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Thread: 18 years old with 1% abilities?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by agusbandung11 View Post
    Anyone, please explain this? Because Nordeus not answer my ticket. How my competitor at league, same level with me, get that mutant player? Same level 9.
    * Edited by Nik
    This is something that some managers who have groups in top100 associations do.
    They have 4-5 accounts in the same server, with 2-3 levels difference.
    They buy with team A, one 3* player 18 y.o., train him till 5* -6* in his white skills and sell him direct to their team B .
    Team B, buy him as 3* player and doing the same, selling him to team C doing the same procedure.
    All those teams are staying in the same level, farming greens and doing the same.
    Teams A,B,C are "factories" for the final team D, which is using those players only in asso games or else those players gonna loose this "balance" and the advantage- glitch of the game calculations .
    So the asso team/group has super-performers and easy draw vs 5* groups for the next 15 seasons and keep staying in top100.
    You can read a comment of such a player at post #49 here
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 11 Hours A

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    My final question,

    1. is it illegal or legal?
    2. Nordeus care or not about this?
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 04-11-2018 at 01:54 PM.

  3. #63
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    I don’t see what they can answer except something typical like – We are aware of this situation and the devs team is looking for solving it in some future update.

    All those things are legit and I don’t think it bothers much nordeus.
    Someone can create and have 50 TE accounts (which is good for marketing, presenting high numbers of users), those teams doing a massive vids farming every day (which is also an income for nordeus) and those few teams are a challenge for all the other common players which are the rest 99% of players all over the world.
    Most of them are not even aware of what is happening there .
    How many regular and active members has this forum, 1000 ? 2.000 ?
    Few more thousands from some TE fb groups and that’s it.
    Personally I don’t mind of that issue as those mutants are used only in Platinum asso tournaments and my group decided to stay and play for fun only in Gold.

    As solution I can see two ways.
    One is to change the whole training system – Drills/skills/white-grey skills/ min-max % prices/ effect in game calculations.
    Back on the roots of TE 2014.

    The other solution is to demolish the associations ranking system.
    Platinum and other divisions, top100, high token rewards.
    Just playing with asso groups and get a weekly or monthly small reward.
    Top 100 exhibition is the best place for those tricksters to show of or advertising their "product" for selling.

    both are painfull so don't expect much @agusbandung11
    HairDryer, Altiplano and Jirapat like this.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by agusbandung11 View Post
    My final question,

    1. is it illegal or legal?
    2. Nordeus care or not about this?
    Having more than one team is perfectly legal. But having more than one team and trading players between these teams in order to give one team the advantage over rivals is completely illegal. If you read through the rules of the game you will find it there.
    Bunzo likes this.

  5. #65
    Rookie Neno's Avatar
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    We also have to make several teams, and we are very much in the forum. then we will write performance statistics

  6. #66
    Apprentice lalexrus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan117 View Post
    Having more than one team is perfectly legal. But having more than one team and trading players between these teams in order to give one team the advantage over rivals is completely illegal. If you read through the rules of the game you will find it there.
    you would write an indication of a specific paragraph of the rules where it is indicated that this is illegal
    Aku Papua likes this.

  7. #67
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    The other solution is to demolish the associations ranking system.
    Platinum and other divisions, top100, high token rewards.
    Just playing with asso groups and get a weekly or monthly small reward.
    Top 100 exhibition is the best place for those tricksters to show of or advertising their "product" for selling.
    I agree with that instead of some changes because with that, we might loose some good feature as it happened in old times (missing the take-over a lower lv club and the loans option).

    As hackers are "smarter" and more capable than programmers (because they have no rules or ethical limits) the TE tricksters will find new tricks as they are real players of TE (instead of devs) and they 're hanging around in places were other TE players are - like the TE fb groups.
    Anyway, nordeus doesn't have enough stuff to play Police and Thieves.

    But removing the Top 100 List and merging the Platinum & Gold 1, in a big division with 50 tokens price and no extra, I don't think there is any motive left for tricksters.
    IImaestroII likes this.
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  8. #68
    Join Date
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    My prevent bidding idea has been pushed through local admin to the devs!!!
    [tl;dr: bidder's pov, prevent bidding under 40% ALL grey skills etc.]

    I HOPE... sorry, NOT! --> I >>>PRAY<<< my idea will be see in coming future patch!

    (hop back... i wrote down my idea earlier)

  9. #69
    Dreamer Rizla's Avatar
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    Devs will choose the easy way and they will remove negotiations...I bet my ass(o) on that...

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rizla View Post
    Devs will choose the easy way and they will remove negotiations...I bet my ass(o) on that...

    you know the famous meme! Sh*t up and take my money! Now, convert it to your idea!!! This is better than NOTHING!
    But my idea is better :P trickster nego procedure would be fixed and intact! Plus, better than remove a complete buying method!

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