Hi everyone,

I need some serious help here.
My team had a real shot at the treble this season, with a minimum % difference of 20, and a minimum quality difference of 5. My average goals per game was sitting around 5. I was smashing everyone. I always have full morale, full rest and a 10% bonus in all my bonuses before each game.

Then the update rolled in.
First match, won the previous game 5-2, ended up losing 1-2.
Second match, lost 3-0
Cup final, lost 3-0

So now the treble is gone. I have tried everything I can think of to pull it around. Playing with a 3,1,3,3, DL,DC,DR, - DMC,- ML,MC,MR - AML,ST,AMR
Tactics: Attacking, mixed/through middle, Mixed/Short, Counters on and off, Pressing High, Tackling I even pushed to hard in desperation, Man-to-man, offside on.
I can change the mentality to hard defending/ attacking and there's no difference.
The individual mentality I set to half def, half att, then all att, then def with some neutral.

There is just no change in performance, I cannot score goals anymore and I cannot defend against them.

My entire team is minimum 6 stars pushing 7, I face opponents who dont have anywhere near the quality I do.

My questions is this:

Firstly, why, for the love of all that is holy, does a patch drop that will change the game mechanics a week before finals? That's pretty unfair imo, make patches drop at the beginning of each season, for serious guys.

Secondly, what am I doing wrong? I'll be honest, i dont know how the individual mentality interacts with overall mentality in the tactics menu, but to reduce my whole team to performing worse than ManU under Mourinho? For double serious.