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Thread: All the TE versions before 8.2 have been turned off ?

  1. #11
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    I actually think this just makes the game fair for all. Rewarding active players? Not really. An active player could spend hours non stop watching videos and playing friendlies to get greens. But to make the game fair for all, they limited the videos we can watch and added a 24 hour rule. Those players who got 25 plus 25 greens are very active, they watch way more videos than those who do not. And of course if you have greens means more time training.

    The problem with the 24 hour rule is you might lose 1 day over a season? Sometimes we watch it 15 minutes later, sometimes 30 minutes later and it all adds up over the season. I set alarms yet still lose at least 1 day every season.
    Last edited by EastsiderSG; 07-10-2019 at 02:06 PM.
    Anarşi and maloukees like this.

  2. #12
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Sometimes I stay untill 1am (cuz of work) and I watch ads at 1am... The next day I also should stay awake untill 1am (although I don't work).... Just remove it. I'm not gonna set alarm for this
    Last edited by milpol; 07-10-2019 at 07:41 AM.
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  3. #13
    Newbie Kasmeer's Avatar
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    Pretty fun to read arguments that's you need more greens for first 11s 10% bonuses because you don't. I mean I train mine from 6 to 8% with 7,5 + 2,25% trainings (even less than one green) and it's good enough. And then overall bonuses with bench. So you can choose now: waste greens to train 10% or to train player's skills.

    Even if I watched ads from two versions I still think it was bug.
    Because a lot of people didn't know they could get x2 greens. And even if they know not everyone have that much free time and/or not everyone play and watch ads in T11 only. For me there only 2 problems:
    - you can't bring only bad news so it makes sense to off 24-hour rule now
    - and like always you just put us in front of the facto; I mean I watched double ads yesterday's morning and at afternoon it's already off - at least you could pre-anounce this change for next season I guess
    milpol and Anarşi like this.

  4. #14
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Or they can just let us watch 50 ads like before
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  5. #15
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Well they can remove the training bonus. It has no meaning. If you are playing vs an active manager, he has that too, so it's neglected, equal. If you are playing vs an abandoned team, it has no effect vs the "wasn't to be" factor.
    The new team bonus is pure cosmetic
    Only to make suckers who believe to that, to spend few extra greens.
    Last edited by Ποσιδονας; 07-10-2019 at 11:02 AM.
    StarlingCF, milpol and Marius007 like this.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    I remember when I have had 0 greens to watch from Ads for a year.
    I remember when I got 100 ads per day
    I remember times before 24 hour rule
    and I am playing now with 24 hour rule.

    No difference. And what If you miss a day through the month ? Are those greens gonna save your season ? no lol

    I naively thought I would need for my team 11 000 greens (1000 greens per player) and I dont need them anymore as once you reach 120% nordeus get bonkers regarding percentage so 120% is a top for me, no need more... honestly not.
    I think amount of green from videos + training ads (or whatever you use them for, blue or red) are sufficient. Honestly its enough for me.
    Sometimes I cant be bothered to collect more because ... .what for ?

    Yes, I still have 5K greens but I save more than I spend.
    Manager is from the word manage ... so you manage your team , thats fine, you manage your resources also... so please think twice before you act lol.
    maloukees and Altiplano like this.

  7. #17
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirrowka View Post
    I remember when I have had 0 greens to watch from Ads for a year.
    I remember when I got 100 ads per day
    I remember times before 24 hour rule
    and I am playing now with 24 hour rule.

    No difference. And what If you miss a day through the month ? Are those greens gonna save your season ? no lol

    I naively thought I would need for my team 11 000 greens (1000 greens per player) and I dont need them anymore as once you reach 120% nordeus get bonkers regarding percentage so 120% is a top for me, no need more... honestly not.
    I think amount of green from videos + training ads (or whatever you use them for, blue or red) are sufficient. Honestly its enough for me.
    Sometimes I cant be bothered to collect more because ... .what for ?

    Yes, I still have 5K greens but I save more than I spend.
    Manager is from the word manage ... so you manage your team , thats fine, you manage your resources also... so please think twice before you act lol.
    Well, most of us have been managing as we did not know we could get more using older versions. But it doesnt stop us from asking for removing the 24 hour rule as it causes us some inconvenience. Just like you requesting to shorten the King of Rio as you felt it was too long. Many of us are affected by the videos not being avaliable when we need them specifically the training ads to get bonuses up. Of course each of us has our own opinions so its fine
    Last edited by EastsiderSG; 07-10-2019 at 02:06 PM.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by EastsiderSG View Post
    Well, most of us have been managing as we did not know we could get more using older versions. But it doesnt stop us from asking for removing the 24 hour rule as it causes us some inconvenience. Just like you requesting to shorten the King of Rio as you felt it was too long. Many of us are affected by the videos not being avaliable when we need them specifically the training ads to get bonuses up. Of cause each of us has our own opinions so its fine
    Fair enough mate, i respect it. With or without 24 rule, I will be fine so I will support you with this matter.

    Have a nice day
    EastsiderSG likes this.

  9. #19
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Or at least make something good for your community. Maybe bring back negotiations or gk trick or remove the bonus as ποσιδονας said or fix the game engine OR remove the top100 asso list
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  10. #20
    Apprentice Anarşi's Avatar
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    1-24 time rule must be removed. 2-Nodeus makes money when we watch Video. Google may be paying less when you watch it on the same phone but could allow nordeus to different phones. Different MAC addresses may be allowed. It won't be fair, the hard worker wins.

    Damn Google translation I'm sorry I wanted to tell you. There should be no limit for each different phone. 25 videos from phone 1, 25 videos from 2. Phone Total 50
    Last edited by Anarşi; 07-10-2019 at 02:23 PM.

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