And once again, we get "lucky" 
..... Was up against this Russian guy "Malkanowich", but I bet him (like all others).... The TM was jacked with 5* (around 100-150players) and there was 3x18yr olds, but in position that we already have or need.
Anyway, since we already have 3x GK (Handanovic:6/7*, Pletikosa6* and now Begovic5/6*), I will just focus and PT Begović for the entire season and leave Handanović in the goal and Pletikosa as a backup. My goal is to PT Begović to 8*. This way, I will have Begović,Jovetić,Vranješ, Cana,Lulić, and Džeko as 8* this season and probably next season as well since I will NOT PT my currently 6* and 7* (rather buy a scout or two, near -9).
This is also our last buy for this season. We have now 14,8M on the account and that will do just fine for all the expenses + stadium upgrade. Have 200T + 200 green boosters on the account (but will probably need more boosters).