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Thread: 18 years old with 1% abilities?

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Player skills

    Hello everyone!
    Recently I found a top eleven player with such a player like the one from image.
    How is it possible to have such great skills, on highlighted ones, like 340%, and the overall of player is 120%? I know that the other are 1%. But if we do a quick math, 340 x 8 = 2720. Then 2720 / 15 = 181.33. Ok, let's assume now that the player comes from academy, he was initially 2 stars overall, even starting with 1% at non important skills. Now he's 20 and has somehow those skills at -40%. Still, the math isn't going well: 2720 - 7 x 40 = 2440. Then 2440 / 15 = 162% overall.
    That player can have 120% overall only he would have somehow about -120% at those non important skills.
    Can someone explain it to me? I am soooo confusing!
    Thank you!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 18 years old with 1% abilities?-29541879_2031569667109401_39482380221677568_o.jpg  

  2. #42
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I merged some thread here as it's the same issue
    In the beginning it was mutants like here

    then it was the new cap at 340% max

    so the top100 platinum tricksters use this method.
    Read previous posts
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by starblack00 View Post
    Hello everyone!
    Recently I found a top eleven player with such a player like the one from image.
    How is it possible to have such great skills, on highlighted ones, like 340%, and the overall of player is 120%? I know that the other are 1%. But if we do a quick math, 340 x 8 = 2720. Then 2720 / 15 = 181.33. Ok, let's assume now that the player comes from academy, he was initially 2 stars overall, even starting with 1% at non important skills. Now he's 20 and has somehow those skills at -40%. Still, the math isn't going well: 2720 - 7 x 40 = 2440. Then 2440 / 15 = 162% overall.
    That player can have 120% overall only he would have somehow about -120% at those non important skills.
    Can someone explain it to me? I am soooo confusing!
    Thank you!
    Easy, the 1% doesn't mean that that stat is a 1% is way low, only people from 3 or 4 levels below can see the stats are they really are
    HairDryer likes this.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    maybe they used a special trainer

  5. #45
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by theclubofwins View Post
    maybe they used a special trainer
    yes, you got it
    Toxcatl likes this.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Next days I will play CL final against an entire team of 18yo with white skills close to 340% and grey 1%.
    Unluckily, result will be very predicatable..

    In my opinion playing against a competitive youth league team shows how far the game is from real football.
    How a team of 18yo players can win titles in real football? Nordeus come on, fix that!!!

    You can simply add a new skill called EXPERIENCE linked to age. If a team has it lower than a certain threshold it should be penalised within the simulation engine.
    That would fix many of the cheats there are in the game and furthermore it will help you to improve token consumption as we are forced to buy players to keep level and parameter high.

    Come on Nordeus, make this game close to real football.
    Otherwise call it Fantasy Top Eleven.
    Nebu and shobizness like this.

  7. #47
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Next days I will play CL final against an entire team of 18yo with white skills close to 340% and grey 1%.
    Unluckily, result will be very predicatable..
    post the results.
    I 'm curious if it has different behavior in official games than asso tournaments.

    Otherwise call it Fantasy Top Eleven.
    Final Fantasy TE.
    Loved that game
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    post the results.
    I 'm curious if it has different behavior in official games than asso tournaments.

    Final Fantasy TE.
    Loved that game

    I have 1 18yo guy with 1% in gray skills and 200 to 280% in white skills and he is 1 goal per game, so not bad

  9. #49
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    The new "yellow pages".

    Need a member for our asso group, with mutant players.

    18 years old with 1% abilities?-1-skills.jpg

    18 years old with 1% abilities?-1-skills-2.jpg
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 04-09-2018 at 06:07 PM.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Any news about preventing upsell in the future?

    I have an idea how to!

    ONLY YOU CAN PLACE a BID on player @ "friend's" roster (sec account lol) if grey skills are above 40% (yes, all of them) from your POV! For example!

    (it's an example dear Nordeus! Brainstorm another amount if you want!)

    Good idea???

    edit: of course if you want to buy above 20-21yo guy with 1% greys you could do it coz it's normal. BUT it would be miniexpoit again!
    Last edited by Gabez Teh; 04-09-2018 at 01:37 PM.

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