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Thread: Team bonuses training. Contest!

  1. #21
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by gizzmo View Post
    Disagree on the amount of videos: in my case, there is absolutely no correlation between the videos I am able to watch for greens or for bonus. When, one runs out, the other still works.
    I have checked. If I have available videos to watch, there is active button for 2x bonus training. If I have watched all of them, the button is inactive.
    It seems I was right and 2x bonus training uses videos from the same pool as rest pack videos.
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 11-22-2017 at 01:00 AM.
    It wasn't our day.

  2. #22
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toxcatl View Post
    Well, no, it was my own method. As it turned out, an inefficient one =] And I'm glad it wasn't the best one. But anyway, the target of this thread is to find the cheapest way to get those bonuses.
    You and 112000 made a good point: rotation (or is it better to say "reduction the number"?) of players is the key to spend less condition. 8 * 27% = 216% total CL was my best.
    112000 has reduced this to 4 * 27% + 4 * 18% = 180%, and this is current record. I've just tested it, it works. Clever!
    Rotation is the term... if you have x2 teams, so 22 players in the squad you can use just 50% and 50% for each group of 11 +/-... so 18% condition for one group and 18% for the other counting that, 1 bonus will be at 10% with just 4 trainings (possession) and the defense bonus with 5... condition bonus with 7 trainings and for attack bonus I need 8...

    Well done the training condition is recovered in 9 hours.. so... if one organize well the day is factible... too is true that, if one have 11 suvs/reserves with variety maybe is better concentrate the training in this group... so the starting 11 players can use the condition for other stuffs.. xD
    We should do a manual lol

  3. #23
    Dreamer a.gavrilin's Avatar
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    Nice post, Toxcatl. Actually you've mentioned just everything what I do to my team (except the fact that I use all my players who are not in my main 11 just to make them better for future sale). But this post will be very good for new managers that only start playing the TOP11

  4. #24
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    Ok, I think it is time to announce the winner: it is 112000 with his the most efficient way (so far?) to train team bonuses.

    As I promised, the prize is not in-game jersey... It is iRL jersey =] I'm currently in Brazil, so it's going to be the official replica of the jersey of the most expensive player in the world. This one goes to Vietnam:
    Team bonuses training. Contest!-thumb.jpeg
    Congratulations, 112000!

    I thank everyone who shared their methods of training. Good job, guys, let's get better in this game together!
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 12-15-2017 at 11:12 PM.
    Altiplano, madflo19, khris and 4 others like this.
    It wasn't our day.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Toxcatl View Post
    Ok, I think it is time to announce the winner: it is 112000 with his the most efficient way (so far?) to train team bonuses.

    As I promised, the prize is not some virtual crap like in-game jersey... It is iRL jersey =] I'm currently in Brazil, so it's going to be the official replica of the jersey of the most expensive player in the world. This one goes to Vietnam:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	thumb.jpeg 
Views:	307 
Size:	50.7 KB 
ID:	91015
    Congratulations, 112000!

    I thank everyone who shared their methods of training. Good job, guys, let's get better in this game together!

    Team bonuses training. Contest!-210ceaf.jpg

    My gratitude sent from Vietnam to Toxcatl
    Altiplano, Niddhoeggr and Toxcatl like this.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    I just received the prize.
    Thank you again, Toxcatl !

    Team bonuses training. Contest!-s6qfiu.jpg
    Team bonuses training. Contest!-22yrgx.jpg
    Last edited by 112000; 01-06-2018 at 05:25 AM.
    Rebelsunited, madflo19 and NabilR like this.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    Do these team bonuses reduce standard at the same time (for example 00:00) or do these bonuses reduce 24 hours after being upgraded to 10%. Sorry for my English. It isn't my primary language.

  8. #28
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    The first. I think around 5:00 in the morning. I'm not sure about the time. The second isn't 100%

    i never lose either i win or i learn
    Last edited by milpol; 03-13-2019 at 11:35 AM.
    For official in-game help please refer to Top Eleven Support here.
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  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    About which timezone are we talking about? I have GMT +1.

  10. #30
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gfuc FC View Post
    Do these team bonuses reduce standard at the same time (for example 00:00) or do these bonuses reduce 24 hours after being upgraded to 10%. Sorry for my English. It isn't my primary language.
    Quote Originally Posted by milpol View Post
    The first. I think around 5:00 in the morning. I'm not sure about the time. The second isn't 100%

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