I have a vent to post! I am 48+ just hit the worst part of the season by losing to teams way lower than me. I wouldnt mind so much but 3 seasons in a row come on!!!! semi final of the cup I beat a very good team very close to my standard, good game all good. Get to the final have a team that is fielded 5 stars lower than me and get beaten 3-0 really! not only that I have just drawn my second to last game of the league to a team 18 stars lower than me, I wouldnt mind so much but seeing as I have scored 121 goals in 24 games and cant score against a mediocre team now is just a joke! if I lost or drew to a team even close to me no problem but really!!!! no more this is my last season pissoff Nordeus
Join the rest of the brigade... youre not alone. Troll wins in the GE seemed to have spiked this season... on the bright side, im betting that nordeus are far too understaffed and incapable of fixing it next season ... so guess what - no buying players - no spending tokens for me .. maybe i will be one of those weaker teams laughing all the way to the Top ... well done Nordeus .... i can guarantee you you wont see a dime from me!!
The [img]http://f1.pepst.com/c/A4E401/74683/ssc3/home/086/aa-ahim/albums/****ting.gif_480_480_0_64000_0_1_0.gif[/img] thread
More utter ****e in my scout list. I really wanted a new striker, but the 3 in my list are old men with worst q in list. only 2 layers with q ending in 9 and one is a midfielder on the left, a position I don't use.
You come at the king, you best not miss.
Time for a vent as I have got a drink inside me, day 1 of new season so thought I would do some training and bang injury 6 days!
F.C. United
League Won 11
League Runner up 4
Cup Won 3
Cup Finalist 3
Champions League Won 5
Champions League Finalist 9
Season 23 Level 23
United Til I Die
League Won 12
League Runner Up 4
Champions League Won 2
Champions League Finalist 7
Cups Won 1
Cup Finalist 2
Season 32 Level 27 (Retired)
About this Forum:
i got nothing against this forum nor its users and mods. In my opinion, and correct me if i'm wrong, its a purely community driven stage for us users to gather (valuable?!) information how to play t11. But in the other hand shouldn't it be also a feedback channel for the developer to EASIER find out what their users desires are? and if so try to make the greater lot happy if possible? I had an "argument" about the only "officials" here are basically "just" doing police work and also (this is for you cat) try to help the users at their best effort. I'm sure they do...but where is the REAL information..the stuff that makes US users having more fun because we actually think its a competitive game which it is only to a certain degree right now. I'm sure i don't have to put any examples in because this forum is filled with them.
I really don't feel like pointing fingers here but i really don't see a point in defending and thus supporting a lazy game studio. And Cat...Rules Shmools...i get enough rules tossed at me in reality that i sometimes really don't care about rules that censor my opinion. So closing down threads, just because someone says what he thinks about some ppl (that probably not even read it) who don't add any value to this platform (again correct me if i'm wrong), is just utter nonsense and doesn't help anymore as the rant in the closed thread.
So what's the point in trying to make suggestions if nothing really happens even if a huge mass actually would be happy having it? even if its just really minor things. Be honest most of the things we ask are really minor bs that should be easily done.
i actually really don't know why i bother again to write this stuff here its not gonna get anyone anywhere as like the most things in this forum they'll end up on an endless list of unfulfilled wishes.
agreed, id love to see a few staff check the suggestion subforum every now and then, but i think its nearly dead
dont be like EA, theyre evil, you guys have a feedback page, at least comment on some every here and there (and carry it out) so usersll feel good.
imagine if this were an offline game, i know people would churn out unofficial patches left and right since this game has tons of potential (lots of players and suggestions)
why not open up a test server, comb through the suggestion forum, invite users who can script and assign a task, scratch head, celebrate and hand out tokens to those who helped. modders often do this with their own PCs, since you guys have many servers this shouldnt be too hard
AFAIK the only nordeus staff heres MDKII (sorry if i missed you)