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Thread: Forum Challenge Season 125 - Assists Challenge

  1. #31
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
    Prof , #GHPCBK

    Forum Challenge Season 125 - Assists Challenge-screenshot-1872-.jpg

    Forum Challenge Season 125 - Assists Challenge-screenshot-1873-.jpg

    “Football is born in the brain, not in the body"

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2019
    A goalkeeper? Thats Rock’n’Roll
    IImaestroII likes this.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Pangihutan Manik View Post
    Just joining the fun. My asso tag: #7TFNJO

    Attachment 130782Attachment 130783

    Changing my team:

    Forum Challenge Season 125 - Assists Challenge-screenshot_20191121-063247.jpg

    Forum Challenge Season 125 - Assists Challenge-screenshot_20191121-063240.jpg

    My Asso Tag: #7TFNJO

    Thank you...
    khris likes this.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Hi Khris, i'll have a go at this chalenge got to pretty good assistants


    Forum Challenge Season 125 - Assists Challenge-paulo-alves.jpg

    Attachment 130871
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  5. #35
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    seems this event will be my last and also last season, will stay only for asso to help friends till they not need me anymore. Too bad, my players really start to make decent number of assists but cant take anymore those disrespect to me as customer, making me idiot with false team strength in events and in same time stubborn refuse to fix wrong decisions in gameplay, you can fool some ppl some time, but cant fool all ppl all the time, so goood luck to me in this forum event
    Quote Originally Posted by gogs67 View Post
    Be better for the other forum participants if you don't bother with this, no?
    If you end up winning tokens then they won't be much use when you leave the game. I'm sure there are some here desperate for these extra tokens for next season.
    Well... that is the point I was trying to show last season. Some active game and forum users might be desperate for tokens but certain others that probably have a lot of tokens keep on participating despite that they have already came out in top 3 a lot of times and they will likely win again and again given the players and resources they have and also the way they play the game. It is like those users prevent the ones that needed more those tokens from getting them. The rich become richer and the poor, poorer. It looks like it is going to be the same this season. But like you yourself said, it is just a forum competition, and also, all users are free to participate, but maybe if there were certain rules like no user who has came out in top 3 for the last 2 or 3 consecutive seasons will be allowed to participate for a 3rd or 4th consective time, things will be more fair.

    I, myself, despite that I told I will not participate this season I feel an urge to join in just to have a chance to break this trend (more or less the same users winning) that has been going on since this new forum competition started but then some might say I am bad or think bad about me, but there is 1 day left for joining and maybe I should join. After all, why should I not join given that they been joining every season?

    Khris, if suppose I join and I win, can my reward be sent to someone else from the forum itself? If not, maybe I will just buy a jersey or an emblem from the shop and send to someone on the poor side here.

    (Greed is in the nature of human being; it among human imperfections.)
    Last edited by Tactician; 11-21-2019 at 05:20 PM.

  6. #36
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    Well... that is the point I was trying to show last season. Some active game and forum users might be desperate for tokens but certain others that probably have a lot of tokens keep on participating despite that they have already came out in top 3 a lot of times and they will likely win again and again given the players and resources they have and also the way they play the game. It is like those users prevent the ones that needed more those tokens from getting them. The rich become richer and the poor, poorer. It looks like it is going to be the same this season. But like you yourself said, it is just a forum competition, and also, all users are free to participate, but maybe if there were certain rules like no user who has came out in top 3 for the last 2 or 3 consecutive seasons will be allowed to participate for a 3rd or 4th consective time, things will be more fair.

    I, myself, despite that I told I will not participate this season I feel an urge to join in just to have a chance to break this trend (more or less the same users winning) that has been going on since this new forum competition started but then some might say I am bad or think bad about me, but there is 1 day left for joining and maybe I should join. After all, why should I not join given that they been joining every season?

    Khris, if suppose I join and I win, can my reward be sent to someone else from the forum itself? If not, maybe I will just buy a logo or emblem from the shop and send to someone on the poor side here.

    (Greed is in the nature of human being; it among human imperfections.)
    If you reject it, basically I will move the rewards one position, so I'll check out who's 4th.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Forum Challenge Season 125 - Assists Challenge-top-eleven-assist-1-2-.jpgForum Challenge Season 125 - Assists Challenge-top-eleven-assist-1-3-.jpgClick image for larger version. 

Name:	Top eleven assist 1 (2).jpg 
Views:	31 
Size:	95.1 KB 
ID:	130873Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Top eleven assist 1 (3).jpg 
Views:	29 
Size:	94.0 KB 
ID:	130874

    I will have a try

    Clubname : KingsOnly
    Asso tag : #XUWORK
    Player 1 :Alvaro Gonzalez
    Player 2 : Francesco Romanin

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    The other player that i couldn't fit in the first post :S

    Forum Challenge Season 125 - Assists Challenge-simon-healy.jpg

    He's the one with the better chance

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Forum Challenge Season 125 - Assists
    Forum Challenge Season 125 - Assists

  10. #40
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    I m having a big dilema to work with:
    my AMR has 11 assists in 24 games, but he is soon followed by my ST with 9 and my AMC with 8.
    he hasn t assisted in over 5 games, but i think i ll keep sticking with him, hopefully he will soon recover his form.
    I m still around, LOL!

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