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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2019


    I got this as my daily recommendation. I mean 125 quality, 20 years and bloody cost 249!!!!! U kidding me? I have scouts 22 years 115/6 quality and cost 69. So for 2 years and 10quality difference it cost around extra 180 tokens!!!!!!

    Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    I got 428 tokens player once and many times over 300

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    I got 428 tokens player once and many times over 300
    I get 700-800 token offers, once I got one over 1000, depends on the quality of your players. However with player of the day it's rather easy to obtain reasonable offers: when you see a POTD offer coming, you go to bed with a 3-4 star player in your first squad in the position you want an offer to come. Typically, a reasonably priced 5-6 star player will come- However, I still don't buy them for they usually are not 18-19 / are not 1st class fast trainers.

    Recommended players (the high priced ones) are better, but it's not so easy to get the role you want.Top Eleven, TOKEN HOARDING MACHINE?-screenshot_20190512-085455_top-eleven.jpg
    Last edited by Massimiliano; 05-12-2019 at 07:59 AM.
    tantra likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Massimiliano View Post
    I get 700-800 token offers, once I got one over 1000, depends on the quality of your players. However with player of the day it's rather easy to obtain reasonable offers: when you see a POTD offer coming, you go to bed with a 3-4 star player in your first squad in the position you want an offer to come. Typically, a reasonably priced 5-6 star player will come- However, I still don't buy them for they usually are not 18-19 / are not 1st class fast trainers.

    Recommended players (the high priced ones) are better, but it's not so easy to get the role you want.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20190512-085455_Top Eleven.jpg 
Views:	98 
Size:	98.7 KB 
ID:	122825
    709 hahahahaha nordeuseless really
    dominiclhouvum likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Massimiliano View Post
    I get 700-800 token offers, once I got one over 1000, depends on the quality of your players. However with player of the day it's rather easy to obtain reasonable offers: when you see a POTD offer coming, you go to bed with a 3-4 star player in your first squad in the position you want an offer to come. Typically, a reasonably priced 5-6 star player will come- However, I still don't buy them for they usually are not 18-19 / are not 1st class fast trainers.

    Recommended players (the high priced ones) are better, but it's not so easy to get the role you want.Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Screenshot_20190512-085455_Top Eleven.jpg 
Views:	98 
Size:	98.7 KB 
ID:	122825
    Yes even I do the same thing. Change the position of players and hope I get a good fast trainers, but I still don't buy unless it is a must. Besides what do you suggest to buy? Daily players or weekely of those where only tokens are used and no money is lost?

    Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    before few years @dominiclhouvum people were complaining in suggestions section why they can't buy players above 118-119% quality.
    So nordeus set this feature.
    If you don't want, don't buy them.
    I have some K tokens and never bought those recommended.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Thanks bro for the info. I guess it's for those guys that has obscenely Ludacris around of tokens or have pumped in real currency. But that's for another topic. Thanks.

    Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

  8. #8
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    well ... it's just a chit chat.
    Why for example Bugatti Veyron is so expensive ? who's buying a Veyron ? Is it worthy for that money ? Is it fair ? and so
    But for me it's not about hoarding but a wrong marketing approach. (as I analyze more cases in this thread )
    For example I would spend 249 for a player I could customize : Day one of the season, 18 y.o., DMC-MC-AMC, playmaker 125% q.
    dominiclhouvum likes this.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    I have the guy... a pity he's already 20, I could have used those 249 T Top Eleven, TOKEN HOARDING MACHINE?-screenshot_20190512-164306_top-eleven.jpg
    Last edited by Massimiliano; 05-12-2019 at 03:51 PM.

  10. #10
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    but you have only 36 - lol
    dominiclhouvum likes this.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

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