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Thread: Loss of Moral or Loss of Logic???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Loss of Moral or Loss of Logic???

    OK, finally lost my patience with this one... for 2 seasons the moral swings have become just a dubious way of stealing blue packs.

    I must admit I gave it quite a lot of leeway, even thought, "ok, season not going that well, perhaps its just very harsh..." BUT HOW THE HELL YOU EXPLAIN GK WITH 100% CLEAN SHEETS AND MORAL GOES FROM MAX GREEN TO RED JUST BECAUSE.... GK GOT ANOTHER CLEAN SHEET?

    TE Devs get your act together. I have no problem with less than transparent ways to make your game profitable, its your game, i can uninstall whenever i want, but these ilogical "features and upgrades" just makes you guys look stupid.

  2. #2
    Famous Bunzo's Avatar
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    Ive never bothered too much with morale
    I really think it makes no difference to the player
    madflo19 likes this.

  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    I agree with Bunzo. Ive had players with very poor morale get MOM and 9 rating. I pay little notice of Blues and it does not affect my results in my opinion.
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  4. #4
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Read this one; you might laugh. Once I lost an important CL match, where I boosted the morale of all the players to max and with good win bonus (yes, that is one of jobs of a manager, right), and guess what? The A.M said, one of the players was not motivated enough. Another case, you go into another match with players on low morals and you win the game convincingly according to what happened during the match and A.M is full of praise in the report.

    When the game has decided that your team will win, it will win no matter what (poor moral, **** formation, **** orders, poor players, poor condition, poor bonuses, red cards...) and same when you will lose (despite good moral, good bonuses, good formation, good orders, good players...).

    And yes, moral go down illogically in this game, and it is clear that it is an attempt to boost income by 'fooling' users to buy tokens to exchange into packs and/or complete offers.
    Last edited by Tactician; 08-24-2018 at 09:01 PM.
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  5. #5
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    It's the illusion of having some control over something within the game. I know where Bunzo and dave1311 are at, I know where I'm at, I don't know where mcdoomer is at.
    I got over 2500 blue packs so I don't care what they (Nordeus) have done to morale. BUT noobs and lower level players will be watching videos for blues (not greens) thinking that they need morale boosters. This in turn will have a knock on effect on the quality of players these teams have (less greens plus a f*ucked up training system) means they'll be spending more tokens to buy "instant star" players.
    It's money making. Only after realising that morale is insignificant do we realise that Nordeus are busted on this one.
    madflo19 and Bunzo like this.

  6. #6
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    I always use blues on yellow or lower morale players cuz you need 2 to make him superb...anyhow I dont buy blues but still my overall blue reservs have slow but steady increase...soon there will be 200 of them in bank so I dont really care is better this way atleast I can use them would be lame having 1000 of them in bank with no use
    Is good this way

    Also players might get tired of winning or clean sheets and they need some motivation...thats why morale drops
    But seriously if you spec matches and win alot you should have enaugh blues to keep team in very good/superb morale all the time

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunzo View Post
    Ive never bothered too much with morale
    I really think it makes no difference to the player
    I'm not sure if it does or if it doesnt. And I have roughly 4000 blues to spare, what annoys me is the lack of logic. Just feel gratuitous and stupid. It's a game, many realities are bent, but this to me crosses the line, because we all know its not a bug, its something they added to the game.

  8. #8
    Ozz is offline
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    Nordeus are fans of morality, do everything managers get less green packs.Loss of Moral or Loss of Logic???-screenshot_2018-08-25-18-29-25.jpgLoss of Moral or Loss of Logic???-screenshot_2018-08-25-18-30-04.jpg
    P.S. Won match 2-0 - loss 10 morale, now they need 14.
    Last edited by Ozz; 08-25-2018 at 05:00 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Ozz View Post
    Nordeus are fans of morality, do everything managers get less green packs.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_2018-08-25-18-29-25.jpg 
Views:	70 
Size:	98.3 KB 
ID:	108222Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_2018-08-25-18-30-04.jpg 
Views:	69 
Size:	95.3 KB 
ID:	108224
    P.S. Won match 2-0 - loss 10 morale, now they need 14.
    My son gave me a good reason for this. The virtual players started to realize they are players in a dumb game and that demoralizes them. Case solved!