I look on the pictures again, and again, but fail to understand, where is the problem. You steamrolled that team, what's wrong?
It wasn't our day.
There are plenty who have been trolled 3-0 by a 40% weaker team and I have often beaten teams 40% stronger.
If I were you I’d take the 3-0 and move on happily. There is no sense or logic in T11 as everyone should know.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
You have won 3-0, there is nothing wrong with your team.
This forum is full of "I got trolled I quit" threads. I don't understand why so many people presume that having higher quality team automatically means victory, and the bigger the difference, the bigger should be the final score.
It wasn't our day.
just wait till you get 0/11 SoT and oppo gets 1/1
in the meantime, games like this are for bench players. weaken your team to stay within 20%, less troll chance.
if game opens, if oppo def is leaking, then get your best scorer in to boost their stats if you wish
3-0 win against a cr*p team? The way the engine works if you'd offered me that before kickoff I'd have bitten your hand off to take it...
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...
My cup match against a 68% team. first match total domination I only won 1-0 second one 3-0. As long as you get the result go with it.
If you want my unproved speculation here is what I think. Maybe there is a stronger team in your league that may be the favorite for the title. One of the ways you can tell is the goal difference, usually the champion has better goal difference on top of the results (not 100% of the times).