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Thread: Can a 3-defender-formation be successful when op AML/AMR players exist?

  1. #1
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Oct 2013

    Can a 3-defender-formation be successful when op AML/AMR players exist?

    Hi fellow managers,

    for the next season I am thinking about switching things up.
    I'm level 47 right now and for the majority of my topeleven career I played with the 4-5-1 V-style, which is, in my opinion, the all around best formation in this game. You have players all over the field and of course the totally overpowered AML and AMR players, that score a lot of goals.

    Granted, last season I got bored of this formation and I wanted to try something new. I switched over to a 4-3-1-2 and played one of the worst seasons of my entire career. Despite having the second best team, regarding quality, in the league, I will finish in 7th to 9th place today. (With 3 dead teams in my league as well lol)

    Now I'm thinking about switching to a 3-defender-formation, because 2 players of my back-4 need to be swapped for new young talent next season and my best players are my 2 ST's (one of them ST/AML), my ML, my GK and one DC/DMC. (I assume that I will get promoted when I finish 9th as well,regardless, I want to hear your opinion on the topic)

    So I'm planning to play a 3-1-4-2 (DC-DC-DC_DMC_ML-MC-MC-MR_ST-ST) or a 3-4-1-2 (DC-DC-DC_ML-MC-MC-MR_AMC_ST-ST)... But I'm scared of opponents, who use the 4-5-1 V or similar formations with AMR/AML players, because my wings are almost not defended with this formation.

    I would really like to hear some opinions and experiences from players, who played with a back-3 in this game. What settings did you use? Were you struggling against AML/AMR formations a lot? Or were you winning everything?

    that#danger likes this.

  2. #2
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
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    Jan 2018
    I am at a lot lower level than you ( 13 ). I have 5 teams who all use the same formation and tactics. Now as a manager I am still in the learning phase so some season results have been affected as I tinker and learn. Now this season it seems to be coming together properly as far as I can tell. My 5 teams have just finished the season for 2 league champions ( both lost just 2 matches and were around +60 for goals) , 2 finished runners up ( having lost 3 matches for 1 team and 2 matches for the other both also +55-60 for goals ) and 1 team finished third but only 3 points from league champions ( 3 losses and + 50 goals) but won the supercup.
    I use 2 different but similar formations , one a little more defensive than the other. I use a 3-1-3-1-2 system ( DL.DC.DR -DMC-ML MC MR- AMC -ST ST) with a more attacking option of replacing the ML and MR with AML AMR. I am finding my defensive setup is reasonably hard to score against , average over the 5 teams this season is just 0.65 goals a match. I find this system is able to break down teams with back 4 and no DMC almost at will , my AM's are all decently quick ( not mutant fast ) with my DMC and MC both skilled playmakers I can exploit that space between the back 4 and midfield very effectively.
    I did experiment with 3 DC's but found anyone who plays wide can get in behind you and use the time and space out wide to create havoc. Since I reverted back to DL.DC.DR that threat has been limited.

    I am as I say only level 13 so most probably my system has not been truly tested against mutant type AM's except with the possibility of a few in ASSO's where the 5 teams are in GOLD1 but even there the teams are highly competitive and we will finish this season ( our 1st in GOLD1) inside the top 20 and pretty comfortable at , I would guess , about 1275 points ( currently 8 - 8 in the last final for this season.
    I am going to experiment again next season with just 1 ST with maybe an extra MC or AMC , I dont know how that will go but you got to try things to find out.

    It is likely managers with more experience than I will have a different outlook on this and maybe they can see the pitfalls in what I am doing but all I can tell you is what my limited experience has shown me. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    I think after all the experiments you will return to V style again. In the scheme of three defenders, DL-DC-DR-DMC-2MC-ML-MR-2ST shows itself very well. One change of DMC to AMC, if necessary, change the style of your team. and vice versa.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    i'm on level 47. i've played dc-dc-dc-dmc-mc-mc-aml-amr-st-st formation for (at least) the past 20 seasons (*changed the other st for amc 2 or 3 seasons ago.) i've won the league 26 seasons in a row now. not sure if the formation matters all that much.

    i've mostly used defensive mentality, a few seasons normal. mixed passing down both flanks (*mixed with amc.) low pressing, zonal, offside trap... nothing exciting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    This is the formation ive had the best success with in my limited experience

    Can a 3-defender-formation be successful when op AML/AMR players exist?-screenshot_20180303-145045.jpg

    The 2 outside defenders are DL and DR and both can play wing also and they make plenty of forward runs. Equally good with normal or attacking pressure and mixed and short passing, high press with off side trap on.

    I tried the same formation and tactics in a match against a decent team but i swapped out my 1st team for reserves so was roughly 20% - 30% weaker than them and i won 2-0 and murdered them all match with possecion and chances.

    Good luck
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  6. #6
    Addicted adifairus's Avatar
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    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Asertyuiop111 View Post
    This is the formation ive had the best success with in my limited experience

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    The 2 outside defenders are DL and DR and both can play wing also and they make plenty of forward runs. Equally good with normal or attacking pressure and mixed and short passing, high press with off side trap on.

    I tried the same formation and tactics in a match against a decent team but i swapped out my 1st team for reserves so was roughly 20% - 30% weaker than them and i won 2-0 and murdered them all match with possecion and chances.

    Good luck
    trust me, there is no single formation that can win against any formation,

    and you won against the stronger team by using this formation is because you was use it with correct tactic and you was hit the weak spot of your opponent,
    nicely done there,

    and this formation got less defender and very effective with ON offside trap like you did.

    but i know how to counter this formation anyway, because i also was faced against this formation many time before and won
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    I know adifairus but was just giving the op an opinion

  8. #8
    Apprentice John Grant's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    So it looks like my experimentation has almost led me to a popular formation. Good to know I was already on the right track anyway.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Played the last season with this formation (because I happened to have just one MC), sometimes switching to DL-DC-DR;DM;ML-MC-MR;AML-AMR;ST:
    Can a 3-defender-formation be successful when op AML/AMR players exist?-vladimir-fc-formation.jpgCan a 3-defender-formation be successful when op AML/AMR players exist?-vladimir-fc-tactics.jpg
    Almost won a treble but lost CL final as I couldn't attend the match:
    Can a 3-defender-formation be successful when op AML/AMR players exist?-vladimir-fc-cl.jpgCan a 3-defender-formation be successful when op AML/AMR players exist?-vladimir-fc-cup.jpgCan a 3-defender-formation be successful when op AML/AMR players exist?-vladimir-fc-table.jpg
    With my forward players dominaiting top players charts, although most of the top 8 teams quality was higher than mine:
    Can a 3-defender-formation be successful when op AML/AMR players exist?-vladimir-fc-top-players.jpg
    My MLs and MRs covered for full-backs so I haven't had big problems with other teams wingers, letting in only 13 goals in the league.
    Last edited by v1adimir; 03-03-2018 at 08:50 PM.
    Der_Ryan_M and nuzuza478 like this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Der_Ryan_M View Post
    Hi fellow managers,

    for the next season I am thinking about switching things up.
    I'm level 47 right now and for the majority of my topeleven career I played with the 4-5-1 V-style, which is, in my opinion, the all around best formation in this game. You have players all over the field and of course the totally overpowered AML and AMR players, that score a lot of goals.

    Granted, last season I got bored of this formation and I wanted to try something new. I switched over to a 4-3-1-2 and played one of the worst seasons of my entire career. Despite having the second best team, regarding quality, in the league, I will finish in 7th to 9th place today. (With 3 dead teams in my league as well lol)

    Now I'm thinking about switching to a 3-defender-formation, because 2 players of my back-4 need to be swapped for new young talent next season and my best players are my 2 ST's (one of them ST/AML), my ML, my GK and one DC/DMC. (I assume that I will get promoted when I finish 9th as well,regardless, I want to hear your opinion on the topic)

    So I'm planning to play a 3-1-4-2 (DC-DC-DC_DMC_ML-MC-MC-MR_ST-ST) or a 3-4-1-2 (DC-DC-DC_ML-MC-MC-MR_AMC_ST-ST)... But I'm scared of opponents, who use the 4-5-1 V or similar formations with AMR/AML players, because my wings are almost not defended with this formation.

    I would really like to hear some opinions and experiences from players, who played with a back-3 in this game. What settings did you use? Were you struggling against AML/AMR formations a lot? Or were you winning everything?

    In my knowledge using a 3-1-4-2 tactic you will have to go for a wing play with an attacking stile and long passes as a wing play combines better with long passes for that you will need a good aerial strikers also your ML and MR have to have the next attributes at the highest level possible ( speed, crossing, dribbling and creativity ) also will be great if they will play as DL and DR positions it will help them to do a good job when defending.
    When used this tactic ( 3-1-4-2 ) you have to set up that arrows to indicate to you ML and MR to go back on defence and to advance on attack what means they have to do the full wing.
    If you follow football you need to watch Antonio Contes strategy with this tactic as he used a lot while Coach of Juventus and later on at Chelsea.
    About your MC they need a high creativity, physically strong and a good pass percentage.
    Your DMC player have to be very quick to help your DC on defence and with a high tackle percentage.
    What about you DC would be good to have some really quick ones as physically strong and aerial game. If you have this attributes you can have a Fun season.
    With this tactic you also can use next settings; Normal attacking style on a mixed style of passes with a low pressure with a normal tackle style and enabled counter-attack style all this for first half to keep possession of the ball and to exhaust your opponent players.
    For second half go for an attacking style with long passes, high pressure and an aggressive tackle.
    Will attach a screen shot of the formation I use

    Hope could help you a bit

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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