I am posting this here in hope somebody from Top Eleven sees it and puts it on a bug list in case they have one
It's actually pretty basic and simple.
I won 2 trebles in a row in my first 2 seasons playing this game and I would probably win it again since I won all the games this season with ease.
To get to 130+% in this game every season without spending money there is only one way. You need to have a team that has under 21yo players mostly, you buy nordgens and you spend all 30 farmed greenies (rests) per day to train fast trainers.
Why do you need to get above 130%? Because every year you play CL against lvl+1 guys and anything under 130% will not be enough.
So where is the problem?
It's farming the 30 rests every day. I usually do it on my mobile phone and it is taking too much of a time of my day. I calculated and every day I get exactly 30 rests, but the problem is I have to reboot my phone and switch from mobile data to wifi etc. for like 27 times before doing it because after I farm 6 rests the button is shaded and says no more free videos..
Sometimes I just give up and don't do it at all and ever since I started doing that I just kinda lost my will..
It actually is so easy to develop, I believe every each one of us is a list in their database and that list has variables under itself. Just like training bonus, variable for farming is probably an integer counter that resets every day to zero and can go up to 30, once it's 30 you shouldn't be able to farm any more. I don't understand how they can't write that down, it is so God damn simple.
This is the best online game but it just don't have healthy nerves nor time for this anymore..
Thank you all for these great 2 months and special thanks to Toxcatl he is a hero and has by far the best advices and theories plus the ITP <3