No need; I buy scouts
it would be strange if you can buy top players on day1 for a low amount. just wait a few days and the craziest guys will have bought their players
not necessarily,i singed 3 5* player today morning and spent about 15 T for all of them.
i spent 70 tokens for 4 18yo very close to 6* last night, 2 has dual positions, 1 has SA, spent 34.5 million
woke up this morning, made a cup of coffee, sit back and smile as I offload 3 players valued 1.27mil, 2.45 mil and 2.3 mil
Made $22 million)
Sometimes you just have to be in the good part of Nordeous.
My Team<<<<<<<< When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” –C. S. Lewis
I was about to post today I had 30 tokens at 9am this morning I now have none and I haven't won a single player.
My Team<<<<<<<< When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” –C. S. Lewis
Anytime i see an asian involved i bail, no point bidding vs stupid, common now!, 15 tokens on an 15 rated 2 star DM? really?, i just watch them fk themselves over an LOL.
I started bidding this morning for a 5*, 18yo Mc, valued at 27.3M. I dropped out in round 7, but the bidding war went on till round 38, where the "winner" eventually got the player for the price of........103.2M.
Olympic Stadium...East London
Season 47...........Manager Level 33