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Thread: Farming

  1. #1
    Apprentice Siddas's Avatar
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    Jan 2018


    Last couple of days i'm getting hardly any video's to farm any greens.
    Are these just random?
    i usually get btw 20-30 video's a day to watch to top up my greens, but last 2 days i've only had about 5 videos. I just keep getting no offers available at this time.
    anyone else having this problem?
    I'm in UK if that makes any difference.

  2. #2
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Clevedon, UK
    The number of videos available varies, yes.

    If you do too much farming, then the supply of videos for you may dry up completely for a day or two...

    If you need to use greens to get the condition of your players back up to maximum, consider using the free video for each player via the training menu. I use this all the time (you have to make sure you can complete it before your match). I don't need to farm and the supply of videos stays at a high level.
    Last edited by talisman; 02-04-2018 at 01:52 PM.
    grubi125 likes this.
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  3. #3
    Apprentice Siddas's Avatar
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    Aha thanks mate.

  4. #4
    Famous Toxcatl's Avatar
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    I've read about this method for Android here on the forum:
    Settings -> Google -> Ads -> Reset advertising ID
    I haven't tried it though, maybe it's just a rain dance.

    Quote Originally Posted by talisman View Post
    The number of videos available varies, yes.

    If you do too much farming, then the supply of videos for you may dry up completely for a day or two...
    Never happened to me. Availability is a local thing, but I seriously doubt it has such a long-term effect. I've never heard about it, and never experienced it. Not just every day is completely separate, but during the day situation may change: at one moment there are only 10 videos, in a couple of hours 15 more.

    Quote Originally Posted by talisman View Post
    If you need to use greens to get the condition of your players back up to maximum, consider using the free video for each player via the training menu. I use this all the time (you have to make sure you can complete it before your match). I don't need to farm and the supply of videos stays at a high level.
    These videos are from the same pool. If there are no videos available, they are unavailable everywhere, and vice versa -- if you can watch a video to restore player's 15%, you can watch it to get 1 rest pack. It is always like this to me, no matter if videos are plenty or scarce.
    Last edited by Toxcatl; 02-04-2018 at 02:14 PM.
    It wasn't our day.

  5. #5
    Addicted adifairus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toxcatl View Post
    I've read about this method for Android here on the forum:
    Settings -> Google -> Ads -> Reset advertising ID
    I haven't tried it though, maybe it's just a rain dance.
    yeah sometimes it happen to me and i use this method, and its work, i didn't count the total rest i got, maybe around 25 or above

  6. #6
    Rookie Peter Lecht's Avatar
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    Same, only get 3 videos for the past 3 days.

  7. #7
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    I'm from UK and for me it seems to be the same so everything fine here.
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  8. #8
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Toxcatl View Post
    These videos are from the same pool. If there are no videos available, they are unavailable everywhere, and vice versa -- if you can watch a video to restore player's 15%, you can watch it to get 1 rest pack. It is always like this to me, no matter if videos are plenty or scarce.
    They don't seem to be in the same pool. If I've been using the videos in the training to restore 15% and I can't use them any more, I can always get at least half a dozen packs by the traditional farming method.
    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    It's been abysmal for me (Spain) for the last six months or so. 30 a day every day hasn't been seen for a long time. I've given up complaining. When I got no green and I got no gold they won't even know of my existence.

  10. #10
    Apprentice [stevan]99's Avatar
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    Before 2 days i got 28 rest packs, yestrday i got 35, but today only 15, what is wrong?

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