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Thread: Hidden Player Attributes

  1. #1
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Hidden Player Attributes

    What do you think of the following? Besides number 4, do you think the others are there in this game.
    1. Current Ability (Dynamic)
    This is the current ability of player calculated randomly by the engine based on the players profile and other factors. It changes with time. Another term for this will be form.

    2. Adaptability (Fixed or Dynamic)
    Some users suspected that there is an adaptation process, but what if there was an adaptability factor assigned to the player which cannot be changed or which could be changed in some way.

    3. Versatility (Fixed)
    This affects the performance of a player in multiple positions.

    4. Potential Ability (Fixed)
    This is what seperates a fast trainer and a slow trainer.

    5. Consistency (Fixed for the current season but may change as the player gets older.)
    This affects the consistency in the player's performence in the long run.

    6. Important Matches (Fixed)
    Some players might be not consistent, but they perform very well in important matches.
    Last edited by Tactician; 10-02-2019 at 04:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    The rating, Tactician, the rating selects the scenario. The rating of key players + last performance, + players with variable ratings like 6-8-6-8-6, when the game does the simplification of team (of the main 11) to select which players 1-2 or 3 will perform better and be determinant, to select those who will appear in the animations, and to select those who, in the old written live matches weren't mentioned -I call them neutral players-.

    This point is regarding the #6 and is about the simulator behavior to create realistic variability in the scenarios.

    I started testing the ratings manipulation, forcing a bad perform, in some players, to start a particular match -SL and supercup finales- coming from a rating decrease to force a improvement, and seems to work looking some other managers experiencing with that.

    As the game needs a system to work, so... play with the system, or the system is gonna play with you.

  3. #3
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    The rating, Tactician, the rating selects the scenario. The rating of key players + last performance, + players with variable ratings like 6-8-6-8-6, when the game does the simplification of team (of the main 11) to select which players 1-2 or 3 will perform better and be determinant, to select those who will appear in the animations, and to select those who, in the old written live matches weren't mentioned -I call them neutral players-.

    This point is regarding the #6 and is about the simulator behavior to create realistic variability in the scenarios.

    I started testing the ratings manipulation, forcing a bad perform, in some players, to start a particular match -SL and supercup finales- coming from a rating decrease to force a improvement, and seems to work looking some other managers experiencing with that.

    As the game needs a system to work, so... play with the system, or the system is gonna play with you.
    How many players you think that can be very good at free-kicks in a team?
    How many for corners?
    How many can be the main general performers?

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    How many players you think that can be very good at free-kicks in a team?
    How many for corners?
    How many can be the main general performers?

    The game have a stabikity, and isn't too much paranoid with these things... usually, the game select 1 single better player for FKs that performs better -even without SA- for some weeks, same for corners, I always do tests to find that man, a single one for right-left position.

    Main general performers, is way complex to explain cause it depend of the team confiiguration, if theres a 1* key player you can perfectly see how the roles I was talking about in the other thread, aren't assigned.

    So to resume what Ive experienced, you can have a single key player, performing superb -+1 goal per match, visible always-
    or, 2-3 high contributive players, that will alternate the protagonism during the season,
    or, "0" key-high contributive players for some reason, so in that case, probably you'll feel how the matches aren't fluidly in your favour, or simply you'll miss all chances in the animations.
    This last situation is happening to me lately.

    The solutions for the last "issue" are, basically, cause Ive exerienced the same seasons ago and I resolved that problem, change formation, and check out low avQ players that are contributive to sell them, to have free roles of contribution that can be taken by the new signings.
    Last edited by khris; 10-02-2019 at 07:42 PM.

  5. #5
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Hidden Player Attributes

    All those things are only fantasy scenarios .
    I never show any post here or in fb groups that proves them except the fast and slow trainers.

  6. #6
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    Hidden Player Attributes

    All those things are only fantasy scenarios .
    I never show any post here or in fb groups that proves them except the fast and slow trainers.
    You think all players are created equally besides the difference in their displayed quality and the potential?

  7. #7
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Why some nordeus dev spending his time to create players with "hidden" attributes ?
    The players are changing anyway, from their training, changing season, adding a new sa or position, using them in different formations-orders and more

  8. #8
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    Why some nordeus dev spending his time to create players with "hidden" attributes ?
    The players are changing anyway, from their training, changing season, adding a new sa or position, using them in different formations-orders and more
    What time? The only time spent is to create and code this in the game, and it is something relatively easy to do compared to other parts of the game. They are system generated by random just like the visual profiles you can see but they are hidden ones. This system exist in other football management games, hence my post here and the question about if such things are present in this game too.
    Last edited by Tactician; 10-03-2019 at 01:35 PM.

  9. #9
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    Why some nordeus dev spending his time to create players with "hidden" attributes ?
    The players are changing anyway, from their training, changing season, adding a new sa or position, using them in different formations-orders and more
    Hidden attributes and internal calibrations/limitations of potential are what makes 2 players different from each other, and that's what creates the realism here in T11 lands xD

  10. #10
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    Hidden attributes and internal calibrations/limitations of potential are what makes 2 players different from each other, and that's what creates the realism here in T11 lands xD
    Clearly, there have been differences in performances between players of the same position, same age and almost same visual quality, and there must be something that govern this. What makes it even more noticeable is when the weaker players perform better, not only in the short term, but in the long term as well, in the same position compared to the visually higher quality ones. There might be something like form which changes more frequently (short term effect), but there is good possibility of less dynamic (more fixed) hidden factors assigned to players which what seperates a good player from a bad one.
    Last edited by Tactician; 10-03-2019 at 01:38 PM.

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