 AM

SausyFC Hi everyone,
We are... 11-08-2017,
09:57 AM

Pangihutan Manik Even the real Mourinho uses... 11-08-2017,
09:57 AM

Spartan117 I've a match starting in... 11-08-2017,
09:59 AM

rogerniceguy 3rd positions back except for... 11-08-2017,
10:01 AM

rogerniceguy I pity those of you who set... 11-08-2017,
10:02 AM

azwanonly Dr dmr Mr. Now Dr Mr. Those... 11-08-2017,
10:05 AM

VladimirPutin007 Add back DML DMR roles... add... 11-08-2017,
10:05 AM

KenoticFC Nordeus right now 89964 11-08-2017,
10:06 AM

SausyFC Hi everyone,
The fix for... 11-08-2017,
10:13 AM

VladimirPutin007 That me literally. I lost... 11-08-2017,
10:16 AM

VladimirPutin007 What about DMR DML roles? Now... 11-08-2017,
10:25 AM

Lions SK Son maç raporunu neden... 11-08-2017,
10:26 AM

shieldon No update yet in the apps... 11-08-2017,
10:29 AM

VladimirPutin007 Agreed. Arrows are important... 11-08-2017,
10:31 AM

Lions SK Eski düzeni geri istiyoruz... 11-08-2017,
10:35 AM

RedsBleedRed I love it how Nordeus comes... 11-08-2017,
10:36 AM

drcika I like the arrows removed... 11-08-2017,
10:39 AM

azwanonly Dr dmr Mr become Dr Mr
Dmr... 11-08-2017,
10:40 AM

Spartan117 Match preview does not update... 11-08-2017,
10:41 AM

VladimirPutin007 See u have All Managers... 11-08-2017,
10:53 AM

The_Savage_1 Most of my third positions... 11-08-2017,
11:03 AM

steliosmi This my opinion on the new... 11-08-2017,
11:07 AM

VladimirPutin007 Then if randomly picked what... 11-08-2017,
11:07 AM

StarlingCF Nice update but whitout bugs... 11-08-2017,
11:11 AM

StarlingCF Save team were it is? lol 11-08-2017,
11:13 AM

Max winain I like the new lawn... 11-08-2017,
11:16 AM

VladimirPutin007 He or she does not have guts... 11-08-2017,
11:18 AM

KenoticFC Nordeus after every... 11-08-2017,
11:42 AM

VladimirPutin007 Id1ot t11 dev thinks like... 11-08-2017,
11:54 AM

VladimirPutin007 Agreed. Thats why i train so... 11-08-2017,
11:58 AM

david_nash old match reports dont work... 11-08-2017,
12:05 PM

Palash Mitra Idk if I'm the only one, but... 11-08-2017,
12:14 PM

Cloverfield I also do not like that... 11-08-2017,
12:23 PM

rogerniceguy Can people calm down. It's a... 11-08-2017,
12:25 PM

Tee Teetee still have some players miss... 11-08-2017,
12:47 PM

nash123 Saucy... what's with the... 11-08-2017,
12:51 PM

Tee Teetee still have some players miss... 11-08-2017,
12:54 PM

Defone28 Still not updating. Try to... 11-08-2017,
12:58 PM

hullabaloo BUGS:
1) For some reason,... 11-08-2017,
12:58 PM

t4sos Guys the history of old... 11-08-2017,
01:01 PM

hullabaloo just realized that one of my... 11-08-2017,
01:13 PM

RedsBleedRed Btw, talking of daylight... 11-08-2017,
01:25 PM

StarlingCF @SausyFC: MOC=AMC? 11-08-2017,
01:27 PM

Alessio Fitch UPDATE THE GAME to 2017... 11-08-2017,
01:28 PM

Alessio Fitch Saucy sausage like honestly... 11-08-2017,
01:33 PM

Alessio Fitch BRING JEEVES back !! He... 11-08-2017,
01:35 PM

Steppenwolf How many different "field... 11-08-2017,
01:37 PM

Alessio Fitch You simply know you fucked up... 11-08-2017,
01:41 PM

rogerniceguy Can you change default... 11-08-2017,
01:45 PM

StarlingCF @And SausyFC, Sometimes... 11-08-2017,
01:46 PM

HairDryer he is some screenshot i took... 11-08-2017,
01:48 PM

Jaharan Achbar SausyFC , i have problems. ... 11-08-2017,
01:51 PM

Alessio Fitch How about that "fix" to do... 11-08-2017,
01:51 PM

Rebelsunited The new formation screen is a... 11-08-2017,
01:53 PM

azwanonly Arrows shouldn't be remove.... 11-08-2017,
01:54 PM

alexp7m yeah. thanx a lot i lose 1... 11-08-2017,
02:09 PM

Spartan117 Don't blame SausyFC he's not... 11-08-2017,
02:16 PM

azwanonly Lot of strange formation. My... 11-08-2017,
02:42 PM

Sean Quinn Now no match reports for... 11-08-2017,
02:49 PM

david_nash it would seem so
i said... 11-08-2017,
02:53 PM

Zz-Jones can‘t neither open the app... 11-08-2017,
02:57 PM

RedsBleedRed @SausyFC
Thanks for... 11-08-2017,
02:58 PM

TSHB Bluey Is it now T11s intention to... 11-08-2017,
02:58 PM

buffalorcool One thing that I haven't seen... 11-08-2017,
02:59 PM

Sayantan2512 Hello Sausy,
That is a... 11-08-2017,
03:04 PM

shieldon Its been 7hrs since new... 11-08-2017,
03:09 PM

RedsBleedRed @ SausyFC
That was prompt,... 11-08-2017,
03:10 PM

alexp7m yeah. thanx a lot i lose 1... 11-08-2017,
03:11 PM

Spartan117 The formations are truly ugly... 11-08-2017,
03:12 PM

Zz-Jones @SausyFC
Is the problem... 11-08-2017,
03:17 PM

Buster Keaton Well have lost a lot of... 11-08-2017,
03:22 PM

Jaharan Achbar SausyFC , i have problems. ... 11-08-2017,
03:30 PM

Cloverfield My first impression of new... 11-08-2017,
03:38 PM

phoenixx First I want admit that the... 11-08-2017,
04:21 PM

ibangali As usual, Nord doesn't test... 11-08-2017,
04:36 PM

Kaizer Franz New bug that i never seen... 11-08-2017,
04:53 PM

marciodeoliveira They took the save button and... 11-08-2017,
05:09 PM

Temidayo_ Being unable to choose... 11-08-2017,
05:24 PM

marciodeoliveira Now whenever you change the... 11-08-2017,
05:32 PM

Duzdude NEW
We are introducing a... 11-08-2017,
05:45 PM

VladimirPutin007 Dont be idiot.
DR DL... 11-08-2017,
05:45 PM

VladimirPutin007 Sinple solution. If aint... 11-08-2017,
06:00 PM

Duzdude Please send it to admins:... 11-08-2017,
06:40 PM

Temidayo_ Just lost the top of the... 11-08-2017,
06:47 PM

Zz-Jones @Rebelsunited
... 11-08-2017,
06:49 PM

Zz-Jones my former dl/dml/ml is now... 11-08-2017,
07:17 PM

VladimirPutin007 One STUPID change update is... 11-08-2017,
07:43 PM

ibangali Its pain to change the set... 11-08-2017,
07:45 PM

Zz-Jones I also miss the arrows.
My... 11-08-2017,
07:53 PM

VladimirPutin007 New system is stupid.
I... 11-08-2017,
07:55 PM

VladimirPutin007 Yes bro. Same happen to me... 11-08-2017,
07:58 PM

alexe_66 the Interface is completely... 11-08-2017,
08:08 PM

Zz-Jones ok, i vote against this... 11-08-2017,
08:09 PM

VladimirPutin007 Already put them on the... 11-08-2017,
08:12 PM

VladimirPutin007 Please set a new thread with... 11-08-2017,
08:14 PM

nikolgiorgos Some observations
- When I... 11-08-2017,
08:31 PM

Kaizer Franz I don't want to make you cry... 11-08-2017,
08:56 PM

Alessio Fitch https://media.giphy.com/media/... 11-08-2017,
09:35 PM

kevin.mole.10 Not arrived here just locked... 11-08-2017,
09:42 PM

Alessio Fitch 90054
... 11-08-2017,
09:53 PM

jcohen42 I thought I would check out... 11-09-2017,
12:14 AM

jarharnamme Okay, here's my take on Top11... 11-09-2017,
12:52 AM

azwanonly Not gonna change my... 11-09-2017,
04:15 AM

ibangali One of my AC club got rec... 11-09-2017,
05:24 AM

brolly 24 hours from update... 11-09-2017,
06:59 AM

Lions SK sassy FC please do you mind... 11-09-2017,
07:49 AM

brolly Transfers issue:
I wanted... 11-09-2017,
08:09 AM

HairDryer i think i like the new... 11-09-2017,
08:37 AM

Robert79 Hey Sausy, it hasn’t been... 11-09-2017,
09:11 AM

Lions SK hey fix it now make it back... 11-09-2017,
09:16 AM

Spartan117 It's now possible to have a... 11-09-2017,
11:26 AM

VladimirPutin007 Hey admin te
My player AML... 11-09-2017,
12:54 PM

rogerniceguy Come on guys I know the... 11-09-2017,
01:02 PM

FUT11 Fake, fake, fake.
Just... 11-09-2017,
01:08 PM

nash123 The new formation system... 11-09-2017,
01:27 PM

KenoticFC In the old system it was... 11-09-2017,
02:15 PM

Robert79 Any progress Sausy? Thanks. 11-09-2017,
04:16 PM

Chevy114 As some of you guys are... 11-09-2017,
04:27 PM

Yaser Als What a mess
I just lost a... 11-09-2017,
07:24 PM

Steppenwolf New feature in Top Eleven...... 11-09-2017,
09:09 PM

layden112 I get the dmr dml positions... 11-09-2017,
09:10 PM

layden112 Download the game again. I... 11-09-2017,
09:14 PM

naimcyk You sure this is fixed? I... 11-10-2017,
01:06 AM

azwanonly Waste green to get the right... 11-10-2017,
06:15 AM

layden112 These players are now... 11-10-2017,
07:21 AM

Lions SK 2017 pls pls pls formation 11-10-2017,
11:40 AM

Spartan117 wow I'll like to have this... 11-10-2017,
12:21 PM

Zz-Jones won league match in the... 11-10-2017,
12:52 PM

Zz-Jones a former aml who has been... 11-10-2017,
12:59 PM

Zz-Jones @SausyFC
are the... 11-10-2017,
01:04 PM

Lions SK we want the old form of the... 11-10-2017,
01:30 PM

Zz-Jones Loan players in association... 11-10-2017,
02:30 PM

Palash Mitra I'm sorry, I've been trying... 11-10-2017,
02:57 PM

Sean Quinn My sub came on 3 times during... 11-10-2017,
04:25 PM

505 Hi, I have a question... 11-10-2017,
05:04 PM

LeManiaque In case of adverse reaction:... 11-10-2017,
05:38 PM

Jim Mead Why down-grade the game? I... 11-10-2017,
06:08 PM

Yaser Als I'm losing cash on a daily... 11-11-2017,
09:13 AM

Spartan117 Go to finances you can see... 11-11-2017,
09:33 AM

HairDryer good luck man!
Sent from... 11-11-2017,
12:50 PM

skrrr Kind of solving my own... 11-11-2017,
02:29 PM

baron str Today I got my first treble... 11-11-2017,
03:44 PM

nash123 One more...
Aschauer... 11-11-2017,
05:02 PM

nash123 Update:
at my final... 11-11-2017,
05:57 PM

ibangali Its true.
Bug full new... 11-11-2017,
07:18 PM

madflo19 Not a chance for a fix,few... 11-11-2017,
08:31 PM

VladimirPutin007 Hey nord@$$ r u guys dumb or... 11-12-2017,
02:39 AM

366ri Hi developer, instead of... 11-12-2017,
03:27 AM

Pangihutan Manik Error in training, TE said... 11-12-2017,
06:31 AM

nash123 I really hope, you had a... 11-12-2017,
04:52 PM

Palash Mitra Hahaha the circus continues.... 11-12-2017,
05:36 PM

Robert79 @madflo and nash:
Agreed... 11-12-2017,
05:48 PM

StarlingCF I have this errors:
1. No... 11-12-2017,
06:24 PM

talisman OK - what have Nordeus done... 11-12-2017,
06:57 PM

nash123 Dear Nordeus...
I try to... 11-12-2017,
07:07 PM

layden112 So I have a player who can... 11-12-2017,
08:07 PM

Mourinho doesn’t know Its so frustrating. 4 days im... 11-13-2017,
06:42 AM

drcika players appear out of... 11-13-2017,
08:29 AM

Jaharan Achbar friendly match
90480 11-13-2017,
09:57 AM

talisman More proof that AML/AMR... 11-13-2017,
01:37 PM

Spartan117 Same thing here! Marco kalla... 11-13-2017,
02:11 PM

Jernet Today I also had the... 11-13-2017,
05:29 PM

madflo19 After 6 days of T11 2018 (i... 11-13-2017,
09:27 PM

madflo19 And from 2nd team...three... 11-13-2017,
09:43 PM

Mourinho doesn’t know I dont know about stats, for... 11-13-2017,
10:25 PM

talisman The Season (and All-Time)... 11-14-2017,
08:28 AM

Anders Lord Set piece situations 11-14-2017,
11:48 AM

invulnerable888 Any one realise that it is... 11-14-2017,
05:53 PM

VladimirPutin007 The fuxk did nord@$$ dev team... 11-14-2017,
06:15 PM

VladimirPutin007 I think jose mourinho now... 11-14-2017,
06:30 PM

khris Ma suggestion:
... 11-14-2017,
06:59 PM

Toxcatl I think it looks great. 11-14-2017,
10:23 PM

Mourinho doesn’t know I had very important match in... 11-15-2017,
07:02 AM

nash123 One week without a fix...... 11-15-2017,
04:18 PM

Sons of Pitches Yeah i'm not liking the... 11-15-2017,
07:13 PM

mrmullenx My AML assist himself for a... 11-15-2017,
08:29 PM

Atomic92 I wonder when Nordeus will... 11-16-2017,
04:48 PM

Pangihutan Manik Do you try to far corner... 11-16-2017,
11:03 PM

invulnerable888 I would like to confirm it is... 11-18-2017,
08:11 PM

invulnerable888 Speaking about bugs Today my... 11-18-2017,
08:13 PM

baron str this update might be the end... 11-18-2017,
08:41 PM

TuninGGamer _I_ NORDEUS... 11-18-2017,
08:53 PM

Mourinho doesn’t know This game currently in one... 11-19-2017,
08:59 AM

Jernet Hopefully!
And would you... 11-19-2017,
06:50 PM

Slobodan KaoReka Guys, further to the above... 11-20-2017,
01:35 PM

VladimirPutin007 Guys for this season NEVER... 11-20-2017,
06:36 PM

Ozzieblade 5 years plus in this game,... 11-20-2017,
09:30 PM

invulnerable888 today I was surprisingly... 11-21-2017,
07:50 AM

ANUBISpro i just saw my team winning 5... 11-21-2017,
08:27 AM

GürkAnt SK Today, I had a league match. ... 11-21-2017,
01:42 PM

Emanuel Primero el cambio es medio... 11-22-2017,
03:16 PM

Jean.Monico In general, latin america... 11-22-2017,
05:40 PM

Sans Fix Top Eleven 11-23-2017,
07:19 AM

Toxcatl Dear Sans,
Your idea about... 11-23-2017,
11:06 AM

HairDryer You cant stop tanker &... 11-23-2017,
01:46 PM

Salem Al-Neaimi Simply bring back the old... 12-05-2017,
01:03 AM

Iridensys We are still waiting "save"... 12-05-2017,
04:05 PM
Look what the new formation system do to my team formation.
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