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Thread: What a team

  1. #21
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    But how is he playing in Super League ? Did you play SL when you returned ?

    Also I had an abandoned facebook account at LV5 and when returned, I found out that my tokens and greens disappeared. I had the basic starting pack of tokens and boosters.
    At least they didn't touch my items.
    There seems to be different scenarios, and it looks like there is a difference between much older accounts and newly made ones. The current account I am using is about 4 years old. The greens and tokens I had were there for two or three times I made my comeback after a long period of absence. What seemed to have changed is the age of the six-star player. The first one I got was young (19 years of age if I am not mistaken) and it had the same surname as the one I had as the manager of the team at that time, but the last one I got had a different name but of same nationality, and his age was much older (29 y.o). Take into consideration that I bought tokens on this account, so this might be a reason; it will be bad to take away tokens that a user bought, even if he has gone inactive for a long period.

    About the Super League, there is the possibility of an abandonned team that was qualified for the competition the next season, but this team lost its identity during new season maintenance because it has reached the limit of inactivity, but later during that new season, someone made his comeback and he was assigned this team. The system seems to assigned the best positioned team to the user that came back. I got a team that was sitting third in the league after two weeks of the season gone.
    Last edited by Tactician; 10-03-2019 at 01:04 PM.

  2. #22
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
    probably, mine were free tokens

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