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Hello everyone!
Recently I found a top eleven player with such a player like the one from image.
How is it possible to have such great skills, on highlighted ones, like 340%, and the overall of player is 120%? I know that the other are 1%. But if we do a quick math, 340 x 8 = 2720. Then 2720 / 15 = 181.33. Ok, let's assume now that the player comes from academy, he was initially 2 stars overall, even starting with 1% at non important skills. Now he's 20 and has somehow those skills at -40%. Still, the math isn't going well: 2720 - 7 x 40 = 2440. Then 2440 / 15 = 162% overall.
That player can have 120% overall only he would have somehow about -120% at those non important skills.
Can someone explain it to me? I am soooo confusing!
Thank you!