Same as my orders, only I do mixed for focus passing asmy formation is, well, more mixed [3-4-1-2, or sometimes 3-1-4-2] . And similar happened to me in the cup. Mentioned it already on here, but it was so blatant it's worth another mention

- I faced a complete token team in the 3rd round, same level as me but all 6 star players!? - And still i won 6-3 at home, first leg. I think I was actually 6-1 up at one point. Second leg, same players, formation, orders ... he wins 4-1 ... injuring 2 of my players in the process, I couldn't be there to watch and auto subs didn't work so I had 9 menfor the bulk of the game. How convenient he goes through on away goals eh?
Ah well, that's footy, happens in the real world too, we've seen it many times. Keeps it interesting I suppose.